Jeb Bush: "People need to Work Longer Hours!"

He's being taken out of context, but who cares?! That fat piece of shit has a lot of nerve entering this race in the first place. Fuck Bush.

Yeah, it is in very poor taste. A spoiled pampered Globalist Elite Royal who never had to work a day in his life, shouldn't be lecturing about work. How many hours has ole Jeb worked so far this year? Pretty sure it ain't much. What do you think?
Still, what the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering, is much worse.

You're a racist, I get it.

Racism is the expression of low intellect - it fits you.

Boasting about and celebrating workers making the shittiest wages possible, just isn't very endearing to struggling American Workers.

And who is doing that?

Posting flat out lies to smear those you hate is act of a demagogue.

You guys are giving workers no reason to support you. If you're a struggling American Worker, you gotta go Democrat. That Party is presenting a more compassionate just approach.

Really? What do YOU have to offer? Hatred of whites won't put food on the table. What you offer is blind hate and mindless rage.
Still, what the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering, is much worse.

You're a racist, I get it.

Racism is the expression of low intellect - it fits you.

Boasting about and celebrating workers making the shittiest wages possible, just isn't very endearing to struggling American Workers.

And who is doing that?

Posting flat out lies to smear those you hate is act of a demagogue.

You guys are giving workers no reason to support you. If you're a struggling American Worker, you gotta go Democrat. That Party is presenting a more compassionate just approach.

Really? What do YOU have to offer? Hatred of whites won't put food on the table. What you offer is blind hate and mindless rage.
Yeah, at least he married a Mexican and Hablas fluently. (-:
Yeah, it is in very poor taste. A spoiled pampered Globalist Elite Royal who never had to work a day in his life, shouldn't be lecturing about work. How many hours has ole Jeb worked so far this year? Pretty sure it ain't much. What do you think?

No, it wasn't in poor taste. The idea that American workers need to be restored to full time is exactly right. You evil fucks have done incalculable damage by forcing millions of Americans into part time with your Fascist schemes - all to enrich George Soros through his Blue Cross holdings.

YOU are fucking the American worker, you're just too stupid to grasp it.

Remove the penalty for full time work so that the lower end of employment can again make a living wage.
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I don't think compassion has anything to do with it. There's no debate that middle class wages have stagnated and we have under-employment. The question is what do we do about it. I don't like Obama, and Sanders is a Unicorn. However, I fail to see what is fundamentally detrimental to the economy to use a progressive tax scheme to, basically, make sure every American worker has a healthcare package. (I take issue with Obama expanding Medicaid, and I think ultimately we'll see private insurance that people can't afford to use because they can't pay the deductible. But, the GOP took a real big steaming dump on the issue, so her we are)

Also, I don't see how opposing overtime really helps. I'd rather see fewer guys making more, than increasing part timers The guys making more will consume more, which in turn should create demand and more jobs. That was the classic progressivism that worked quite well from WWII to the oil embargos and resulting inflation .. neither of which are an issue today.

Compassion is this Nation's only saving grace at this point. The hate and greed is so out of control. I actually see angry greedy white Republican dudes here boasting about and cheering for Americans making shittier wages. So much hate. I mean, so what a McDonalds Worker makes $12 an hr? Good for them. $12 only means they'll struggle a tiny bit less to barely get by in today's America.

The Republican Party only offers workers more misery. There's no reason for workers to support that Party. At least the Democrats offer some shred of compassion. That goes a long way with workers. The Republican hate & greed is gonna come back to really bite em. They're risking losing the American Worker-Vote forever.
Still, what the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering, is much worse.

You're a racist, I get it.

Racism is the expression of low intellect - it fits you.

Boasting about and celebrating workers making the shittiest wages possible, just isn't very endearing to struggling American Workers.

And who is doing that?

Posting flat out lies to smear those you hate is act of a demagogue.

You guys are giving workers no reason to support you. If you're a struggling American Worker, you gotta go Democrat. That Party is presenting a more compassionate just approach.

Really? What do YOU have to offer? Hatred of whites won't put food on the table. What you offer is blind hate and mindless rage.

The angry fat greedy white Republican dudes are no friend to American Workers. It is what it is.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.
Here it is, she will sell out Americans per-usual:

I think I saw this before. It is a bit old.

Like that guy said, "we don't have to go over old scandals". That is true. Read the paper, you probably have a Clinton scandal right there!
Her foreign policy stances, and who pays her campaigns is never 'old news', if you check OpenSecrets her sponsors are pretty much the same.

Clinton scandals are largely manufactured nonsense, much like Benghazi and Libya - where Republicans try to deny they are at least equally responsible because they cut funding to US embassies (including in Libya).

So I am not going to waste my time on what Clinton 'scandal' is in the paper. But instead read up and watch what she believes outside election season, where she gets her funding, and what she claims she will do if she got in.

That said Clinton would be a much worse President than Obama, and I am glad she never won.
Good News American Workers! The fat greedy white Republican dudes are on the way to help ya out! Here's what they're promising ya...

