Jan Brewer expected to veto AZ gay hate bill

No, you stupid shit, you don't deny them the purchase of their toys.

This bill isn't about that kind of thing. How would one tell that someone buying regular merchandise is a queer? That is not the point, dumbfuck.

If the customer asks you to provide a service you think immoral, like catering a gay bath house, the vetoed bill would have allowed you to legally say, sorry, don't provide service to gay bath-houses.

You libtards are so fucking stupid it is just mythical proportions, really.

roflmao, Gracie negged me for this post, lol, like I give a shit what that moron thinks.


Yep. I sure did. Cuz you ...as a...cough cough..."christian"...lost it and resorted to name calling. Who wins now? Certainly not you. :)

Oh, did I use taboo words that made you get a shot of the vapors?

lol, shut the fuck up you stupid ass.

There is nothing unChristian about so-called 'cuss words'. It is all Protestant bullshit.
Ok, so for religious purposed, they don't want to do business with the gay community. Um. How do they know if someone is gay? .


For example, suppose someone goes to a Church based banner printing business and asked them to make a big banner for a gay orgy that said 'Free Butt Fucks over here!'

by this law, the business could not say no, that would be discrimination, derp.

Open the door and step out of the closet!!!!!​

Lol, more of the 'opponents of homosexuality must be gay' slander.

As long as your pervs breed yourselves out of the population and libtards abort themselves out, I could not give a shit.

I want to dissuade moral people from your diabolical lies that matter. You and your filth are lost and not worth my time.
Her reasoning is hilarious.

$$ over e'rrthang, America the Corporatocracy

I think Jan Brewer is just using that as an excuse. Appealing to their fiscal conservative free market sense. She knew the law was bigoted intolerant shit and she was saving AZ the embarrassment.

I think most GOPs in power just pretend to be anti-gay (except Santorum and few others) -- to get to that level you have to be bright enough to know that sexual orientation is not a choice and most likely have Gays working in their offices, so they just placate their base with the b.s. "Christian" stuff.

Sexual orientation is a choice. You are patheticly gullible or just want to believe anything that gives you an excuse.
Ok, so for religious purposed, they don't want to do business with the gay community. Um. How do they know if someone is gay? .


For example, suppose someone goes to a Church based banner printing business and asked them to make a big banner for a gay orgy that said 'Free Butt Fucks over here!'

by this law, the business could not say no, that would be discrimination, derp.

But...Jim would be ok with a straight person going to a church based banner printing business (whatever the heck THAT is) and asked them to make a big banner for a straight orgy. :D

Actually, no, I am OK with the printer turning that down too, if it violates their conscience.

But straight swingers are not yet organized into a political entity under the current Identity Politics paradigm. So it isn't really an issue.

Your pretense of not understanding my meaning is pretty transparent, but why you think pretending to be stupid is some kind of persuasive rebuttal is mysterious.

I think you are doing little more than making feeble cheers for your side that do more to reinforce your opponents than it helps your fellow pervs.
Those for businesses to discriminate against gays...got a question for ya.

Biz is slow. REAL slow. Customers come in to gawk or do the Tourist Stomp (which means they wander in all the shops but are just looky loos), and rent is due. So are utilities. You need tape for the register, need to order bags and receipt books, pay employee(s). In short...times are tough. You pray for a miracle..that better days are head.

So God answers your prayer cuz a gay couple just walked in and want to buy that item that is priced at $3995.00. They also will take item B that is priced at 459.00 because it goes so well with the 3993 buck item. They are so thrilled with their purchases, they tell each other they will tell Bob and Jim, Mike and Donny, Mary and Susan.

Now..whatchagonnado? Tell them they are gay and therefore you don't want their money OR their friends to come in? Really? God just answered your prayer. You now have some high spending customers with friends with more money. Yet..they are gay. So...nope. You will shut your doors down first.


No, you stupid shit, you don't deny them the purchase of their toys.

This bill isn't about that kind of thing. How would one tell that someone buying regular merchandise is a queer? That is not the point, dumbfuck.

If the customer asks you to provide a service you think immoral, like catering a gay bath house, the vetoed bill would have allowed you to legally say, sorry, don't provide service to gay bath-houses.

You libtards are so fucking stupid it is just mythical proportions, really.

What’s sad and telling is this is actually the hateful America most conservatives wish to live in.

Well we have to live with yours and the people like you hate, so what difference
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No, you stupid shit, you don't deny them the purchase of their toys.

This bill isn't about that kind of thing. How would one tell that someone buying regular merchandise is a queer? That is not the point, dumbfuck.

If the customer asks you to provide a service you think immoral, like catering a gay bath house, the vetoed bill would have allowed you to legally say, sorry, don't provide service to gay bath-houses.

You libtards are so fucking stupid it is just mythical proportions, really.

What’s sad and telling is this is actually the hateful America most conservatives wish to live in.

Well we have to live yours and the people like you hate so what difference

To these ideological retards hate and racism only mean one thing; opposition to the libtard agenda.
I think everyone should have the right to hate whoever they want to hate, as long as they keep it to themselves. Open your mouth if you choose. Pass laws supporting your hatred, wrong answer.
One could just as easily say that you are backwards assed bigot thinking against Christians, and their protection under the 1st amendment. Or bigoted against those who wish to live in a culturally homogeneous (heterosexual) environment.

Should Christians also have the right to keep out Jews, on religious grounds?

Absolutely. They should have the right to keep someone out because they have an ugly face. It's no ones business but the owner of the private business who he choses to and not to serve or exchange with. It's really that simple.

