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January 6 Was Not A Coup

So what was the fact his words were more abrasive and direct than anything Trump ever said.
That is not a fact you are therefore a liar.

Schumer has no connection to the nutjob gunman.

Trump has a direct connection to John Eastman and the 84 republican fake electors plot to commit post-election fraud.
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“Eastman’s proposal, by contrast, contemplate an extended recess of the joint session to allow State legislatures to investigate the election and to vote on which slate of electors to certify,” Jacob noted.

Sounds like Obstruction of Congress & fraud.
Schumer meant political price and supports strict gun laws.

Trump sent Eastman to commit the following specific crime of election fraud in seven states.

Eastman spent the final weeks before Jan. 6 agitating for Republican-controlled legislatures in a handful of states won by Biden to appoint their own competing slate of electors.​
In that scenario, Eastman posited, Pence would be required to consider these “dueling” slates. But no state legislature agreed to follow Eastman’s advice. Instead, pro-Trump activists met and sent their own uncertified slates of electors to Congress, but without the blessing or backing of any legislature or governor.

Without that certification, Eastman began pushing Pence to adopt a different tactic: delay. He urged Pence to declare the results in a handful of states to be in dispute and to recess the joint session of Congress until those legislatures could resolve the controversy.​
So when you do whataboutism Ray you need to come up with a Democrat committing some type of crime.

Trump openly admitted that he pressured Pence to commit election fraud when he said this.

"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" Trump said.
No results in any state was in dispute and Trump had no reason to say they were. The fraud was the fake electors created to give Pence the justification to derail the counting of electors by fraudulently not counting the seven states and decjarexTrumo the winner based on the fraud by the President he served under.​

The problem now is in those states where their legislators passed laws allowing the state legislature to decide which candidate should get their electoral votes. Meaning the insidious plan that failed them in 2020 could work for them in 2024.

I've always been a proponent of the Electoral college, but the right has bastardized it now to the point it can be used reprehensibly to overturn the will of the people. It's time to amend the Constitution and let the national popular vote pick the president.
That is not a fact you are therefore a liar.

Schumer has no connection to the nutjob gunman.

Trump has a direct connection to John Eastman and the 84 republican fake electors plot to commit post-election fraud.

Shoemaker has more of a connection to the SC riot and the Kavanaugh planned assassination than Trump had to the Capital break in. If they try to make any case against Trump, the new Republican Congress next year will do the same with that skuzzy NY loser.
Schumer meant political price and supports strict gun laws.

Trump sent Eastman to commit the following specific crime of election fraud in seven states.

Eastman spent the final weeks before Jan. 6 agitating for Republican-controlled legislatures in a handful of states won by Biden to appoint their own competing slate of electors.​
In that scenario, Eastman posited, Pence would be required to consider these “dueling” slates. But no state legislature agreed to follow Eastman’s advice. Instead, pro-Trump activists met and sent their own uncertified slates of electors to Congress, but without the blessing or backing of any legislature or governor.

Without that certification, Eastman began pushing Pence to adopt a different tactic: delay. He urged Pence to declare the results in a handful of states to be in dispute and to recess the joint session of Congress until those legislatures could resolve the controversy.​
So when you do whataboutism Ray you need to come up with a Democrat committing some type of crime.

Trump openly admitted that he pressured Pence to commit election fraud when he said this.

"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" Trump said.
No results in any state was in dispute and Trump had no reason to say they were. The fraud was the fake electors created to give Pence the justification to derail the counting of electors by fraudulently not counting the seven states and decjarexTrumo the winner based on the fraud by the President he served under.​

So what? Trump said, Trump said, Trump said. Who gives a fuck what Trump said?
So what was the fact his words were more abrasive and direct than anything Trump ever said. Did you see the crowd beating on the doors of the Supreme Court when Kavanaugh was getting sworn in? All this over the many clown shows the Communists put on to piss the people off, and the entire Ford accusations were found to be complete bullshit. That didn't matter to the commies.
So sad you're so wrong about so many things.

Notably, the letter said that the tip line for Kavanaugh’s investigation received over 4,500 tips — and that this was the first time the bureau had set up such a line. In the letter, Assistant FBI Director Jill Tyson said the tips were provided to the Office of White House Counsel, prompting concern that those tips may have been dismissed or underinvestigated by the Trump administration as it sought to install Kavanaugh on the court.
So sad you're so wrong about so many things.

