Jane Fonda has a unique perspective on why we have global warming... sorry I mean climate crises


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Wait for it..... raaaccism.
And then when asked - "how did you get there thinking that?
She answers with some non sensical word salad nonsense that makes absolutely zero sense.
And the other guests... just nod there heads like good little parrots.

She is correct about where polluting corporations do their dirty work, it often is near people of color. Louisiana is a good example, but you can find it in North Carolina, Chicago, cities and states all across America.

Of course, we would still have a climate crisis from fossil fuels regardless, because they are still going to find a location for these corporations, so she is incorrect it wouldn't be ongoing without racism.
She could have been a well reasoned voice for great causes.
Instead, she had to be a maverick in order for her to look even more brave and "honorable" --- but did so for all the wrong reasons.
This latest little diatribe is the dumbest one yet. . . And yet, the lefties around her won't say a peep about how dumb and embarrassing it is.
I remember racist Jane mocking American Indians with the Tomahawk Chop when Ted owned the Atlanta Braves...
download (14).jpeg

Even the Peanut farmer joined in.

White privilege on full display.
Why should they? Did anyone ever say a peep to Trump?
Yes, actually ---- quite a bit and quite often. . We are not afraid to admit to Trump's flaws because we can see them. . But his ideas and initiatives were terrific for Americans, but your loser party is not in it for helping Americans, they are in it for power and control at any cost.
Wait for it..... raaaccism.
And then when asked - "how did you get there thinking that?
She answers with some non sensical word salad nonsense that makes absolutely zero sense.
And the other guests... just nod there heads like good little parrots.

/——/ Next week it will be Climate Emergency.
I remember racist Jane mocking American Indians with the Tomahawk Chop when Ted owned the Atlanta Braves...
View attachment 751954
Even the Peanut farmer joined in.

White privilege on full display.
Good, I hate that crap. It's racist and incorrect and I just hate all that stupid noise in the background there and Florida State etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera
She shouldn't have had the pictures taken at that anti aircraft gun, but she was right that was the worst war until the Republicans with Reagan and Bushes. really covered themselves with glory lol. And that was back when the FBI was really weaponized by Nixon and campaigns were run against Fonda John Lennon Buffy St. Marie you name it. Hoover was a pure scumbag and so was Nixon for that matter.

And my college Hobart college in spring of 1970, we caught an FBI Agent Provocateur who got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office and he was supposedly also at Kent State when they burned down their ROTC building. Nixon and Hoover were not interested in any investigation of that....

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