LOLberals like Jillian would have a cow if a story popped up in which the KKK went to an african american's bakery for a celebritory cake that read "We Hate N***ers". and she would certainly not want to force that black man to make that cake. but when the shoe is on the other foot....oh, nevermind. LOLberals are hypocrites. it's the default position.

Well no.

The only thing "private" about business is the profit.

Government regulates just about everything else about it. And with good reason.

People are greedy and capricious.

This didn't happen overnight either. It was an evolutionary process.

Lots of people had to die before the government realized that private business couldn't be left to the whims of business owners.

Pick up a book sometime. It's really interesting stuff.
Should Christians also have the right to keep out Jews, on religious grounds?

Absolutely. They should have the right to keep someone out because they have an ugly face. It's no ones business but the owner of the private business who he choses to and not to serve or exchange with. It's really that simple.

LOLberals like Jillian would have a cow if a story popped up in which the KKK went to an african american's bakery for a celebritory cake that read "We Hate N***ers". and she would certainly not want to force that black man to make that cake. but when the shoe is on the other foot....oh, nevermind. LOLberals are hypocrites. it's the default position.

Well no.

The only thing "private" about business is the profit.

Government regulates just about everything else about it. And with good reason.

People are greedy and capricious.

This didn't happen overnight either. It was an evolutionary process.

Lots of people had to die before the government realized that private business couldn't be left to the whims of business owners.

Pick up a book sometime. It's really interesting stuff.

Oh really?

What war was this?
I think everyone should have the right to hate whoever they want to hate, as long as they keep it to themselves. Open your mouth if you choose. Pass laws supporting your hatred, wrong answer.


Where is the hate in letting people follow their individual beliefs and not being forced by threat of lawsuit to do what they believe to be wrong?

The hate is all on the veto side, Mud.
One could just as easily say that you are backwards assed bigot thinking against Christians, and their protection under the 1st amendment. Or bigoted against those who wish to live in a culturally homogeneous (heterosexual) environment.

Should Christians also have the right to keep out Jews, on religious grounds?

Read the bill, dude.


Your question is irrelevant since the law doesn't support that unless the Jew was doing something the owner regarded as immoral and wanted to hire them to participate.
like that chick-fil worked out so well for you all

frikken fascist

this is the reason states and business is feeling threatened

you know what... "states and businesses" don't feel threatened. bigots feel threatened.

and I don't much care what bigots think. I care about equal protection under the law... your ability to discriminate doesn't extend to denying basic services to entire groups of people for no legitimate reason.

You do not have the right to someone elses services or products. The fact that you think you do lets me know you hate freedom and private property.

Exactly, but I do hate RINOs and libtards, that is for sure.
like that chick-fil worked out so well for you all

frikken fascist

this is the reason states and business is feeling threatened

you know what... "states and businesses" don't feel threatened. bigots feel threatened.

and I don't much care what bigots think. I care about equal protection under the law... your ability to discriminate doesn't extend to denying basic services to entire groups of people for no legitimate reason.

So if you're for equal protection under the law, then you ought to be for equal protection for Christians who feel that doing business with homosexuals is denying them their rights - by having to participate in a homosexual activity ( a wedding for instance)

She is not for equal anything. That is just her pose to cover her real goal; promotion of perversion and rewarding political allies.

nothing more, nothing less and nothing, not even Constitutional rights or freedom will dissuade her and her ilk.
Absolutely. They should have the right to keep someone out because they have an ugly face. It's no ones business but the owner of the private business who he choses to and not to serve or exchange with. It's really that simple.

LOLberals like Jillian would have a cow if a story popped up in which the KKK went to an african american's bakery for a celebritory cake that read "We Hate N***ers". and she would certainly not want to force that black man to make that cake. but when the shoe is on the other foot....oh, nevermind. LOLberals are hypocrites. it's the default position.

Well no.

The only thing "private" about business is the profit.

Government regulates just about everything else about it. And with good reason.

People are greedy and capricious.

This didn't happen overnight either. It was an evolutionary process.

Lots of people had to die before the government realized that private business couldn't be left to the whims of business owners.

Pick up a book sometime. It's really interesting stuff.

Oh really?

What war was this?

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you folks celebrate the deaths of Americans when your heroes kill them.

In fact..you folks apologize when the government takes action.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDwUC3utq-8]Barton apologizes to BP - YouTube[/ame]

BP killed 11 Americans.

But it was Obama involved in a "shakedown".

You guys are real pearls.
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer expected to veto anti-gay legislation: report

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is expected to veto a controversial bill that would allow business owners to deny service to gays and lesbians, NBC News reported Monday.

The divisive legislation, named Senate Bill 1062, would allow the denial of service on account of religious beliefs that are “sincerely held” by business owners.

Brewer will veto the bill because she "doesn't want to take any actions that could jeopardize the economic momentum" in Arizona, a source told NBC News.

The Arizona legislature passed the bill last week and sent it to Brewer, even as critics denounced it as blatantly discriminatory.

Read more: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer expected to veto anti-gay legislation: report - NY Daily News

Why would a gay want to do business with someone that doesn't want to do business with them?

Liberals are all about free choice, except when it comes to homosexuality. .

Libtards are not about free choice for anything that opposes their agenda.

Genuine liberals are few and far between these days, and these libtards are not liberals, they just hide behind the word.
I look forward to the day what you opponents of freedom of association and private proeprty will say when an African American is charged with making a "We Hate N***ers" celebratory cake for the KKK. I mean, the baker should not have the right to refuse the business.

Once again, people show just how hypocritical they truly are. It makes me wonder if it's simply stupidity, or if they are just shameless about it.
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