Jason Whitlock says the quiet part out loud

The whole "satanic cult" thing is straight out of Q

As is this guy's nic
Q was founded maybe 4-5 years ago? I don’t know, never followed Q and don’t know how. Supposedly it’s on 4chan or 8chan. I don’t go to those places.

The idea of Pedophilia and satanists in Governments have been around for decades
Everything has to be about the 2000 year old book written by one specific demographic about an individual from that demographic, which that demographic DOES NOT BELIEVE.....

Good lord, how can anyone be dumb enough to believe It?
This is a Jews/Jesus thing, isn't it.
Where's Azog to attack this anti-Semite?

He claims he does. Never seen it happen

He needs a week or two in the hospital every time he tries....

Funny that "Azog the conservative" and "Lesh the lib" both agree that 600F burning jet fuel caused 2200F molten steel to pour out of the South Tower....
I'm very middle ground politically. This news blurb posted is just more media sensationalism.
First, the argument that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs is mainly wrong. Yes, there are some moral christ-centric characteristics that formed the foundation for this country. BUT, the actions of many, were far from Christian. From our treatment to Native Americans, Slavery, immigrants, views on women's rights, etc., one could say that we were far from the Christ model.

Second, I feel that where both the left and right land politically, is primarily driven to garner votes and their political beliefs really don't align with their personal beliefs. If it was the latter, we would see much more bipartisan conversations and probably the dissolution of this terrible two party system that we have fallen into.
I'm very middle ground politically. This news blurb posted is just more media sensationalism.
First, the argument that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs is mainly wrong. Yes, there are some moral christ-centric characteristics that formed the foundation for this country. BUT, the actions of many, were far from Christian. From our treatment to Native Americans, Slavery, immigrants, views on women's rights, etc., one could say that we were far from the Christ model.

Second, I feel that where both the left and right land politically, is primarily driven to garner votes and their political beliefs really don't align with their personal beliefs. If it was the latter, we would see much more bipartisan conversations and probably the dissolution of this terrible two party system that we have fallen into.
There’s a world war going on. And you still don’t know what side to choose
Jews are god's chosen people, but they are completely wrong about one of their own that only they observed, and those who parrot a 2000 year old book, they "know better...."

Which book are you parroting?

Let me guess, you don't believe in God, Jesus, or anything to do with the Bible. But, you're going to tell us about it?!? LOL
If you cannot refute the truth being posted.....

You just make up your own reality. You blame the Jews for 9/11, COVID19, AIDS, the common cold, air pollution and anything else that is wrong with the world today. You are mentally ill like your fellow antisemite Lesh

You both could use a dose of Ben Shapiro
There’s a world war going on. And you still don’t know what side to choose

In fact this whole "blood libel" thing (which is what the adrenochrome nonsense is about) is a centuries old anti-Semitic trope
You just make up your own reality. You blame the Jews for 9/11, COVID19, AIDS, the common cold, air pollution and anything else that is wrong with the world today. You are mentally ill like your fellow antisemite Lesh

You both could use a dose of Ben Shapiro
Sorry DICK...I'm no anti-Semite
Sorry DICK...I'm no anti-Semite
Sure you are. You said you hate Zionists. All a Zionist is, is a person who supports the Jews having their own country. One vs 50+ for Islamists. So yes, you are an antisemite. Just like EMH.

In fact this whole "blood libel" thing (which is what the adrenochrome nonsense is about) is a centuries old anti-Semitic trope
Do you believe sex trafficking and pedophilia doesn’t exist?

Or just a crazy conspiracy theory?

Because I believe in that I am anti-Semite?
I'm gonna throw this out there and take my lumps for it, but I do not see most of the Lefties as being satanic. First of all, I do not believe Satan exists or that there is somewhere called Hell, unless it's that state of being that each create for ourselves in this life.

That said, IMHO many on the Left are either Atheists or Agnostics, or people that just don't know what to think about God and Religion so they go for Big Gov't as a replacement for a deity. I don't see them as evil, I see them as being utopians that want to go back to the Garden of Eden as it was. No worries, no problems, no responsibility; let the gov't take care of everything. To varying degrees, they experience a mixture of fear, self-doubt, laziness, and quixotic, perhaps well-meant but impractical.
Sure you are. You said you hate Zionists. All a Zionist is, is a person who supports the Jews having their own country. One vs 50+ for Islamists. So yes, you are an antisemite. Just like EMH.
So here you have two ACTUAL anti-Semites...and you expend most of your energy attacking me...


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