Notably, the letter said that the tip line for Kavanaugh’s investigation received over 4,500 tips — and that this was the first time the bureau had set up such a line. In the letter, Assistant FBI Director Jill Tyson said the tips were provided to the Office of White House Counsel, prompting concern that those tips may have been dismissed or underinvestigated by the Trump administration as it sought to install Kavanaugh on the court.
Don't you get it? Kavanaugh's nomination wasn't about having a qualified judge on the bench. It was about two things. His willingness to mislead senators regarding his position on Roe, and his opinion of the unitary executive given Trump's tendency to do things that warranted impeachment.
You're dementia worsens. I never once said Trump committed seditious conspiracy in 2016. :cuckoo:

Talking about your overall TDS, dippy.

Asking your opinion on anything Trump is like asking PETA to cook you a brisket.
So sad you're so wrong about so many things.

Notably, the letter said that the tip line for Kavanaugh’s investigation received over 4,500 tips — and that this was the first time the bureau had set up such a line. In the letter, Assistant FBI Director Jill Tyson said the tips were provided to the Office of White House Counsel, prompting concern that those tips may have been dismissed or underinvestigated by the Trump administration as it sought to install Kavanaugh on the court.

Such utter bullshit. She delayed the hearing because she said thanks to Kavanaugh, she couldn't fly since the attack and had to drive from California. When she got there she was asked how, and under oath, she said she flew to Washington. Then her ex boyfriend came out and told stories how the two if them used to fly around on those prop planes (the most dangerous) all the time when they were in Hawaii.

She said because of the supposed attempted rape, she couldn't be in any building with only one door. Then they posted a picture of her Hawaiian home. Guess what? Only one door on the structure. One of her former students said he didn't even recognize her when she testified. He never heard her talk in that pathetic way before. Of course we don't know if he was telling the truth since she scrubbed anything about her off social media and the internet. Well......except that one picture of her wearing a pussy hat at a rally.

She said she couldn't remember the street or house where this supposed incident took place. Unfortunately for her she constructed her lie around current times. She's just a few years younger than me. I can tell you for a fact we didn't have cell phones back then like kids do today. So she expected us to believe she was attacked, left the house, ran out the front door, and called somebody to pick her up, again she can't seem to remember who. How convenient. Since there were no cell phones, she would have had to use another phone since she supposedly ran out of the house and didn't use the one there. Okay, what phone did she use? Did she knock on a neighbors door, go to a convenient store or gas station to use a payphone? And if she did, how did she give instructions to where she was at to be picked up if she didn't know where she was at herself?

They found the people that were supposedly at that party including a close friend of hers. They all said there was no such party and they have no idea WTF she's talking about. She claim she ran into Mark Judge, the other guy with Kavanaugh at the time. She said she ran into him where he worked at a grocery store. Well gee, if she was lying, how would she know he worked there? Probably because he had a book published where he wrote where he worked. And of course, stated he never ran into her at the store.
So what? Trump said, Trump said, Trump said. Who gives a fuck what Trump said?
I do. When Trump said this:

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.” And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

I give a fuck. Trump was saying that he was going to throw out my vote against the son of a bitch fascist that he is and make fascists like you Ray “the happiest people” . . . . You would’ve been a “happiest fascist person” if Pence agreed to commit the fraud that Trump pressured Pence to commit and Trump wins a second term - wouldn’t you Ray? you are a fascist until you condemn Trump for what he did.
Shoemaker has more of a connection to the SC riot and the Kavanaugh planned assassination than Trump had to the Capital break in.
Trump’s fake electors fraud crime is separate from any crimes that may connect him to his supporters assault on the Capitol that ignited because Pence refused to create the internal chaos that Trump wanted.

Schumer had no connection to anything that happened at Kavanaugh’s House or at the SC. Absolutely nothing.
Who gives a fuck what Trump said?

Trump’s words: “"I don't fucking care. They're not here to hurt me. They can march to the Capitol from here." (With him)

To answer your question Ray, Any American who believes the virtuous and righteous army or side won:
THe Battle of Saratoga in October 1777;
The Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863;
D-Day invasion at Normandy June 1944
The Battle on Capitol Hill on Jan 6 2021.

