Jay Cutler has got to have connections to the owner of the Bears


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
That's the only thing that makes any sense.In the NFL its get the job done or we will find someone else who will.Well Cutler is no better of a quarterback now than he was his first year as a Bronco.

He is like kappy of the niners.He goes into meltdown mode at the most critical times of the game when the game is on the line and still after all these years, throws costly interceptions at the worst time.

While he was hurt last year for a period of time,his backup who is now with Tampa Bay,clearly outplayed him in his absence,yet he was let go and they recently gave Cutler a five year contract extension.

The guy is obviously tight with the owner.Just look at Kappy of the niners.There is talk going on that he wont be back with the Niners next year.Harbaugh will be out the door that's obvious.Kappy probably will as well. Cutler should never have been given a five year contract entension.

If he was in college,he would have been benched a log time ago. I wouldnt be surprised if thats the reason he wanted out of Denver in the first place was because he knew no matter how badly he screwed up with the Bears,he would always keep his starting job.You just dont keep a quarterback like this for your starter for this long a period of time when he is making the same rookie mistakes all these years later.
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Jay Cutler has got to have connections to the owner of the Bears

He's got a purdy mouth... With all that hair and a soft chin.. Well...you can use your imagination..
this is what should have happened to cutler YEARS ago.he is getting benched by trestman.there are only a couple games left though and they are out of it so its a little bit too late for that.they'll start someone else the final two games and say he isnt ready of course and will have cutler back to being a starter next year.its a forgone conclusion.
I don't understand the Cutler situation - somebody in the Bears organization saw fit to invest tens of millions of dollars in this one QB that is interception-prone after several seasons of professional play. WHAT in the hell were they looking at?
I don't understand the Cutler situation - somebody in the Bears organization saw fit to invest tens of millions of dollars in this one QB that is interception-prone after several seasons of professional play. WHAT in the hell were they looking at?
like someone else mentioned earlier,chicago football,chicago politics.special connections to the owner obviously.
As a boss of mine used to say, must have caught one of the McCaskey's with either a dead woman or a live boy.
whats funny is even the media agree on this. I cannot believe anybody would be stupid or desperate enough to take the new head coaching job of the bears next year.He will just get them fired just like he got Lovi smith and now mark trestman fired.

This article nailed it.he is the coach killer. that is why attendance is down in Chicago these days because the fans are seeing the same thing as we do that he is not even trying to win the fact he resigned him to another five year contract this past off season.:cuckoo:

Cutler The Ultimate Coach Killer

the owner always takes the easy way out,blame the coach instead of the quarterback.:cuckoo:

Reminds me of New England.Robert Kraft fired carrol because Bledsoe was stinking up the joint. He hired belecheck who also had Bledsoe as his quarterback his first year there and also had a losing season .

He then got Tom brady who saved his career from the toilet.Had Carrol had the luxary Belecheat did and he was lucky enough to get brady,he would still be there with the pats and would have had multiple superbowl wins now instead of one.He has a great qyarterback in Wilson now so he can now sit back and laugh in krafts face now.lol
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I have been down on Cutler ever since he went out of the NFC title game a few year back with the faux knee injury.
Im not a Bears fan but I don't blame Bears fans for the attendance being down.what does that idiot owner expect them to do after he signed him to a new five year contract and the other quarterback outplayed him last year when he was hurt.:cuckoo: I am so convinced he has connections to him.Just watch,this benching thing will be just a temporary thing,he will be back next year as the starter.thats why trestman got fired no doubt was for benching Cutler like any smart coach would..

That owner is showing me that he doesn't care about winning.I would cancel my season tickets if I was a bears fan and just go to the season opener with signs saying we need new ownership,get rid of cutler.

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