January Jobs report: ADP says payrolls down 300k, expectation was +200k…Biden admin blames OmicromN

It's not "BDS bullshit" that you Democrats are going to be shellacked in November. Apparently the whole country think he's a failure.
You are NOT all of the country, you ate not even a real American!
Try to post something worthy of real data to back up your opinion!
It might just be taken seriously.

After 2020 and $4,000,000,000,000 added into the economy in 2021, did you actually expect job numbers to go down?

He better of added millions of jobs because even with the adding of the jobs, the economy is pretty shaky.
But, someone like you are so ready to give tRUMP credit?
LOL laughable beyond laughable.
The President during this job growth happens to be..
President Joe Biden :)

Biden didn’t do it though…

Fact is Governor Newsome of California along with the Governor’s from States like Texas, Illinois and so on had more to do with it than him because California reopened almost fully last year but alas many of you will not admit reality…
The op subject is covid's effect.

But maybe this will slow inflation. And the fed's readying rate hikes.

btw, we need more entry level workers, but both Trump and the Progressives don't want them.
Please try to post some real data to back your OPINION!
Both jobs reports were posted here or another like post...one jobs report had it missing by as many as 500,000, the government one had it being up like 478,000. Both are available for you to look up. So bozo, its not my OPINION, but a difference in and manipulation of statistics. So line up on your Dimmer side and believe that Poopeypants created 478,000 new jobs in January while he was raising the price of gas another 12 cents, driving inflation sky-high, stifling our supply chain, and allowing diseased illegals to cross our border.
Biden claimed he would beat the virus. He has had a year.

These jobs numbers are his, not Omicrons.


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