Jeb Bush: I'm Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

You left wing morons. You don't even know how big birth tourism is in your own country.

Idiots. There's big money in maternity cartels. BIG money. Obviously citizenship to left wingers means nothing. It can just be bought for thousands.

Disgusting that you have so little regard for how precious American citizenship is. Really disgusting.

"The "maternity tourism" sites included apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties where authorities believe the businesses housed the foreign nationals about to give birth, federal officials said.

Those targeted residences are believed to have catered largely to women from China, who paid $15,000 to $50,000 for lodging, transportation and food, according to a statement by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Those fees don't necessarily include medical care, authorities said.

Authorities are looking for evidence of bringing in and harboring of undocumented visitors; conspiracy, fraud and misuse of visas and permits; tax evasion and false tax returns; and willful failure to file report of foreign bank and financial accounts, court papers said."

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids on California 'maternity hotels'

By Michael Martinez and Alexandra Meeks, CN

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids in California -
Hmmm. If Feds are fighting 'maternity tourism', what's the difference for anchor babies?

Go figure.
You left wing morons. You don't even know how big birth tourism is in your own country.

Idiots. There's big money in maternity cartels. BIG money. Obviously citizenship to left wingers means nothing. It can just be bought for thousands.

Disgusting that you have so little regard for how precious American citizenship is. Really disgusting.

"The "maternity tourism" sites included apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties where authorities believe the businesses housed the foreign nationals about to give birth, federal officials said.

Those targeted residences are believed to have catered largely to women from China, who paid $15,000 to $50,000 for lodging, transportation and food, according to a statement by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Those fees don't necessarily include medical care, authorities said.

Authorities are looking for evidence of bringing in and harboring of undocumented visitors; conspiracy, fraud and misuse of visas and permits; tax evasion and false tax returns; and willful failure to file report of foreign bank and financial accounts, court papers said."

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids on California 'maternity hotels'

By Michael Martinez and Alexandra Meeks, CN

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids in California -
A little slow...I've already brought this up.
You left wing morons. You don't even know how big birth tourism is in your own country.

Idiots. There's big money in maternity cartels. BIG money. Obviously citizenship to left wingers means nothing. It can just be bought for thousands.

Disgusting that you have so little regard for how precious American citizenship is. Really disgusting.

"The "maternity tourism" sites included apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties where authorities believe the businesses housed the foreign nationals about to give birth, federal officials said.

Those targeted residences are believed to have catered largely to women from China, who paid $15,000 to $50,000 for lodging, transportation and food, according to a statement by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Those fees don't necessarily include medical care, authorities said.

Authorities are looking for evidence of bringing in and harboring of undocumented visitors; conspiracy, fraud and misuse of visas and permits; tax evasion and false tax returns; and willful failure to file report of foreign bank and financial accounts, court papers said."

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids on California 'maternity hotels'

By Michael Martinez and Alexandra Meeks, CN

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids in California -
A little slow...I've already brought this up.

Saw your post after I put up mine. Pretty big deal. Glad to see someone out there is paying attention.


There's hope for humanity after all!
You left wing morons. You don't even know how big birth tourism is in your own country.

Idiots. There's big money in maternity cartels. BIG money. Obviously citizenship to left wingers means nothing. It can just be bought for thousands.

Disgusting that you have so little regard for how precious American citizenship is. Really disgusting.

"The "maternity tourism" sites included apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties where authorities believe the businesses housed the foreign nationals about to give birth, federal officials said.

Those targeted residences are believed to have catered largely to women from China, who paid $15,000 to $50,000 for lodging, transportation and food, according to a statement by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Those fees don't necessarily include medical care, authorities said.

Authorities are looking for evidence of bringing in and harboring of undocumented visitors; conspiracy, fraud and misuse of visas and permits; tax evasion and false tax returns; and willful failure to file report of foreign bank and financial accounts, court papers said."

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids on California 'maternity hotels'

By Michael Martinez and Alexandra Meeks, CN

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids in California -
A little slow...I've already brought this up.

Saw your post after I put up mine. Pretty big deal. Glad to see someone out there is paying attention.


There's hope for humanity after all!
That was nice of you to be accommodating to an insult. You have class.
I worked with an Asian friend of mine from the Philippines who has citizenship here as an "anchor baby" intentionally because of his parents, he worked hard, overtime, to bring his children and wife here, him and his wife both went to college and paid for their semesters and he paidmquite a bit of money in fees, money he earned over years, to bring his family here.

If children are born here as citizens and work hard their whole life and pay taxes, and get good jobs, I don't see the problem. Worry about the illegals, because these "anchor babies" work harder and help out more than most natural born citizens I've seen.
I worked with an Asian friend of mine from the Philippines who has citizenship here as an "anchor baby" intentionally because of his parents, he worked hard, overtime, to bring his children and wife here, him and his wife both went to college and paid for their semesters and he paidmquite a bit of money in fees, money he earned over years, to bring his family here.

If children are born here as citizens and work hard their whole life and pay taxes, and get good jobs, I don't see the problem. Worry about the illegals, because these "anchor babies" work harder and help out more than most natural born citizens I've seen.
That's a nice story. I bet there are more than just a few. We want immigrants who consider themselves Americans.
One has got to love our conservative shit for brains politicians, you gotta love these people. Just about every single illegal the crawls to this country, first mission is to drop anchor as in babies....go to any frickin emergency room any time of the day or night, in any state at any time, and there will sat a pregnant hispanic woman with a herd of relatives near by.......RARELY JEB, DO I SEE ASIANS. just sayin.
Jebby, like his daddy and brother is a statist fool, but he is a typical Republican.
The Asians go home. They are here to pop out a citizen baby, mostly for the good of China. By now, after years of birth tourism, China likely has a force of a couple of hundred thousand and growing. All American citizens.
You lefties never freaking tire of pitting us all against each other. why is that?

I'll tell you why? because you're empty vessels sinking into the seas Obama didn't happen to stop rising like he said he was going to. so it's back to your USUAL. class freaking warfare. USING everyone in this country for your DIRTY ass politics

A month ago it was homosexuals, after that it was black people, after that it was womeeeeeeen folk and NOW you're onto gawddam AISIANS.

you are sick and twisted and ugly
I started a thread about this and of course it was nixed...but asians are now the problem? LOLOLOL...republicans you guys got balls, asians own this damned country, the least they could do is have babies in it. Ever hear of country called China?
Jeb Puss is finding that the Dole, McCain, Bush, Romney tradition of apologetic conservatism just isn't working this time. GOP's been boring America to tears with its Pres candidates since '88, and seeing that none of them have topped 300 electoral votes since then, they're finally learning that politically correct numb nuts belong in the other party.
...Jeb Bush just invented the Worst Way Ever to Show You're Not Anti-Hispanic.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and this was your turn...

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