January Jobs report: ADP says payrolls down 300k, expectation was +200k…Biden admin blames OmicromN

The great resignation has provided many job opportunities. It was a good thing in the end.
Think about it: The vaccine mandates went into effect in January, and suddenly 301,000 people were out of work. Biden effectively had 301,000 people fired
Except contrary to your hopes and dreams Biden effectively had 467,000 people hired. Another bad day for you!
Except contrary to your hopes and dreams Biden effectively had 467,000 people hired. Another bad day for you!

Except Biden didn't do shit. Nothing he did created any of those jobs, and they were created in spite of his mandates and lockdowns.
The Worthless Negro/Joe Potatohead administration had increased poverty, decreased family income, enormous debt, increased taxes and dismal economic growth.

Is it any surprise that the Joe Potatohead/Ho administration is going down the same path of destruction?

Trump handed Potatohead a pandemic recovering economy and a vaccine and Potatohead fucked it up. Even The Worthless Negro said to never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck something up.
Except Biden didn't do shit. Nothing he did created any of those jobs, and they were created in spite of his mandates and lockdowns.
And he didn't fire 301,000 people like you hoped he would!
Admit it, you are full of shit in your predictions/wishes!
He said no such thing, just another Right-wing lie!

Stop with your fucking Moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Barack Obama has privately voiced concerns that Joe Biden could 'f--- things up,' according to a report

  • Barack Obama has privately voiced concern about Joe Biden's electoral prospects, according to a report.
  • According to Politico, Obama told another Democrat during the 2020 primary campaign: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up."
  • The report says there are lingering tensions between the Biden and Obama camps over the former president's perceived lack of support for his former running mate in the past.
Biden claimed he would beat the virus. He has had a year.

These jobs numbers are his, not Omicrons.

Yes, and the left will disagree and why?

Simple, they can not be wrong about anything and they never fail and if something does cause the failure then it is that thing fault even if they proclaimed they would defeat that thing…
Except contrary to your hopes and dreams Biden effectively had 467,000 people hired. Another bad day for you!
Where were the majority of those jobs created, Ed? If they're being created in conservative States (which the vast majority of them are!) then aren't THOSE jobs being created by Joe Biden but by liberals in other States who have created a stampede of people leaving places like New York, Michigan and California and heading to States like Florida, Tennessee and Texas!
Where were the majority of those jobs created, Ed? If they're being created in conservative States (which the vast majority of them are!) then aren't THOSE jobs being created by Joe Biden or by liberals in other States who have created a stampede of people leaving places like New York, Michigan and California and heading to States like Florida, Tennessee and Texas!
And he didn't fire 301,000 people like you hoped he would!
Admit it, you are full of shit in your predictions/wishes!

Your "president" is full of shit and so are you. I hope he fails even more than he has failed.

Biden sets first-year record with 6.6 million jobs added​

Employers added a record 6.6 million jobs during Joe Biden's first 12 months in office, by far the strongest record of any president's first year in office.
The unexpected strength of the January jobs report — along with some revisions in readings for November and December — pushed Biden over the 6 million mark.
Uh huh... as of early January we still had 4,000,000 less than the number working pre-covid.
You guys want to count the Covid job loss against Trump, but then want to pretend the job "gains" under Biden aren't simply people going back to work after Covid.
Again... 4,000,000 less people working Jan 1 2021, than Jan. 1 2019.
Winner. Love how these lying DemNazi Libtards like to fiddle with figures to get the figures to lie.

Biden sets first-year record with 6.6 million jobs added​

Employers added a record 6.6 million jobs during Joe Biden's first 12 months in office, by far the strongest record of any president's first year in office.
The unexpected strength of the January jobs report — along with some revisions in readings for November and December — pushed Biden over the 6 million mark.
Biden didn’t do it though…

Fact is Governor Newsome of California along with the Governor’s from States like Texas, Illinois and so on had more to do with it than him because California reopened almost fully last year but alas many of you will not admit reality…

Biden sets first-year record with 6.6 million jobs added​

Employers added a record 6.6 million jobs during Joe Biden's first 12 months in office, by far the strongest record of any president's first year in office.
The unexpected strength of the January jobs report — along with some revisions in readings for November and December — pushed Biden over the 6 million mark.
You mean the one that offsets the actual jobs report from Wednesday? You realize even your Dimmer idiots know you are manipulating the numbers now with this claim.
Biden didn’t do it though…

Fact is Governor Newsome of California along with the Governor’s from States like Texas, Illinois and so on had more to do with it than him because California reopened almost fully last year but alas many of you will not admit reality…
The welfare checks stopped.
That also helped but California reopened and many people went back to work along with the fact States like Texas were already fueling the National economy but the left will never admit this…
Amazing how horrible jobs report in December and terrible Jan report on Wednesday has turned into the bestest ever jobs report ever today and fixed December too.

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