Jason Whitlock says the quiet part out loud

The Devil’s greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.

You’re a lost soul. I don’t expect you to ever see the truth.

In fact, it’s more likely your fully aware of Satan and embrace she/him
I see, you have no physical address of this literary creature whom you claim exist.
The GOP even elected a pedophile as Speaker of the House. And, of course, they elected the "grab 'em by the p*ssy" con-man who worships money.
Pedophile? He said “They let you”…funny how you seem to omit that part. Dishonesty 101. So you never listen to Whitlock but readily criticize him. Logic 101. Yet you call others “looney”
But, for example, do you think men can get pregnant?

Another Strawman from Conservatives. Claim Liberals believe something and then call it “Satanic”
You are. The proof is what we see. And you jump on tax breaks and other things like locusts on a corn stalk when it comes to Christianity. I am putting this to you in a direct way. The bell weather of devastation is you destroying the fragment of declaration of colonial freedoms left that is written from Christianity individuals.
You are. The proof is what we see. And you jump on tax breaks and other things like locusts on a corn stalk when it comes to Christianity. I am putting this to you in a direct way. The bell weather of devastation is you destroying the fragment of declaration of colonial freedoms left that is written from Christianity individuals.
WTF are you babbling about?
The GOP even elected a pedophile as Speaker of the House. And, of course, they elected the "grab 'em by the p*ssy" con-man who worships money.
Maybe that’s all true. I’d be very happy if every member of government resigned.

Unlike you who worships 1 side

Funny how you claim republicans to be pedos but when I claim a DemonRat to be a pedo, you call me a Qtard. There are Pedos everywhere. Just ask Jeffrey Epstein
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How does anyone not Jewish believe they "know more" about Jesus than HIS OWN PEOPLE?????

It takes a IQ under 5 to think that.

Jews are god's chosen people, but they are completely wrong about one of their own that only they observed, and those who parrot a 2000 year old book, they "know better...."
The Messiah is spoken of all through the Old Testament in great detail. The Old testament prophesied that The Jews would reject their own Messiah which they did, and in the latter days accept a false Messiah which will persecute and slaughter them. Then they will cry out for "Him whom they pierced".

You do not need the New Testament to learn about Jesus as Messiah. He is written about in Isaiah, Psalms and many books of The Old Testament.
WTF are you babbling about?
Christianity.. tax breaks for Religion that was from the Constitution until the death knell started in 1913 and after as you pounded on the Churches with the Federal Reserve fiat currency, the federal income tax, the 17th amendment and the 19th amendment that sealed our doom. Send all the Progressive Socialist Women to major parts of the world today. Send them to Afghanistan. Let their asses be killed. They won't.
Christianity.. tax breaks for Religion that was from the Constitution until the death knell started in 1913 and after as you pounded on the Churches with the Federal Reserve fiat currency, the federal income tax, the 17th amendment and the 19th amendment that sealed our doom. Send all the Progressive Socialist Women to major parts of the world today. Send them to Afghanistan. Let their asses be killed. They won't.
Are you on some type of medication?
That screed has nothing to do with the topic at hand
How does anyone not Jewish believe they "know more" about Jesus than HIS OWN PEOPLE?????

It takes a IQ under 5 to think that.

Jews are god's chosen people, but they are completely wrong about one of their own that only they observed, and those who parrot a 2000 year old book, they "know better...."
OK...whatever floats yer boat bud.
An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he smiled smugly.

"OK," she said, "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first.

A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass, yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?"

The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea."

To which the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death, when you don't know shit?"

And then she went back to reading her book.

Unfortunately, there are too many people around here that don't know shit.
Nope. You’re wrong about that as well. But the two other Antisemites don’t falsely call me a racist like your lying ass did. You need to listen more to Whitlock and less to Lemon.

Your racism is all through that thread

and this one

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Your racism is all through that thread

and this one

Zero racism there. Stating facts and stats isn’t racism. What racism is, is believing that one race is inferior. I do Not believe that to be the case.
Reading through those threads… nope
You’re mentally ill. Please stop stalking me. If there is racism in my posts please have the mods opine. If they agree they may ban me. I despise racists and antisemites. I despise You.
You’re mentally ill. Please stop stalking me. If there is racism in my posts please have the mods opine. If they agree they may ban me. I despise racists and antisemites. I despise You.
You despise any opposition to your fucked to worldview. And the mods don’t ban for racism or anti-semitism (neither of which apply to me). In some cases they support the former
The left prove to repeat history & meet prophecies. They're a combination of dependency, laziness, twisted souls, excuses and/or they're cowardly, but all are disconnected. a miswiring of sorts. The only ones with hope are youth who have the opportunity to wise-up to it.
You’re either for government or not at this point. There is no middle ground in a Marxist society. They are treasonous and purposely destroying the country to implement a one world government. There is no middle ground to that
Huh.. so the only options are:
1. For gov't = Marxist
2. No Gov't = Anarchy

You despise any opposition to your fucked to worldview. And the mods don’t ban for racism or anti-semitism (neither of which apply to me). In some cases they support the former
I stand by this. Coyote if you believe I and or my posts to be racist in nature as Lesh claims. Please permanently ban me. Thank you.

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