Jason Chaffetz To Poor: Your iPhone Or Your Doctor

Are poor people not supposed to have a phone? Really?

I never said that, but a basic phone doesn't cost over 500 bucks

My Jitterbug cell phone: less than $100 to buy it and only $28 a month to use it. Fantastic phone with great customer service.
Ours is $35 which also provides Internet and it was less than $75 initial cost.

I do have to say some legislators in DC are out of touch with the way a lot of Americans are living (surviving barely actually would be the best way to say it).
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?

America is supposed to subsidize your cell phone ?

To funny.

You need a phone....buy a 10 dollar phone.
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

They already have to give up a lot.

Where the hell have you had your head stuck ?
Are poor people not supposed to have a phone? Really?
No, poor people are expected to make choices like the rest of us.

A poor person who refuses to pay for medical insurance should not be subsidized by the taxpayer when they can afford expensive items like phones, TV's, and other "trendy" items.

How many poor people do you know who have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? I don't know of any - but I know of poor people who have cheap cellphones as their only method of electronic communication.

I know lots of people who drive $30,000 cars and collect food stamps.

Of course you'd find that acceptable.
Poor people DON'T have iPhones!!!!! The cheapest one is about $500. If the poor have any kind of cell phone it is probably a flip phone or a BushPhone.
If you believe that you're an idiot. Spend an afternoon in a grocery store in Compton. You can sit there and watch people on their newest version Iphones wearing Air Jordans while handing the cashier food stamps. Maybe follow them out to the parking lot and watch them load up all the groceries you paid for into their late model car with 20" wheels and low profile tires.
You've never been to Compton. You just spout Trumpian racist stereotypes.
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care
Our government doesn't belong in forcing the insurance business on everyone. These so called programs like ACA do nothing more than line banksters/racketeers pockets while stripping wealth from the middle class and the poor.

If people want to buy health insurance there should be standards but that is it. The cost of care will start to come back down to earth when the big medical providers halls are empty and doctors go back to having their own offices for their patients. The way they have done things they've driven most of the independent doctors out of business in favor of cattle type medical facilities.
Are poor people not supposed to have a phone? Really?

I never said that, but a basic phone doesn't cost over 500 bucks

My Jitterbug cell phone: less than $100 to buy it and only $28 a month to use it. Fantastic phone with great customer service.

Does the jitterbug phone have big buttons?

Does a wild bear poop in the woods?
Is the pope Catholic?
Do red necks get into bar fights?
Does Campbell make soup?
Does Paula Deen like butter?
Do accordion players wear diamond rings?
Is our southern border secure (wait, that one doesn't count).

It's got big buttons which makes it very easy for old folks like me to input numbers. It's also got a flashlight function. The best thing about it is that it is menue-driven with simple questions with yes-or-no responses which enable you to do what you have to do without having to read an instruction book.
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care
Our government doesn't belong in forcing the insurance business on everyone. These so called programs like ACA do nothing more than line banksters/racketeers pockets while stripping wealth from the middle class and the poor.

If people want to buy health insurance there should be standards but that is it. The cost of care will start to come back down to earth when the big medical providers halls are empty and doctors go back to having their own offices for their patients. The way they have done things they've driven most of the independent doctors out of business in favor of cattle type medical facilities.

Our insurance system should be Single-Payer (Medicare for all).
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care
Our government doesn't belong in forcing the insurance business on everyone. These so called programs like ACA do nothing more than line banksters/racketeers pockets while stripping wealth from the middle class and the poor.

If people want to buy health insurance there should be standards but that is it. The cost of care will start to come back down to earth when the big medical providers halls are empty and doctors go back to having their own offices for their patients. The way they have done things they've driven most of the independent doctors out of business in favor of cattle type medical facilities.

Our insurance system should be Single-Payer (Medicare for all).

No it shouldn't.

It should be what people want.

And many of us don't want that.

So why don't you move to where they have it.

You'll have your insurance.

We won't have you.

Win - Win.
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care
Our government doesn't belong in forcing the insurance business on everyone. These so called programs like ACA do nothing more than line banksters/racketeers pockets while stripping wealth from the middle class and the poor.

If people want to buy health insurance there should be standards but that is it. The cost of care will start to come back down to earth when the big medical providers halls are empty and doctors go back to having their own offices for their patients. The way they have done things they've driven most of the independent doctors out of business in favor of cattle type medical facilities.

Our insurance system should be Single-Payer (Medicare for all).
I don't recall which poster here while back said that would cost around $845.00 per for every man, woman and child in the country. Now I don't know about you but I know a lot of people who are living on less than $845.00 a month right now. Hell if they had $845.00 a month per person in their households they could live like queens and kings and take better care of themselves. If that was to happened where they can take care of themselves medical issues overall would decrease substantially.
Some more food for thought:

Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care

Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was widely mocked on Tuesday after suggesting that Americans who struggle to afford health care should sacrifice “getting that new iPhone”and instead choose to “invest in health care.”

What Chaffetz’s remark overlooks is that a cellphone bill is just one of a typical household’s monthly expenses, many of which cost as much as or more than health care. Many Americans may struggle to pay these expenses should the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act replacement plan, which offers less assistance to low-income people, become law.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid. That’s comparable to what the average household spends on things like housing, transportation and food each year. Should premiums rise under the new plan, these are the real things that low-income families may have to sacrifice to afford coverage.

More: Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care
Our government doesn't belong in forcing the insurance business on everyone. These so called programs like ACA do nothing more than line banksters/racketeers pockets while stripping wealth from the middle class and the poor.

If people want to buy health insurance there should be standards but that is it. The cost of care will start to come back down to earth when the big medical providers halls are empty and doctors go back to having their own offices for their patients. The way they have done things they've driven most of the independent doctors out of business in favor of cattle type medical facilities.

Our insurance system should be Single-Payer (Medicare for all).
Washington Redskin
Why? you do realize that puts everybody in a box? And who is going to benefit from it? The deadbeats.
Why should the successful won't be penalized by the undriven?

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?

America is supposed to subsidize your cell phone ?

To funny.

You need a phone....buy a 10 dollar phone.


Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?
Should be a simple choice...
Are poor people not supposed to have a phone? Really?
I didn't know iphones were a "need." I thought that fell under the "want" category. Silly me.

Does your name mean you call yourself a christian? You'd never know it from your hateful posts. Another damn fundie phony.

Yes, phones are a "need". For many, their cellphone is the only phone they have.

The poor don't buy iPhones and you know it.

Poor people need to suffer more

Healthcare should only pe provided to you once you have no possessions

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