Which side are you on Ray?
America or King George?
America or Jefferson Davis?
America or Adolf Hitler?
America or Donald Trump?

The Battle on Capitol Hill was the visible and physical part of Trump’s multi-pronged, multi-month effort to overturn the certified election that he decisively lost.

Trump and his aides lawyers and supporters were involved. Trump conspired with many to overturn the election using fake electors and he pressured Mike Pence to be part of that fraud.

When that failed, Trump wanted to lead and support armed, riled up and angry people to go to the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power to the winner. When he was told that the crowd outside the Ellipse didn't want to go into the secure rally area because they didn't want to give up their weapons — he responded, "I don't fucking care. They're not here to hurt me. They can march to the Capitol from here." Trump wanted an armed torch and pitchfork militia to escort him into the Capitol, not stay outside. To do what?

A great deal of information is already known about Donald Trump and his confederates' coup attempt, and about their escalating campaign to end American democracy.​
Nonetheless, there remain many unconfirmed rumors, unanswered questions, unexplained details and a variety of secrets not yet forced out into the light.​
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Such utter bullshit. She delayed the hearing because she said thanks to Kavanaugh, she couldn't fly since the attack and had to drive from California. When she got there she was asked how, and under oath, she said she flew to Washington. Then her ex boyfriend came out and told stories how the two if them used to fly around on those prop planes (the most dangerous) all the time when they were in Hawaii.

She said because of the supposed attempted rape, she couldn't be in any building with only one door. Then they posted a picture of her Hawaiian home. Guess what? Only one door on the structure. One of her former students said he didn't even recognize her when she testified. He never heard her talk in that pathetic way before. Of course we don't know if he was telling the truth since she scrubbed anything about her off social media and the internet. Well......except that one picture of her wearing a pussy hat at a rally.

She said she couldn't remember the street or house where this supposed incident took place. Unfortunately for her she constructed her lie around current times. She's just a few years younger than me. I can tell you for a fact we didn't have cell phones back then like kids do today. So she expected us to believe she was attacked, left the house, ran out the front door, and called somebody to pick her up, again she can't seem to remember who. How convenient. Since there were no cell phones, she would have had to use another phone since she supposedly ran out of the house and didn't use the one there. Okay, what phone did she use? Did she knock on a neighbors door, go to a convenient store or gas station to use a payphone? And if she did, how did she give instructions to where she was at to be picked up if she didn't know where she was at herself?

They found the people that were supposedly at that party including a close friend of hers. They all said there was no such party and they have no idea WTF she's talking about. She claim she ran into Mark Judge, the other guy with Kavanaugh at the time. She said she ran into him where he worked at a grocery store. Well gee, if she was lying, how would she know he worked there? Probably because he had a book published where he wrote where he worked. And of course, stated he never ran into her at the store.
The evidence corroborating Ford’s claims is voluminous: It includes everything from Ford’s description of Kavanaugh’s drinking buddies, to Kavanaugh’s July 1 calendar entry that describes his plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and … Squi,” to Mark Judge’s memoir outlining his and “Bart O’Kavanaugh’s” drinking habits, to Kavanaugh’s Beach Week letter discussing “prolific pukers.” There is a slew of other evidence corroborating Ford’s claims. (Seth Abramson wrote a detailed Twitter thread about all the corroborating evidence; it is worth reading.)

In fact, corroborating evidence includes evidence that counters Kavanaugh’s own testimony. For example, Brett’s claims that he was a virgin who never drank to excess are belied by his own statements about how much he likes beer, as well as the statements of his high school and college pals that he was frequently drunk and bragged about his sexual prowess. Evidence that lessens Kavanaugh’s credibility and enhances Ford’s credibility is corroborating evidence.
The evidence corroborating Ford’s claims is voluminous: It includes everything from Ford’s description of Kavanaugh’s drinking buddies, to Kavanaugh’s July 1 calendar entry that describes his plans to go to “Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and … Squi,” to Mark Judge’s memoir outlining his and “Bart O’Kavanaugh’s” drinking habits, to Kavanaugh’s Beach Week letter discussing “prolific pukers.” There is a slew of other evidence corroborating Ford’s claims. (Seth Abramson wrote a detailed Twitter thread about all the corroborating evidence; it is worth reading.)

