Jeb Bush: "People need to Work Longer Hours!"

Just count your food stamps and say thank you, yo...

Look at your white skin and say "thank you"..yo

Really. Please explain all the African Americans in corporate America with leadership roles then?
So you are against people getting a full 40 hours, so they can survive easier on their own?
Yeah, a lot of employers cut people back to less than 30 hours to avoid the Obozocare mandate, where they had to pay for health insurance out of their reduced wages..

Talk about a "double whammy"!!!!

While this is true to a degree, it's not nearly as extensive as you think. Secondly, employers did not cut full-time employee hours back to less than 30 hours per week. The only people really affected were those getting 32 to 35 hours per week. Most companies already had policies that required full-time to be 35 or 36 hours per week in order to receive benefits, so the real loss in hours for the few affected was only about 3 hours per week. The good thing is that this did allow many people to take second jobs part-time and then get health insurance from the exchanges. If these were lower income earners, then they also got subsidies to help them pay for their insurance. All in all, this hasn't been the big albatross that cons make it out to be.

Many also work less than 40 to qualify for state aid. Working a full work week would put them into a higher wage earning bracket and disqualify them. So they fudge numbers and game the system.
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

One of the great attributes due to the death of unions. You are correct that if companies shared those profits just a little bit with their workers, this economy would be on much better ground. Trickle down is a joke. The economy grows from the bottom up, because those on the bottom are the ones spending the majority of their income.

Like a 1 to 5 percent match dollar for dollar invested in their 401k or yearly bonuses for instance?
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

Jeb Bush is stuck in the Free Trade Ideology, and has not noticed that the theory is not working in practice, for whatever reason.

It is not so much that the rich are not "Sharing" as our manufacturing sector can't seem to compete.

Either we are all incompetent morons, or the playing field is not level.

Auto manufacturers are moving their plants to Mexico because Mexico has free trade agreements with the most countries throughout the world. This is saving them billion in export fees. While labor costs are currently cheaper in Mexico, these companies realize that is only going to be a temporary thing, but the free trade agreements are there for the long haul. We are in a global economy, and if we want to compete globally, we cannot become an isolationist country.

As opposed to Obamacare putting a cost strain on the healthcare industry and forcing companies to outsource to India, the Philippines and Mexico of course.
Anytime I asked for a raise, I've been asked why I deserve it.

Imagine you are at the grocery store, and you buy a gallon of milk for $4. On your way out the door the manager stops you and asks you to pay an extra $0.50 for your milk. I'm pretty sure your first question would be the same as your boss is asking you: Why should I pay more, why do you deserve more after we already reached an agreed price?

And that is a perfectly valid question. Your employer is not in business to give you things. Their interest is their bottom line. Your bottom line is your interest. Being willing to be proactive about your interest is good. Too few people nowadays are willing to do it. But you have to be able to approach the negotiating table to achieve a mutual win-win.

Next time, come ready to give him an answer. And not an "I need the money" answer, a business answer. Investigate the market pay for your type of job. Where does your pay rank for the field, in your geographic area? Next, take heed of your most recent review. How has your boss rated your work? Finally, crunch whatever hard numbers that you can, that can help to demonstrate value. This might sound difficult, but even a McDonalds drive thru employee can present a difficult to argue with case.

EMP: I think I should get a raise.
Boss: Why should I give you a raise:
EMP: Well, I've done some research into the wage market in town. The median average for my job is $10.50/hr, up to a maximum $12/hr, and you're only paying me $8/hr. In the 18 months I've been here I've become the best drive-thru person you have. When we did my review you graded me 98 out of 100. That was your own assessment. And look at my average order time, compared to the store overall. The store is averaging 200 seconds. My average time is 165 seconds! If you took me out of the picture, the store's average would be even higher! I think $11/hr would be a fair price for what I'm contributing. I'm much more productive, and according to your own assessments I'm one of the best there is at what I do.
Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)

First instinct for hateful white Republican dudes, is to blame the Worker. It's their standard knee-jerk response. Anything that goes wrong with a business just has to be the Workers' fault. It's so hateful and pathetic. But that's how the mind of a greedy hateful white Republican dude works. It is what it is.

YOur racism is blinding you.

Fat greedy white Republican dudes are usually hateful bigots. So to hell with em.
Republicans hoist on their own petard.

Remember "You didn't do that".


"What does it matter?"

Now it's "People need to work longer hours".
What does it matter was Hillary's comment

How about you didn't build that

And frankly I'm of the mind people would be better off if they worked more

I still put in way over 40 hours a week

Like I said no one who has ever achieved anything has only worked 40 hours a week

What regular folk want to 'achieve' is to raise a family and provide for them.

It has become less and less possible in America to do that on a 40 hr/wk job.

If you're happy about that you have a problem.

