Jason Chaffetz To Poor: Your iPhone Or Your Doctor

This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?

Funny,never heard a peep out of you hypocritical hacks when barry came out with this gem....what gives?


Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?

He only said it because obama said it first.....
Rush played the audio of a video where obama says that if people can't afford insurance then they are not prioritizing it over having cable....

So complain about obama first...
landlines are much cheaper than cell phones.
Not hardly! My landline from Verizon was over $40 a month for a phone I hardly used. They even charged me a $5/month "under usage fee" because I rarely made long distance calls. I got a cheap flip phone and a $10/ month pay as you go plan and told Verizon to get fucked!
my local phone company has 10 dollar plans.
Verizon over charges on everything.
Verizon controls the landlines in my area, you go through them or you get a cell.
This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.

So....if you can't afford insurance you expect someone else to pay for it....while you have a 600 dollar I-phone?.......that is insane.....
Yes Reagan phones. St Ronnie started the LifeLine free phone program. Bush added cell phones.
You're a veritable train wreck of misinformation, aren't you?
http://www.regulatorystaff.sc.gov/Documents/Lifeline/Revised History of Lifeline.pdf
History of the Lifeline Program

1934- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is created by the Federal Communications Act of 1934. The goal of the FCC is to regulate interstate communication and to make a nationwide communication and radio system available to all Americans

1985- The Lifeline Assistance Program is established to help provide low-income families with affordable, basic, landline telephone options.

1996- The Telecommunications Act of 1996 creates the Universal Service Fund (USF). The Act states that all telecommunications carriers must contribute to the USF, which is used to provide low-income families with Lifeline Assistance.

1997- The Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) is created to manage the four branches of the USF (High Cost Program, Low Income Lifeline Program, Schools and Libraries Program, and Rural Healthcare Program) and to collect contributions from telecommunications carriers for the USF. The USAC is an independent, non-profit company that is regulated by the FCC.

2005- Wireless telephone service (cellphones) is included into the Lifeline Assistance Program.

2012- The FCC adopts a reform which eliminated waste, abuse, and fraud, saving over two billion dollars during the first three years it was in effect.
This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.

So....if you can't afford insurance you expect someone else to pay for it....while you have a 600 dollar I-phone?.......that is insane.....

Show where anyone has said this. Link.

You idiot. Do you have a clue about Ronnie RayGun's EMTALA? No, of course you don't.
This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.
Excuse me but if you'd take a moment to consider that much of the world lives on less than 1 dollar a day (it's called the 10/40 Window) you'd find that none of them have electricity much less refrigerators, Luddly.

You need to see how the rest of the world lives and then you'll see that people who have electricity, ebt cards, Obama phones, vehicles, furniture, running (even hot) water - showers / tub, a bed, a tv and an i phone are not considered to be poor to those living in the 10/40 window. They would be considered RICH.

People living in the 10/40 window consider a bar of soap to be a luxury!
Show us where he said poor people.
Fact. When I first had my kids, and a husband working only sporadically, due to manic depression which he refused to take med's for, I made certain we had insurance. Instead of a new car, or the latest and greatest, it was more important to have health insurance. We probably would have qualified for a subsidy if it had been offered then. I would not have taken it. Personal responsibility and all.

Are there those that need the help from government due to no fault of their own. Of course, and I, we will never deny those with the greatest, legitimate needs. Before Obamacare there were many that would have qualified for help with medical, but never applied for it. That is their fault, not mine.

Are poor people not supposed to have a phone? Really?
No, poor people are expected to make choices like the rest of us.

A poor person who refuses to pay for medical insurance should not be subsidized by the taxpayer when they can afford expensive items like phones, TV's, and other "trendy" items.

How many poor people do you know who have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? I don't know of any - but I know of poor people who have cheap cellphones as their only method of electronic communication.
Yes Reagan phones. St Ronnie started the LifeLine free phone program. Bush added cell phones.
You're a veritable train wreck of misinformation, aren't you?
http://www.regulatorystaff.sc.gov/Documents/Lifeline/Revised History of Lifeline.pdf
History of the Lifeline Program

1934- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is created by the Federal Communications Act of 1934. The goal of the FCC is to regulate interstate communication and to make a nationwide communication and radio system available to all Americans

1985- The Lifeline Assistance Program is established to help provide low-income families with affordable, basic, landline telephone options.

1996- The Telecommunications Act of 1996 creates the Universal Service Fund (USF). The Act states that all telecommunications carriers must contribute to the USF, which is used to provide low-income families with Lifeline Assistance.