In fact, corroborating evidence includes evidence that counters Kavanaugh’s own testimony. For example, Brett’s claims that he was a virgin who never drank to excess are belied by his own statements about how much he likes beer, as well as the statements of his high school and college pals that he was frequently drunk and bragged about his sexual prowess. Evidence that lessens Kavanaugh’s credibility and enhances Ford’s credibility is corroborating evidence.

As a sex-crimes prosecutor, Republican questioner Rachel Mitchell is well-positioned to “know it when she sees it.” But rather than see Ford as a victim of sexual abuse by Kavanaugh, Mitchell saw her as a witness lacking in credibility. And this conclusion comes from an expert who knows that there are many reasons victims delay reporting sexual abuse. Mitchell also recognized that victims may legitimately not remember certain details related to an attack.

But the problem for Ford is not that she doesn’t remember everything: It is that everything she remembers changes at her convenience.

First, Ford’s testimony that the assault occurred in the summer of 1982, when just 15, conflicted with both her therapist’s notes and the text message Ford sent to the Washington Post. According to reporter Emma Brown, Ford claimed she had been assaulted in the mid-1980s; and the therapist’s notes stated Ford had been the victim of an attempted rape in her late teens. But by that time, Kavanaugh was attending Yale, so Ford’s recasting of the attack to the summer of 1982 is suspect.

Ford's story changed in key ways

Ford’s retelling of the alleged sexual assault also included several conflicting accounts of the number of individuals at the gathering. The therapist’s notes stated that four boys had attempted to rape Ford. (Ford claims her therapist confused the total number of boys at the party with the number of boys who had attacked her.)

Later, in her July letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford again placed the number of individuals at the party at five, stating the gathering included her and four other individuals. But Ford then identified the four by name, and that group included three boys and one girl. And finally, during her Senate testimony, Ford unequivocally stated that “there were four boys I remember specifically being there,” in addition to her friend Leland Keyser.

Another significant change in the scenario came when Ford testified about the location of the party. She had originally told the Washington Post that the attack took place at a house not far from the country club. Yet, when Mitchell revealed a map of the relevant locations and reminded Ford that she had described the attack as having occurred near the country club, Ford backtracked: “I would describe [the house] as it's somewhere between my house and the country club in that vicinity that’s shown in your picture.” Ford added that the country club was a 20-minute drive from her home.

Finally, Ford altered her description of the interior layout of the home and the details of the party and her escape. A “short” stairwell turned into a “narrow” one. The gathering moved from a small family room where the kids drank beer (and which Ford distinguished from the living room through which she fled the house) when she spoke to the Washington Post, to a home described in her actual testimony as having a "small living room/family room-type area.” And in an obvious tell to the change, Ford suggested that she could draw a floor plan of the house.

These four points are significant. First, because Ford had waited 30-plus years to report the purported attack, a therapist’s notes from Ford's sessions with her husband countered claims that Ford had invented the assault to derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation. But the notes did not name Ford’s attacker. And the timing of the assault summarized by her therapist, whom Ford saw individually the following year, conflicted with Ford’s current claims against Kavanaugh.

The final three contradictions are even more significant because in each circumstance Ford altered her story only after Kavanaugh and Senate investigators had obtained evidence to disprove her original tale. For instance, investigators had obtained statements from Kavanaugh and the two men and one female lifelong friend of Ford’s, and they all denied any recollection of the gathering.

Investigators also spoke with former classmates of Kavanaugh, including two men who showed staffers the “party houses” near the country club during the relevant time period. And the detailed description of the home interior Ford originally provided allowed investigators to compare her story to the layout of the homes of the individuals Ford identified. But then Ford changed her description of the house’s floor plan.

Since media leaks of Ford’s charges first broke, Kavanaugh and his supporters have stressed the impossibility of proving the negative: Kavanaugh could not prove he did not attack Ford. But Kavanaugh could prove that Ford’s story could not possibly have happened by showing that none of the individuals at the supposed party lived in a house near the country club, and that none of their houses matched that described by Ford. Kavanaugh and investigators were poised to do so when Ford changed her story.

They tried to stop the process that would peacefully transfer the office to Biden
LOL, that is a lie. There is no proof of that at all. In fact, if this were a real investigation, you would see Nancy Pelosi's emails and phone records which proved it was not some CCP Leftist fantasy COUP of any type.

Show us Nancy's Transcripts and Emails.

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