Jeb Bush Moving Closer to 2016 Run

I think I'm going to bookmark this. WOrking on the assumption you aren't banned by then, I suspect when you are TOLD by your masters who you are voting for, you'll get all behind Jeb. And you'll squeal about how Hillary is going to impose gyno-communism and whatever craziness you will be spewing.

I won't support Jeb because frankly, every time we get Bushes in there, we get wars and recessions.

Afghanistan was a necessary War. I would argue Desert Storm was necessary too.

You're right about gasbag, he is a racist hack.

I would disgree with Desert Storm. (Pretty much got out of the military after that.) It was an excuse for us to take Saddam down a peg for the Zionists.

We didn't care which tinpot controlled the Rumeila oil fields until certain powers told us we did.

For Afghanistan- I agree going in to get Bin Laden was the right thing to do. Still being there 12 years later trying to play hall monitor between the various tribes there is crazy.

Yea cos those so-called Zionists gave such a fuck about Saddam killing his own people. Geez, dude. Your bigotry just taints your opinions. And we clearly didn't want to get Saddam or we would have. That's the problem is that we didn't want to get Saddam. We f'd up and had to do a whole other war when we could have got him the first time.
My, it's tiresome to listen to dems caterwauling about W. Jeb Bush had the opportunity to stand up to the feds when they murdered Terry Schiavo. He didn't. No thinking conservative will vote for him.
My, it's tiresome to listen to dems caterwauling about W. Jeb Bush had the opportunity to stand up to the feds when they murdered Terry Schiavo. He didn't. No thinking conservative will vote for him.

And that is why Republicans will lose the White House again in 2016.
If Ike were alive and running, you'd be saying the same blather while voting for Hillary. And speaking of self-appointed royals; what do you think the Clintons are? If it's a Clinton or a Bush; we're screwed. I just have the good sense to admit it. You're too worried about being on a side (in true liberal fashion).

Not at all. I vote in my own interest.

Now, back when I was a right wing asshole like you, I used to get really upset about Clinton and screamed about "Subornation of perjury" and "abuse of power" and "Mena Airport" and all that bullshit.

You know what I remember about the Clinton years now?

That unemployment was less than 4%.

That there were help wanted signs everywhere you went.

That we weren't at war with anyone, the stock market was at record highs.

I was able to sell a property I bought in 1987 for twice what I paid for it.

Shit, if Hillary could bring that back, I'm all for it, and Bill can have a little harem of interns if it keeps him out of trouble.
All he needs is for peopel to forget how badly his brother and father messed up in the job.

Senior didn't mess up. He actually did a very good job, at least imo.

Sorry, can't agree. I thought the first Gulf War was getting us involved in the Hornet's nest, and we are still there.

Not to mention the way he handled the recession.

No More Bushes...
Yea cos those so-called Zionists gave such a fuck about Saddam killing his own people. Geez, dude. Your bigotry just taints your opinions. And we clearly didn't want to get Saddam or we would have. That's the problem is that we didn't want to get Saddam. We f'd up and had to do a whole other war when we could have got him the first time.

The Zionists didn't care about the Kurds, and neither did we. The slaughter of the Kurds happened on Reagan's watch, and Reagan denied it was happening. Then he wrote Saddam a bunch of loans (paid for by the American tax payer) so he could buy more weapons to fight Iran. The Zionists screamed bloody murder because they considered Saddam a threat to them, and when they got Bush in there, they found a nice tool who would do their bidding.

Of course, we didn't take out Saddam, that wasn't the plan. Just weakened his military and took out his ability to attack the Zionists, which is all they really wanted.

Oh, so you went down to the recruiter's office and signed up for that war that needed to be, right?
PLEASE, I remember you people with John Walker during Bush. and you can take that black thing accusations and shove them...You are no better than any other race hustler

we were sold that OBAMA was going to be DIFFERENT from Bush...guess that was a lie too

I'm not sure who "you people" are exactly... Putting aside I was probably as right wing as you are in that time period, most folks on the left had no problem what was being done with John Walker Lind. He was an American caught in a terrorist camp. He was tried, convicted and imprisoned.

The point is, when Bush was president, the right was all for doing whatever it took to end theterrorist threat, as they should have been.

Now Obama is doing it, and getting frankly better results than Bush did with less bloodshed, and you guys just hate it...
I can rarely tell the difference between Amelia and Stephanie. It's like they are co-joined twins
PLEASE, I remember you people with John Walker during Bush. and you can take that black thing accusations and shove them...You are no better than any other race hustler

we were sold that OBAMA was going to be DIFFERENT from Bush...guess that was a lie too

I'm not sure who "you people" are exactly... Putting aside I was probably as right wing as you are in that time period, most folks on the left had no problem what was being done with John Walker Lind. He was an American caught in a terrorist camp. He was tried, convicted and imprisoned.

The point is, when Bush was president, the right was all for doing whatever it took to end theterrorist threat, as they should have been.

Now Obama is doing it, and getting frankly better results than Bush did with less bloodshed, and you guys just hate it...

I can rarely tell the difference between Amelia and Stephanie. It's like they are co-joined twins

I disagree. Amelia is kind of like Fake Snarkey, she kind of understands the GOP has gone off the rails.

The problem was, they both thought Romney was the answer.
No big deal, Obongo wants to give out the death penalty by drone and has killed Innocent women and children. We might have to turn him over to the Hague for war crimes...:eek:

that is ok because he is OBAMA

You guys had no problem when Bush did it. He attacked whole COUNTRIES based on faulty information.

But now it's wrong, because it's Obama.

You left out the words, "with congressional approval".
Obama is a power unto himself when it comes to drone strikes in countries we don't have approval to be in.

I know.....that's different.....somehow
No More Bushes...

That is easy for you to say.


It is an addiction. This country just can't get enough of the Bush policies. That's why they voted for Obummer.
I don't know if Jeb's planning on running or not. He could be sort of a test dummy to see what republicans are looking for, or to get others to jump in and run. Then again, he could be looking for a Cabinet position.
that is ok because he is OBAMA

You guys had no problem when Bush did it. He attacked whole COUNTRIES based on faulty information.

But now it's wrong, because it's Obama.

You left out the words, "with congressional approval".
Obama is a power unto himself when it comes to drone strikes in countries we don't have approval to be in.

I know.....that's different.....somehow

I didn't leave it out.... it just isn't that important.
You guys had no problem when Bush did it. He attacked whole COUNTRIES based on faulty information.

But now it's wrong, because it's Obama.

You left out the words, "with congressional approval".
Obama is a power unto himself when it comes to drone strikes in countries we don't have approval to be in.

I know.....that's different.....somehow

I didn't leave it out.... it just isn't that important.

Explains alot.
You left out the words, "with congressional approval".
Obama is a power unto himself when it comes to drone strikes in countries we don't have approval to be in.

I know.....that's different.....somehow

I didn't leave it out.... it just isn't that important.

Explains alot.

You're welcome. Happy to dispense of any irrelevent shit you want to bring into a converstation.

Fact is. Bush lied. Soldiers died. The world considers Iraq a crime, and so do the majority of Americans.

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