1997- The Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) is created to manage the four branches of the USF (High Cost Program, Low Income Lifeline Program, Schools and Libraries Program, and Rural Healthcare Program) and to collect contributions from telecommunications carriers for the USF. The USAC is an independent, non-profit company that is regulated by the FCC.

2005- Wireless telephone service (cellphones) is included into the Lifeline Assistance Program.

2012- The FCC adopts a reform which eliminated waste, abuse, and fraud, saving over two billion dollars during the first three years it was in effect.

That savings of more than $2BILLION DOLLARS by President Obama - that's what SassyIrishLass meant with her very ignorant 'jug ears' comment.

And Rustic with his incredibly stupid video from one of the RW fake news sites.

These fools never let facts get in the way of a good hate on.
Yes Reagan phones. St Ronnie started the LifeLine free phone program. Bush added cell phones.
You're a veritable train wreck of misinformation, aren't you?
http://www.regulatorystaff.sc.gov/Documents/Lifeline/Revised History of Lifeline.pdf
History of the Lifeline Program

1934- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is created by the Federal Communications Act of 1934. The goal of the FCC is to regulate interstate communication and to make a nationwide communication and radio system available to all Americans

1985- The Lifeline Assistance Program is established to help provide low-income families with affordable, basic, landline telephone options.

1996- The Telecommunications Act of 1996 creates the Universal Service Fund (USF). The Act states that all telecommunications carriers must contribute to the USF, which is used to provide low-income families with Lifeline Assistance.

1997- The Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) is created to manage the four branches of the USF (High Cost Program, Low Income Lifeline Program, Schools and Libraries Program, and Rural Healthcare Program) and to collect contributions from telecommunications carriers for the USF. The USAC is an independent, non-profit company that is regulated by the FCC.

2005- Wireless telephone service (cellphones) is included into the Lifeline Assistance Program.

2012- The FCC adopts a reform which eliminated waste, abuse, and fraud, saving over two billion dollars during the first three years it was in effect.
See, I told you you were full of shit.
This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.
Excuse me but if you'd take a moment to consider that much of the world lives on less than 1 dollar a day (it's called the 10/40 Window) you'd find that none of them have electricity much less refrigerators, Luddly.

You need to see how the rest of the world lives and then you'll see that people who have electricity, ebt cards, Obama phones, vehicles, furniture, a bed, a tv and an i phone are not considered to be poor to those living in the 10/40 window. They would be considered RICH.

That's the dumbest thing you've written so far and completely off topic.
Yes Reagan phones. St Ronnie started the LifeLine free phone program. Bush added cell phones.
You're a veritable train wreck of misinformation, aren't you?
http://www.regulatorystaff.sc.gov/Documents/Lifeline/Revised History of Lifeline.pdf
History of the Lifeline Program

1934- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is created by the Federal Communications Act of 1934. The goal of the FCC is to regulate interstate communication and to make a nationwide communication and radio system available to all Americans

1985- The Lifeline Assistance Program is established to help provide low-income families with affordable, basic, landline telephone options.

1996- The Telecommunications Act of 1996 creates the Universal Service Fund (USF). The Act states that all telecommunications carriers must contribute to the USF, which is used to provide low-income families with Lifeline Assistance.

1997- The Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) is created to manage the four branches of the USF (High Cost Program, Low Income Lifeline Program, Schools and Libraries Program, and Rural Healthcare Program) and to collect contributions from telecommunications carriers for the USF. The USAC is an independent, non-profit company that is regulated by the FCC.

2005- Wireless telephone service (cellphones) is included into the Lifeline Assistance Program.

2012- The FCC adopts a reform which eliminated waste, abuse, and fraud, saving over two billion dollars during the first three years it was in effect.

That savings of more than $2BILLION DOLLARS by President Obama - that's what SassyIrishLass meant with her very ignorant 'jug ears' comment.

And Rustic with his incredibly stupid video from one of the RW fake news sites.

These fools never let facts get in the way of a good hate on.


Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?

He only said it because obama said it first.....
Rush played the audio of a video where obama says that if people can't afford insurance then they are not prioritizing it over having cable....

So complain about obama first...
As is typical of a paid professional liar like your MessiahRushie, Obama and pathological liar Chaffetz are talking about two different groups of people. Chaffetz is talking about people who had their health care subsidies cut under TrumpCare and Obama was talking about individuals earning $40k to $50k who do not qualify for ACA subsidies.
This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.
Excuse me but if you'd take a moment to consider that much of the world lives on less than 1 dollar a day (it's called the 10/40 Window) you'd find that none of them have electricity much less refrigerators, Luddly.

