Japan, S. Korea foreign ministers to meet amid rows over WWII issues


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
However, the Japanese and South Korean foreign ministers still confront the need to bridge conflicting views of wartime history, especially regarding what is euphemistically referred to in Japan as "comfort women."

South Korea has demanded Japan settle the issue in a way acceptable to those women still alive, such as through an apology and compensation. Park has cited the need for progress on that issue as a precondition for holding summit talks with Abe.

But Japan maintains that all compensation issues were settled under the 1965 bilateral treaty that normalized diplomatic ties.

"We have no intention to use the occasion of the foreign ministerial talks to change our basic position in order to move the issue forward," a senior Japanese Foreign Ministry official said ahead of Sunday's meeting.

A more recent dispute involves differences over the proposed UNESCO World Heritage listing of historical industrial sites in Japan, which South Korea opposes.
Japan S. Korea foreign ministers to meet amid rows over WWII issues -

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