January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

And I showed you the law you're talking about doesn't differentiate between thd Supreme Court building and a private resident. Still, the Supreme Court ruled people have a First Amendment right to protest on a public sidewalk. That's why no one was arrested. Those who are smarter than you knew such charges would never stick.
SCOTUS did not say 18 USC 871 was unconstitutional
OK, you be you.
But, me...and I imagine, many others....would demur to your assertion.
The policeman has been cleared. It is officially over.

In fact, we think the poster Oldstyle is hyperventilating.

This Babbitt discussion is now as dead as Babbitt herself.

Poster Oldestyle may wish to keep breathing life into her cold corpse.....but that's on him.
And a heedless disdain for the family of the slain woman.

Oldstyle: "And yet not a single politician had a single hair on their head touched?"

But look what it took to protect our legislators. The savage beating and injuring of over 140 Capitol police.
And who's fault was it that the Capitol building was so woefully unprotected that the protest was allowed to turn violent?
That Capitol Police Officer will have to live with the knowledge that he executed an unarmed protester who hadn't harmed a single person and he was the ONLY law enforcement officer there that day that panicked and shot someone! Saying the discussion about Babbitt is "dead" is what shows "heedless disdain" for Babbitt's family!
How can the "police loving" repubs sit there and support a man that...for over three hours...watched as police in the US Capitol were attacked and battered? All the while, he knew and everyone around him knew, that he could stop the violence with one Tweet. The Giant Piece of Feces refused and watched with glee and the mob ransacked the US Capitol and while his VP who stood beside him for four year was hiding to prevent the mob from "hanging" him?

OK, you be you.
But, me...and I imagine, many others....would demur to your assertion.
The policeman has been cleared. It is officially over.

In fact, we think the poster Oldstyle is hyperventilating.

This Babbitt discussion is now as dead as Babbitt herself.

Poster Oldestyle may wish to keep breathing life into her cold corpse.....but that's on him.
And a heedless disdain for the family of the slain woman.

Oldstyle: "And yet not a single politician had a single hair on their head touched?"

But look what it took to protect our legislators. The savage beating and injuring of over 140 Capitol police.
And don't forget Brian Sicknick. He died from wounds inflicted by the trump incited mob. If trump is not indicted for a crime, then Garland has no balls at all and should be fired.
So you're claiming that you can "intimidate" judges as long as you do it from the sidewalk? That's laughable. There is only one reason why those protesters weren't arrested...it's because the Merrick Garland led Biden Justice Department has a blatant double standard when it comes to enforcement of the law.
In addition to Garland being a petulant little bitch and trying to get revenge for not being allowed on the Court.
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OK, you be you.
But, me...and I imagine, many others....would demur to your assertion.
The policeman has been cleared. It is officially over.

In fact, we think the poster Oldstyle is hyperventilating.

This Babbitt discussion is now as dead as Babbitt herself.

Poster Oldestyle may wish to keep breathing life into her cold corpse.....but that's on him.
And a heedless disdain for the family of the slain woman.

Oldstyle: "And yet not a single politician had a single hair on their head touched?"

But look what it took to protect our legislators. The savage beating and injuring of over 140 Capitol police.
Oldstyle went directly to the GQP playbook with a "whatabout BLM"? :laugh: After the next classroom full of children are murdered we`ll hear about Chicago. We can count on it.
Oldstyle went directly to the GQP playbook with a "whatabout BLM"? :laugh: After the next classroom full of children are murdered we`ll hear about Chicago. We can count on it.
Stating what you hope will happen just proves you to be a proponent of violence without regard for the victims just continues to label you for what you are, a hate filled moron.
Stating what you hope will happen just proves you to be a proponent of violence without regard for the victims just continues to label you for what you are, a hate filled moron.
Stating what you hope will happen just proves you to be a proponent of violence without regard for the victims just continues to label you for what you are, a hate filled moron.
Where in my comment does it say I "hoped" for anything to happen. I just predicted what the gun fondlers will say after the next mass murder in a classroom. Actually, the next mass murder anywhere in this country. There will be more and only an idiot could think otherwise.
Where in my comment does it say I "hoped" for anything to happen. I just predicted what the gun fondlers will say after the next mass murder in a classroom. Actually, the next mass murder anywhere in this country. There will be more and only an idiot could think otherwise.
Thus, stating that you say it will happen. Hope for it, even. Proving you to be, dare I say it, an insurrectionist. Where is the investigation into you?

Perhaps you should think prior to stating such hateful statements. If you can actually think.
And yet not a single politician had a single hair on their head touched? That group of protesters were there to stop what they viewed to be a stolen election. They weren't there to kill. That was the excuse that was used to kill them. Can you imagine the uproar from the left if an unarmed protester at a BLM protest was shot by the Police at point blank range without warning? They'd burn down America.

Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists didn't kill any members of Congress only because of the heroic efforts by law enforcement protecting them. Thank G-d for them.
And who's fault was it that the Capitol building was so woefully unprotected that the protest was allowed to turn violent?
That Capitol Police Officer will have to live with the knowledge that he executed an unarmed protester who hadn't harmed a single person and he was the ONLY law enforcement officer there that day that panicked and shot someone! Saying the discussion about Babbitt is "dead" is what shows "heedless disdain" for Babbitt's family!


You actually think that cop is as demented as you? That mob left him no choice but to revert to lethal force to keep them out of the House chamber since there were still some lawmakers and staff holed up inside.
How can the "police loving" repubs sit there and support a man that...for over three hours...watched as police in the US Capitol were attacked and battered? All the while, he knew and everyone around him knew, that he could stop the violence with one Tweet. The Giant Piece of Feces refused and watched with glee and the mob ransacked the US Capitol and while his VP who stood beside him for four year was hiding to prevent the mob from "hanging" him?




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