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Japan not taking in refugees; says it must look after its citizens first


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article is a month old but this issue is certainly a current event. Obozo says he's gonna take in 200,000 syrian welfare bums which means it will really be 2 million. If we have to do it so should every other wealthy nation.

Japan not taking in refugees; says it must look after its citizens first

sep 30 2015 UNITED NATIONS – Japan's prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

"I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants" - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
We know why Obama's doing it and it's not for humanitarian reasons.
Respectfully , I never like those kinda thoughts ShootsS . If the USA is stupid that doesn't mean that Japan has to also be stupid .
we should be the INDEPENDENT USA , same goes for Japan and everywhere else .
I see myself fleeing this country in the next 10 years.

Yes, I will release hordes of flees. It will be a plague and you'll all be scratching your heads wondering...
If we have to do it...

there lies the problem, "WE" do "NOT have to" take in any of them, the illegal mulatto muslime wants his brothers here for all the muslimes to infiltrate the U.S.A.so they can get a foot hold here to cause as much mayhem, death and destruction as possible before President Donald Trump deports every last one of those fucking slime balls asses.

the worst part of it all is there are so many liberfools here who want them, the dumbass libertards do not understand they too are infidels who have a good chance of losing their fucking worthless heads. :up:
[response to first sentence] --- no where to go , at least for Americans that have it made but are still not hugely wealthy . For an Obama or Trump or 'bush' with huge money it seems that the world is their oyster Mr.H !!
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I see myself fleeing this country in the next 10 years.


wherever you go the muslimes wll be right behind you or waiting your arrival, i have never run from a good fight, so i will be staying and fighting off the muslime invasion.
Japan not taking in refugees; says it must look after its citizens first

Similar to the 'Burma is for Bhuddists' situation in Myanmar.

Japan has a homogenous population and want to keep it that way...

... Burma is majority Bhuddist and doesn't want Muslims upsetting the applecart...

... given the Muslims' recent reputation for terrorism...

... can you blame Japan and Myanmar?

If the Arabs are so concerned about fellow Muslims...

... why aren't they doing more to take care of the refugees?

After all, they've got the oil money to do it.

And why didn't they do w-a-y more before now to deal with Assad??
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Article is a month old but this issue is certainly a current event. Obozo says he's gonna take in 200,000 syrian welfare bums which means it will really be 2 million. If we have to do it so should every other wealthy nation.

Japan not taking in refugees; says it must look after its citizens first

sep 30 2015 UNITED NATIONS – Japan's prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

"I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants" - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Japan's always been xenophobic. It's why they have a population crisis.
Japan is smart, they have always had a hard line on Muslims immigrating.

0-14 years: 13.2% (male 8,681,728/female 8,132,809)
15-24 years: 9.7% (male 6,429,429/female 5,890,991)
25-54 years: 38.1% (male 23,953,643/female 24,449,655)
55-64 years: 13.2% (male 8,413,872/female 8,400,953)
65 years and over: 25.8% (male 14,218,655/female 18,531,653) (2014 est.)
Japan Demographics Profile 2014

Age structure: 0-14 years: 19.4% (male 31,580,349/female 30,221,106)
15-24 years: 13.7% (male 22,436,057/female 21,321,861)
25-54 years: 39.9% (male 63,452,792/female 63,671,631)
55-64 years: 12.6% (male 19,309,019/female 20,720,284)
65 years and over: 14.5% (male 20,304,644/female 25,874,360) (2014 est.)
United States Age structure - Demographics

When you're an idiot, other idiots may seem smart.
I agree with their policy................not with ours..................why aren't the Arab League taking them...............

They are flooding Europe, and demand we take them too..............Put out the no vacancy signs
“YOU’RE FIRED!” 100 hotel employees in Germany lose their jobs with no warning as government turns luxury hotel into housing for Muslim illegals - Walid Shoebat

By BI: Stunned workers at the 4-star Maritim Hotel in Saxony arrived at work, only to be told to go home because Angela Merkel has decided to convert the hotel into a shelter for Muslim invaders. All the hotel businesses and restaurants also had to shut their doors, and none were given any notice.

Muslim Immigrants In Germany Attack Christian Family, They Beat Up The Wife And Their Child, And Then Tell Them: "We will kill you and drink your blood" - Walid Shoebat

Muslim immigrants in Germany, as part of the flood of immigrants in Europe, attacked an Iraqi Christian family, attacking the wife and child and screaming, “We will kill you and drink your blood”. According to the report:

Especially dramatic is the case of a Christian family from Iraq, which was housed in a refugee camp in the Bavarian Freising. The father told a TV crew of the Bayerischer Rundfunk of beatings and threats by Syrian Islamists. “They yelled at my wife and beat my child. They say.. “We will kill you and drink your blood” The family lived in the rooms of the home as prisoners – until they no longer stand it and returned to Iraq.”

“One would have to protect the family,” says Simon Jacob of the Central Council of the Eastern Christians. Stories like these no longer surprise him. “I know of a lot of reports of Christian refugees who are under attack. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” says Jacob. “The number of unreported cases is high.”…

“Often the aggressors are Afghans or Pakistanis who are often more Islamist than many Syrians and Iraqis,” says Max Klingberg of the International Society for Human Rights, who has been active in refugee aid for fifteen years. He assumes that the violence in the refugee centers will continue to increase. “We must rid ourselves of the illusion that all those who arrive here, are human rights activists. Among the new arrivals is a not small number at least as intense as the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Meanwhile, in Germany, Angela Merkel is beginning to feel the heat as lawmakers and party loyalists become increasingly impatient with the hundreds of thousands of migrants streaming into the country. More, from AFP:

Germany's Angela Merkel is used to owning the room when she speaks to her party faithful, but the mood turned hostile when she defended her open-door refugee policy this week.

In a heated atmosphere, some of the 1,000-odd members at the meeting warned of a"national disaster" and demanded shuttering the borders as Germany expects up to one million migrants this year.

"Stop the refugee chaos -- save German culture + values -- dethrone Merkel," read a banner at the congress late Wednesday in the eastern state of Saxony, the home base for the anti-foreigner PEGIDA movement.

Managing the refugee crisis has turned into Merkel's greatest domestic political challenge since she took power almost 10 years ago, in November 2005.

Long valued by the electorate for her level-headed leadership amid the eurozone turmoil, Merkel has scared many with her welcoming stance amid a growing sentiment that the boat is full.

"The chancellor is walking on thin ice," judged the conservative daily Die Welt, pointing to a "growing gap" between Merkel and the base of her centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU) who demand she stem the record influx.

"The chancellor believes the nation can manage the crisis, but this belief is rapidly vanishing in the country," said the newspaper.

On Sunday, she jets off to Turkey to discuss with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan how to slow the inflow sparked by war and upheaval across the Middle East and North Africa, with almost 600,000 people arriving in Europe so far this year.

On the home front, Merkel has bravely insisted "we can do it", recalling US President Barack Obama's campaign rallying cry of "Yes we can".

But many Germans -- who in the summer greeted refugees at railway stations -- are losing faith as thousands keep coming daily and improvised refugee centres are bursting at the seams, including tent cities exposed to below-zero temperatures as winter approaches.
This country doesn't need these Muslims, certainly not young, middle-eastern males. Sound familiar? Time to stop all immigration for 40-50 years like the 1924-64 period when we stopped immigration.

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