January Jobs report: ADP says payrolls down 300k, expectation was +200k…Biden admin blames OmicromN

When one takes into account WHERE those jobs have been created...it becomes really hard to make the argument that it's Biden who is creating the jobs!

It is stupid to give any president credit for creating jobs, yet partisans do it as long as it is their guy in the White House
The Pandemic would have caused job losses regardless of who is President. And besides that, it was each state governor who shut down their states - not Trump.
Biden can't count job "gains" that are not gains at all, just people finally going back to work. That is not a gain.

It is a gain from the previous month. It is how they have always been counted, it is how we count everything. Each day at the end of the day we are told the DJI/NASDAQ/S&P gained "x amount" or "lost y amount". Do you ever whine about that?

In June of 2020 Trump was trumpeting how he had gained more than 4 million jobs, talked about it being a record gain in jobs...what are the chances you can show me a post from you back then saying "that is not a job gain"? I am betting the chances are zero
It is a gain from the previous month. It is how they have always been counted, it is how we count everything. Each day at the end of the day we are told the DJI/NASDAQ/S&P gained "x amount" or "lost y amount". Do you ever whine about that?

In June of 2020 Trump was trumpeting how he had gained more than 4 million jobs, talked about it being a record gain in jobs...what are the chances you can show me a post from you back then saying "that is not a job gain"? I am betting the chances are zero
I am not like you.
I say my opinions unfettered by partisan attempt.
If you had $1000 and gave $400 away. The person gave you $300 back. Do you have more money now then before?
It is pretty simple.
I am not like you.
I say my opinions unfettered by partisan attempt.

Then I will be happy to wait for you to show me your post saying that the 4 million plus jobs added in June of 2020 were not really added jobs.

If you had $1000 and gave $400 away. The person gave you $300 back. Do you have more money now then before?

Nope, but I did gain $300 from the point where I gave away the $400.
Nope, but I did gain $300 from the point where I gave away the $400.
Then your understanding of basic economics is more than a little flawed.
If you look at raw employment numbers, and where the numbers were going pre-covid, America would have about 8,000,000 more people employed today than there are. That is a fact. That is why REAL economist, and those that earn their living off of our economy, are laughing at the Biden admin trying to make claims that the economy is booming. It is far from it. Even the likes of MSNBCs economic experts roll their eyes at Biden's claims.
Covid slammed the U.S. economy into the ground. And it is far from recovered from it.
Then your understanding of basic economics is more than a little flawed.

Not at all. I am better off with $900 than I was with $600.

Why do you never whine about the way the stock market is reported? They do not always compare it to the highest it ever was.

That is a fact. That is why REAL economist, and those that earn their living off of our economy, are laughing at the Biden admin trying to make claims that the economy is booming. It is far from it. Even the likes of MSNBCs economic experts roll their eyes at Biden's claims.

Every POTUS makes these sorts of hyperbolic claims, again you do not seem to mind expect when the wrong party is sitting in the White House

Covid slammed the U.S. economy into the ground. And it is far from recovered from it.

Something we can agree on finally.
Like everything else that has gone wrong recently, these horrible job numbers are100% Biden's fault. His unconstitutional order to fire those who refused to be vaccinated are what caused this. Think about it: The vaccine mandates went into effect in January, and suddenly 301,000 people were out of work. Biden effectively had 301,000 people fired, just like he did when he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline.

You Democrats should share the blame for this too. You own this.
Of course Biden has a scapegoat...

It's never his fault unless it's good news. Every bit of bad news is someone else fault.

What a moron if he thinks we are buying it.

I was saying this to someone this morning....

...when the numbers are BAD, those in power always have an excuse (Disease, disaster, the other guy...)

When the numbers are GOOD, they never give an excuse, like "These numbers are only good because of (blank) they have nothing to do with me or my policies."
I am not like you.
I say my opinions unfettered by partisan attempt.
If you had $1000 and gave $400 away. The person gave you $300 back. Do you have more money now then before?
It is pretty simple.



I have less money.

Leftists suck at math.
Like everything else that has gone wrong recently, these horrible job numbers are100% Biden's fault. His unconstitutional order to fire those who refused to be vaccinated are what caused this. Think about it: The vaccine mandates went into effect in January, and suddenly 301,000 people were out of work. Biden effectively had 301,000 people fired, just like he did when he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline.

You Democrats should share the blame for this too. You own this.

JGalt, people tend to forget that the mandates were originally set to go into affect late last year. The Biden Administration for political purposes, pushed them into this year to get through the Christmas season. They were smart enough (which tells everyone they knew this would happen) to know they did not want bad employment numbers leading into Christmas, along with not wanting Americans grousing about their Amazon packages not arriving on time.

In essence, they pushed their mandates to now so they could blame the weather, etc. They knew exactly what they were doing, and how best to create less of a political impact on themselves. Therefore, Biden knew what the most likely outcome would be because of his mandates, so he pushed them to a point in time he could cover for them the best he could. This is why these numbers 100% are on Biden, done, end of story. It makes zero difference if you are Left or Right, or if you believe in the mandates or not. It is on his administration because of their actions, and his actions had a consequence which are easily seen!
Not at all. I am better off with $900 than I was with $600.

Why do you never whine about the way the stock market is reported? They do not always compare it to the highest it ever was.

Every POTUS makes these sorts of hyperbolic claims, again you do not seem to mind expect when the wrong party is sitting in the White House

Something we can agree on finally.
This is getting comical.
The way you think is quite remarkable in it's fallacy.
You want to pretend that Covid didn't happen. (That the losses from it are Trumps fault, and the rebound from it ending is Bidens creation) And then - say I am the one partisan because I consider the pandemics colossal effects both ways.

Geez dude.
This is getting comical.

Well past that point.

You want to pretend that Covid didn't happen. (That the losses from it are Trumps fault, and the rebound from it ending is Bidens creation

I am not the one that wants to pretend COVID did not happen. You are the one that wants to talk about Trump without adding in 2020, not I.

I have never said anything was Biden's creation, if you are just going to lie about me, why bother to post? I in fact said specifically any recovery would be in-spite of Biden and not because of him
And then - say I am the one partisan because I consider the pandemics colossal effects both ways.

Yes, you are the partisan drone that wants to give Trump no blame at all but puts all the blame on Biden for not having it fixed already.
This is getting comical.
The way you think is quite remarkable in it's fallacy.
You want to pretend that Covid didn't happen. (That the losses from it are Trumps fault, and the rebound from it ending is Bidens creation) And then - say I am the one partisan because I consider the pandemics colossal effects both ways.

Geez dude.

It's interesting when people say Trump handled COVID exactly the wrong way, and Biden has handled it exactly the correct way, yet things have not improved.

Just a quick FYI,

You dumb motherfuckers who trust CHINA....

DO you ACTUALLY think they have only 1700 active cases and they have had barely any new cases in the past 2 years?


You disingenuous bags of shit believe the virus didn't come from the WUHAN lab because CHINA SAYS SO???!!!
China has had 100,000 TOTAL CASES OF COVID!

Lefties, shouldn't we just do EXACTLY what China did?
All of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL MANDATES kicked in for January.

That's what we are seeing in the Jan job numbers.


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