You need to see how the rest of the world lives and then you'll see that people who have electricity, ebt cards, Obama phones, vehicles, furniture, a bed, a tv and an i phone are not considered to be poor to those living in the 10/40 window. They would be considered RICH.

That's the dumbest thing you've written so far and completely off topic.
Really? I find your comment which I responded to - to be totally out of touch with reality! I'm just giving you the facts! You know! Those things that get in the way of these stories you come up with?
Poor people DON'T have iPhones!!!!! The cheapest one is about $500. If the poor have any kind of cell phone it is probably a flip phone or a BushPhone.
TRAC phones from Rite Aid. And they never have any minutes.

How much are "minutes" - about $10 a month?
You can buy as many as you can afford. $10 would maybe get you an hour or two. I think the government phones people refer to have an hour's worth of service per month. They are supposed to be for emergencies, like calling the doctor if the kids are sick, or something like that.
Yes Reagan phones. St Ronnie started the LifeLine free phone program. Bush added cell phones.
You're a veritable train wreck of misinformation, aren't you?
http://www.regulatorystaff.sc.gov/Documents/Lifeline/Revised History of Lifeline.pdf
History of the Lifeline Program

1934- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is created by the Federal Communications Act of 1934. The goal of the FCC is to regulate interstate communication and to make a nationwide communication and radio system available to all Americans

1985- The Lifeline Assistance Program is established to help provide low-income families with affordable, basic, landline telephone options.

1996- The Telecommunications Act of 1996 creates the Universal Service Fund (USF). The Act states that all telecommunications carriers must contribute to the USF, which is used to provide low-income families with Lifeline Assistance.

1997- The Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) is created to manage the four branches of the USF (High Cost Program, Low Income Lifeline Program, Schools and Libraries Program, and Rural Healthcare Program) and to collect contributions from telecommunications carriers for the USF. The USAC is an independent, non-profit company that is regulated by the FCC.

2005- Wireless telephone service (cellphones) is included into the Lifeline Assistance Program.

2012- The FCC adopts a reform which eliminated waste, abuse, and fraud, saving over two billion dollars during the first three years it was in effect.
See, I told you you were full of shit.
Yes you did.
Show us where he said poor people.
Fact. When I first had my kids, and a husband working only sporadically, due to manic depression which he refused to take med's for, I made certain we had insurance. Instead of a new car, or the latest and greatest, it was more important to have health insurance. We probably would have qualified for a subsidy if it had been offered then. I would not have taken it. Personal responsibility and all.

Are there those that need the help from government due to no fault of their own. Of course, and I, we will never deny those with the greatest, legitimate needs. Before Obamacare there were many that would have qualified for help with medical, but never applied for it. That is their fault, not mine.

Are poor people not supposed to have a phone? Really?
No, poor people are expected to make choices like the rest of us.

A poor person who refuses to pay for medical insurance should not be subsidized by the taxpayer when they can afford expensive items like phones, TV's, and other "trendy" items.

How many poor people do you know who have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? I don't know of any - but I know of poor people who have cheap cellphones as their only method of electronic communication.

And if you were in that situation now, its likely you not have a landline but would have a cell phone. A cheap cell phone.

I don't get why that's a bad thing. People do need phones.

Chaffetz is an asshole.
Poor people DON'T have iPhones!!!!! The cheapest one is about $500. If the poor have any kind of cell phone it is probably a flip phone or a BushPhone.
TRAC phones from Rite Aid. And they never have any minutes.

How much are "minutes" - about $10 a month?
You can buy as many as you can afford. $10 would maybe get you an hour or two. I think the government phones people refer to have an hour's worth of service per month. They are supposed to be for emergencies, like calling the doctor if the kids are sick, or something like that.

Current Obamaphones have 350 minutes of talk,unlimited text and 500 MB of data a month
This is so typical of the crap we get from RWNJs. If they can find a way to hurt people, they're always in favor of it.

Remember when these morons actually agreed with some idiot R who said people aren't poor because they've got a refrigerator.

Nasty people.

So....if you can't afford insurance you expect someone else to pay for it....while you have a 600 dollar I-phone?.......that is insane.....
I should revise the spelling of Lemocrats (Lemmings) to Lemmecrats. Lemme have what I want while you pay for it. I'm a Lemmecrat!

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