They promise to pay you the shittiest wages possible, Outsource your job whenever possible, and replace you with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Helluva Platform no? Why wouldn't an American Worker support the Republican Party?

SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.

As their theory says it should.

This is not about some Evul People that need to be fought, but about an Ideal that is not working and needs to be discredited.

Because, oddly, the Free Traders have won the Contest of Ideas. Free Trade has become the Bi-partisan consensus.

As demonstrated by Clinton signing Nafta.

ON the other hand, there are plenty of Left Wing ideologues who are equally resistant to information undermining their theories on such topics as immigration.

Oh, it's much more simple than that. Angry greedy fat white dude is the Republican Party. It's all about hate and greed. An American Worker has no reason to support that Party. It is what it is.

And here is what you are all about.

Division. Racism. Class Warfare. All in the service of the Party.

I have agreed with you on the substance of the problem.

I have pointed out that the opposing view is the conventional wisdom of both parties.

And you ignore that to make a partisan statement.

I'm not being partisan. I despise both Parties. But on this issue, American Workers would be wise to go with the Democrats. That Party has a more compassionate just approach.

The Republican Party is run by angry greedy white dudes who shit on American Workers every chance they get. They actually boast about and celebrate workers making the shittiest wages possible. They're very bad people. I hope their hate & greed comes back to bite em. That would be justice.

1. Your constant refrain of "White" is racist.

2. They are not bad people. The Free Trade Theory is the conventional wisdom, and is supposed to encourage economic growth. That Free Trade Ideologues have not noticed it is not working is not because they are evul, but because they are proof against new information. As is very common on both sides of the partisan divide.
Policy should be crafted to advance the interests of the US citizens.

NOT going backwards is not much of an achievement in my book.

We have seen significant increases in productivity without corresponding increases in wages.

Platitudes don't alter the fact that what you posted is utter bullshit. American's live better than any people in history. American's live better every year.

Democrats are dedicated to putting an end to that,

That is true.

But this thread is about Jeb Bush, and his statement that people need to work harder.

That the democrats have many terrible policies does not change the fact that Jeb Bush is wrong about this.

Middle class incomes, under the Free Trade Policies of the last 30 years, have stagnated, instead of rising.

It is reasonable, imo, to expect that every generation will live better than the previous one.
That is true.

But this thread is about Jeb Bush, and his statement that people need to work harder.

That the democrats have many terrible policies does not change the fact that Jeb Bush is wrong about this.

Middle class incomes, under the Free Trade Policies of the last 30 years, have stagnated, instead of rising.

It is reasonable, imo, to expect that every generation will live better than the previous one.

I don't support Bush, in fact I think he is literally the only person who can lose to Hillary.

Still, in context what he is calling for is the restoration of the full time jobs that so many Americans have lost due to first the recession, then the ACA.
Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)
Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)

First instinct for hateful white Republican dudes, is to blame the Worker. It's their standard knee-jerk response. Anything that goes wrong with a business just has to be the Workers' fault. It's so hateful and pathetic. But that's how the mind of a greedy hateful white Republican dude works. It is what it is.
That is true.

But this thread is about Jeb Bush, and his statement that people need to work harder.

That the democrats have many terrible policies does not change the fact that Jeb Bush is wrong about this.

Middle class incomes, under the Free Trade Policies of the last 30 years, have stagnated, instead of rising.

It is reasonable, imo, to expect that every generation will live better than the previous one.

I don't support Bush, in fact I think he is literally the only person who can lose to Hillary.

Still, in context what he is calling for is the restoration of the full time jobs that so many Americans have lost due to first the recession, then the ACA.

If that was his intended point, then he stated it so badly that his poor communication skill become another issue by themselves.

It sounds more like spin at this point.
Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)

First instinct for hateful white Republican dudes, is to blame the Worker. It's their standard knee-jerk response. Anything that goes wrong with a business just has to be the Workers' fault. It's so hateful and pathetic. But that's how the mind of a greedy hateful white Republican dude works. It is what it is.

YOur racism is blinding you.
Just facts.

Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)

First instinct for hateful white Republican dudes, is to blame the Worker. It's their standard knee-jerk response. Anything that goes wrong with a business just has to be the Workers' fault. It's so hateful and pathetic. But that's how the mind of a greedy hateful white Republican dude works. It is what it is.

YOur racism is blinding you.
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

You assume that productivity rise is a result in the quality and quantity of labor?

It's technology that has increased productivity NOT the quality or quantity of labor

So who got the money?

Have you looked at any technology stocks lately?

People who make it possible for unskilled labor to produce more than skilled labor are the ones making the money.

That's not what happens idiot.

Of course it is , Moron.
I think Americans would like to see the Bush brothers work at all! They don't know what work is, their daddy gave them everything.

What a brainless taint.
Just facts.

Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)

First instinct for hateful white Republican dudes, is to blame the Worker. It's their standard knee-jerk response. Anything that goes wrong with a business just has to be the Workers' fault. It's so hateful and pathetic. But that's how the mind of a greedy hateful white Republican dude works. It is what it is.

YOur racism is blinding you.

NOthing about his post was fact based. It was all various types of hatred and bigotry.

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