January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

In addition to Garland being a petulant little bitch and trying to get revenge for not being allowed on the Court.
Garland needs to do his job and indict a man who planned an attempted inssurrection, including falsifying electors from several states, pressuring election officials to falsify voting results, and inciting a riot to delay the certification of a Constitutional

The Nazis were a cult before it was called a cult. That should concern everyone.
Show some respect for a woman who served her country in the military and thought so much about that nation that she went to the Capitol to protest what she saw as a "stolen" election! Ashli Babbitt didn't deserve to die that day. Breaking a window isn't grounds for execution and make no mistake about it...that was an execution!

She surrendered all the respect she earned when that traitorous bitch attacked the seat of our government.
And yet not a single politician had a single hair on their head touched? That group of protesters were there to stop what they viewed to be a stolen election. They weren't there to kill. That was the excuse that was used to kill them. Can you imagine the uproar from the left if an unarmed protester at a BLM protest was shot by the Police at point blank range without warning? They'd burn down America.

Bullshit they weren't there to kill. Some of them absolutely were...

Garland needs to do his job and indict a man who planned an attempted inssurrection, including falsifying electors from several states, pressuring election officials to falsify voting results, and inciting a riot to delay the certification of a Constitutional

The Nazis were a cult before it was called a cult. That should concern everyone.
Actually, Garland needs to do his job and enforce the existing laws, not just the ones he chooses to or is told to by his masters.

This "insurrection" never occurred unless you believe a couple of hundred unarmed passive protestors were invited into the building. The ones who should be prosecuted are the ones holding this phony committee. Total waste of money and have proven nothing during the entire farce.
And who's fault was it that the Capitol building was so woefully unprotected that the protest was allowed to turn violent?
That Capitol Police Officer will have to live with the knowledge that he executed an unarmed protester who hadn't harmed a single person and he was the ONLY law enforcement officer there that day that panicked and shot someone! Saying the discussion about Babbitt is "dead" is what shows "heedless disdain" for Babbitt's family!

The primary fault lies with Trump and his violent mob of thugs. After that, the fault lies with the Capitol Police Board.
Actually, Garland needs to do his job and enforce the existing laws, not just the ones he chooses to or is told to by his masters.

This "insurrection" never occurred unless you believe a couple of hundred unarmed passive protestors were invited into the building. The ones who should be prosecuted are the ones holding this phony committee. Total waste of money and have proven nothing during the entire farce.

Actually, Garland needs to do his job and enforce the existing laws, not just the ones he chooses to or is told to by his masters.

This "insurrection" never occurred unless you believe a couple of hundred unarmed passive protestors were invited into the building. The ones who should be prosecuted are the ones holding this phony committee. Total waste of money and have proven nothing during the entire farce.
Please stop lying to protect you r master. The SS told trump they were armed. And he told them....they are not here to hurt me. Let them in.

No...they were there to hang Pence and kill Congress people.

MAGA is s mental disorder....
Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists didn't kill any members of Congress only because of the heroic efforts by law enforcement protecting them. Thank G-d for them.
They were in the Capitol building. Not only didn't they kill any members of Congress...they didn't touch a hair on their heads. You can't say that for the liberal mobs that rioted all across the country...can you, Faun?

You actually think that cop is as demented as you? That mob left him no choice but to revert to lethal force to keep them out of the House chamber since there were still some lawmakers and staff holed up inside.
So let me see if I've got this straight, Faun! All of the OTHER Capitol Police officers managed to do their job of protecting members of Congress without firing a single shot at anyone...but THAT Capitol Police officer had no choice but to shoot an unarmed protester? Really? That's what you're going with?
How can the "police loving" repubs sit there and support a man that...for over three hours...watched as police in the US Capitol were attacked and battered? All the while, he knew and everyone around him knew, that he could stop the violence with one Tweet. The Giant Piece of Feces refused and watched with glee and the mob ransacked the US Capitol and while his VP who stood beside him for four year was hiding to prevent the mob from "hanging" him?

The Capitol was "ransacked"? Ah, Jim? The Capitol was open and running the very next day. There was very little damage done that day. And nobody was ever going to "hang" Mike Pence. That narrative was stupid when it was trotted out way back then and it hasn't gotten any better!
Please stop lying to protect you r master. The SS told trump they were armed. And he told them....they are not here to hurt me. Let them in.

No...they were there to hang Pence and kill Congress people.

MAGA is s mental disorder....
The real mental disorder here is the one you have.

Have you any proof of what you lie about, or is it just the lies you want to believe?

The protestors came unarmed, unlike BLM the last two years. Also, their numbers would not have allowed them to do any lasting harm, unlike the alleged guards who killed an unarmed woman. Not to mention, Pence was not in the building and those "congress people" you claim to be so worried about never came face to face with the protestors.

Next time you make up a lie, at least try to make it believable. Not like this.
The real mental disorder here is the one you have.

Have you any proof of what you lie about, or is it just the lies you want to believe?

The protestors came unarmed, unlike BLM the last two years. Also, their numbers would not have allowed them to do any lasting harm, unlike the alleged guards who killed an unarmed woman. Not to mention, Pence was not in the building and those "congress people" you claim to be so worried about never came face to face with the protestors.

Next time you make up a lie, at least try to make it believable. Not like this.
Can't argue with a hopeless cult member....bye
Thus, stating that you say it will happen. Hope for it, even. Proving you to be, dare I say it, an insurrectionist. Where is the investigation into you?

Perhaps you should think prior to stating such hateful statements. If you can actually think.
I`ll say it again for you. There will be more mass shootings and only an idiot would think otherwise.
Can't argue with a hopeless cult member....bye
And another brave liar who, when he can't provide proof of his assertions whines, cuts and runs.

But at least he did admit that he is a hopeless cult member .
I`ll say it again for you. There will be more mass shootings and only an idiot would think otherwise.
Only an idiot (you)would hope for that and cheer it on to try for political points.

You are in no danger of being involved however. It requires action and commitment to be involved, either one of which you lack.
I`ll say it again for you. There will be more mass shootings and only an idiot would think otherwise.
O am sorry to say that you are right. There will be more school shooting, more mall killings, and more crazies with guns. It has become a game. Anywhere that great numbers of people congregate, there will be people, with their ARs and 30 shot clips who will kill innocent people. It is totally out of control....but....


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