Jan Brewer expected to veto AZ gay hate bill

Well no.

The only thing "private" about business is the profit.

Government regulates just about everything else about it. And with good reason.

People are greedy and capricious.

This didn't happen overnight either. It was an evolutionary process.

Lots of people had to die before the government realized that private business couldn't be left to the whims of business owners.

Pick up a book sometime. It's really interesting stuff.

Oh really?

What war was this?

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you folks celebrate the deaths of Americans when your heroes kill them.

In fact..you folks apologize when the government takes action.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDwUC3utq-8]Barton apologizes to BP - YouTube[/ame]

BP killed 11 Americans.

But it was Obama involved in a "shakedown".

You guys are real pearls.

Barton does not speak for all conservatives or anyone other than himself.

BP is a money grubbing profits-above-all-else disgrace to capitalism. They should be dismantled and the parts auctioned off to the highest bidder.

But they are typical of British attitude about doing business around the globe reminiscent of the Opium wars; our customers in host nations are not worth shit, just make money off them.

It is a shame that so many Americans like Romney are following that beastly bidness model.
One could just as easily say that you are backwards assed bigot thinking against Christians, and their protection under the 1st amendment. Or bigoted against those who wish to live in a culturally homogeneous (heterosexual) environment.

Should Christians also have the right to keep out Jews, on religious grounds?

Read the bill, dude.


Your question is irrelevant since the law doesn't support that unless the Jew was doing something the owner regarded as immoral and wanted to hire them to participate.

Read the bill? Why would anyone do that when they can simply latch on to a hilariously inaccurate meme and run with it to the point people are actually protesting in the streets.


We have to face the fact that people are fuckin' stupid, and dangerously so in large groups. Never underestimate the power of stupid in large groups.
Should Christians also have the right to keep out Jews, on religious grounds?

Read the bill, dude.


Your question is irrelevant since the law doesn't support that unless the Jew was doing something the owner regarded as immoral and wanted to hire them to participate.

Read the bill? Why would anyone do that when they can simply latch on to a hilariously inaccurate meme and run with it to the point people are actually protesting in the streets.


We have to face the fact that people are fuckin' stupid, and dangerously so in large groups. Never underestimate the power of stupid in large groups.

I hear you. It amazes me that so many conservatives think capitalism means selling your primary industry instead of just the products, lol. But conservatives jump to the defense of job and heavy industry export like its gonna make this country wealthy and powerful again stripping us down to mere pastures and farmland again.
The only thing "private" about business is the profit.
You're full of crap. The government doesn't own any aspect of my business.
Government regulates just about everything else about it. And with good reason.
Horseshit. I make the decisions, the guy down the road in the same business makes different decisions. All legal. Like I told the other genius, regulations roads and cars doesn't mean it's the governments.
People are greedy and capricious.

This didn't happen overnight either. It was an evolutionary process.
Really? They just recently became greedy? How do you define greed? If they refuse to turn over their profits so you can spend it the way you see fit?
Lots of people had to die before the government realized that private business couldn't be left to the whims of business owners.

Pick up a book sometime. It's really interesting stuff.
What book? The Communist Manifesto?
Well no.

The only thing "private" about business is the profit.

Government regulates just about everything else about it. And with good reason.

People are greedy and capricious.

This didn't happen overnight either. It was an evolutionary process.

Lots of people had to die before the government realized that private business couldn't be left to the whims of business owners.

Pick up a book sometime. It's really interesting stuff.

Oh really?

What war was this?

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you folks celebrate the deaths of Americans when your heroes kill them.

In fact..you folks apologize when the government takes action.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDwUC3utq-8]Barton apologizes to BP - YouTube[/ame]

BP killed 11 Americans.

But it was Obama involved in a "shakedown".

You guys are real pearls.

BP isn't our guys dumb-ass.

BTW, when did an accident become murder?
Oh really?

What war was this?

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you folks celebrate the deaths of Americans when your heroes kill them.

In fact..you folks apologize when the government takes action.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDwUC3utq-8]Barton apologizes to BP - YouTube[/ame]

BP killed 11 Americans.

But it was Obama involved in a "shakedown".

You guys are real pearls.

BP isn't our guys dumb-ass.

BTW, when did an accident become murder?

I think he means negligent homicide.
Check out the states still opting for the same type of law.

Arizona's anti-gay bill veto unlikely to end 'religious freedom' fight - CNN.com

Any time you are on the side of MS you may want to rethink if you are doing the right thing.

Promoting religious freedom and freedom of conscience is the right thing; nobody has to use your ideological loops to figure anything out, fascist.

Religious freedom trampling on the rights of others has nothing to do with freedom. Why dont you retards understand that?
Check out the states still opting for the same type of law.

Arizona's anti-gay bill veto unlikely to end 'religious freedom' fight - CNN.com

Any time you are on the side of MS you may want to rethink if you are doing the right thing.

Promoting religious freedom and freedom of conscience is the right thing; nobody has to use your ideological loops to figure anything out, fascist.

Religious freedom trampling on the rights of others has nothing to do with freedom. Why dont you retards understand that?

You do not have the right to force people to engage in your evil.

Why don't you retards understand that?
"private" business cannot avoid public accommodation laws


Which, as with any law trying to make discrimintation illegal, is a violation of the first ammendment. FACT!

Nope, fact.

The first ammendment provides for freedom of assembly. That is the right to associate with whomever you choose (or choose not to). Obviously a law that makes you associate with someone you would rather not, violates that right.
they don't care if they run a business out...all they care about is forcing themselves (they are so special) on everyone in this country

Walgreens and Greyhound bus company did not close down when civil rights laws where passed requiring Walgreens, Greyhound and others to accomodate all Americans.

Why would any business, who believes they have a faithright to discriminate, are told..No You Dont...shut down?
they don't care if they run a business out...all they care about is forcing themselves (they are so special) on everyone in this country

Walgreens and Greyhound bus company did not close down when civil rights laws where passed requiring Walgreens, Greyhound and others to accomodate all Americans.

Why would any business, who believes they have a faithright to discriminate, are told..No You Dont...shut down?

Public accommodations laws don't violate any one's "faithright."
I look forward to the day what you opponents of freedom of association and private proeprty will say when an African American is charged with making a "We Hate N***ers" celebratory cake for the KKK. I mean, the baker should not have the right to refuse the business.

Of course they can refuse, just as anyone can refuse to bake an obscene cake, no matter whether a gay or straight person asks for the obscene cake.

You can always refuse to do objectionable things. You just have to be consistent. If you'll sell a service to a straight person or white person, you have to sell the same service to a black person or gay person. Being offended at blackness or gayness is not an excuse.
No one has any right to my property or service. Whether it's because I do not like their pants, the color of their skin or the things they do in their bedroom.
No one has any right to my property or service. Whether it's because I do not like their pants, the color of their skin or the things they do in their bedroom.

That is a proper argument. But should others refuse you services like elctricity, natural gas, fire and police protection based on your beliefs?

Could public utilities and municipal services ban you from service? Do they have the right to do the same for you?
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Which, as with any law trying to make discrimintation illegal, is a violation of the first ammendment. FACT!

Nope, fact.

The first ammendment provides for freedom of assembly. That is the right to associate with whomever you choose (or choose not to). Obviously a law that makes you associate with someone you would rather not, violates that right.

(1) to freedom of assembly means politically

(2) commercially that is covered by public accommodation laws

(3) no one is saying you cannot privately associate with anyone you want, even if it includes the devil or a tea party member

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