Then I'm glad I'm not "regular"
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

Jeb Bush is stuck in the Free Trade Ideology, and has not noticed that the theory is not working in practice, for whatever reason.

It is not so much that the rich are not "Sharing" as our manufacturing sector can't seem to compete.

Either we are all incompetent morons, or the playing field is not level.

Auto manufacturers are moving their plants to Mexico because Mexico has free trade agreements with the most countries throughout the world. This is saving them billion in export fees. While labor costs are currently cheaper in Mexico, these companies realize that is only going to be a temporary thing, but the free trade agreements are there for the long haul. We are in a global economy, and if we want to compete globally, we cannot become an isolationist country.

As opposed to Obamacare putting a cost strain on the healthcare industry and forcing companies to outsource to India, the Philippines and Mexico of course.

If you don't want American companies providing health insurance, then you should support a single payer system that allows for supplemental insurance. Most big companies provided health insurance long before Obamacare and costs had been out of control long before Obamacare. If anything, Obamacare has stabilized costs somewhat.
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

Jeb Bush is stuck in the Free Trade Ideology, and has not noticed that the theory is not working in practice, for whatever reason.

It is not so much that the rich are not "Sharing" as our manufacturing sector can't seem to compete.

Either we are all incompetent morons, or the playing field is not level.

Auto manufacturers are moving their plants to Mexico because Mexico has free trade agreements with the most countries throughout the world. This is saving them billion in export fees. While labor costs are currently cheaper in Mexico, these companies realize that is only going to be a temporary thing, but the free trade agreements are there for the long haul. We are in a global economy, and if we want to compete globally, we cannot become an isolationist country.

As opposed to Obamacare putting a cost strain on the healthcare industry and forcing companies to outsource to India, the Philippines and Mexico of course.

If you don't want American companies providing health insurance, then you should support a single payer system that allows for supplemental insurance. Most big companies provided health insurance long before Obamacare and costs had been out of control long before Obamacare. If anything, Obamacare has stabilized costs somewhat.

my insurance for my employees is going up 9% next year the highest rate hike in the past 5 years
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So you are against people getting a full 40 hours, so they can survive easier on their own?
Yeah, a lot of employers cut people back to less than 30 hours to avoid the Obozocare mandate, where they had to pay for health insurance out of their reduced wages..

Talk about a "double whammy"!!!!

While this is true to a degree, it's not nearly as extensive as you think. Secondly, employers did not cut full-time employee hours back to less than 30 hours per week. The only people really affected were those getting 32 to 35 hours per week. Most companies already had policies that required full-time to be 35 or 36 hours per week in order to receive benefits, so the real loss in hours for the few affected was only about 3 hours per week. The good thing is that this did allow many people to take second jobs part-time and then get health insurance from the exchanges. If these were lower income earners, then they also got subsidies to help them pay for their insurance. All in all, this hasn't been the big albatross that cons make it out to be.

Many also work less than 40 to qualify for state aid. Working a full work week would put them into a higher wage earning bracket and disqualify them. So they fudge numbers and game the system.

There will always be a certain percentage of people who "game the system". Look at all the insurance fraud, both public and private. Believe me, it's not just poor people gaming the system.
I think Americans would like to see the Bush brothers work at all! They don't know what work is, their daddy gave them everything.

What a brainless taint.

Standard class envy.

You ever know any rich people?

You people have these canned responses because you don't have coherent critical thinking.

Bush wants working people to work more hours, when he has never worked a day in his life.

Doesn't sound American to me, sounds more like the South, circa 1859.

You?! Accusing me or anyone of "canned responses?

NOw, that is rich.

PUn intended.

Bush didn't make this statement based on being rich. I have pointed out that he made it based on Ideology.

I have pointed out that this Ideology has won the contest of ideas and become bi-partisan policy.

All you people want to do is bash the rich.

Some of the rich of course.

Not the Kennedys, not the Clintons, not the Obamas.

I asked you if you knew any rich people.

You, of course ignored my question.

I am not rich. I have known several rich people. None of them were "Evul" as you libs seem to think they are. Some of them were very nice.

Hell, none of the rich people I ever knew left a woman to die is a submerged car.

Partisan hackery.

Bush said what he said, Fish Dimbaugh said 'words mean things'. Except, apparently, when a con says it.
That Americans need to work more hours is a new talking point it seems. Of course it's not new, George W. said it was "so American" to a woman working 3 jobs.
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

Jeb Bush is stuck in the Free Trade Ideology, and has not noticed that the theory is not working in practice, for whatever reason.

It is not so much that the rich are not "Sharing" as our manufacturing sector can't seem to compete.

Either we are all incompetent morons, or the playing field is not level.

Auto manufacturers are moving their plants to Mexico because Mexico has free trade agreements with the most countries throughout the world. This is saving them billion in export fees. While labor costs are currently cheaper in Mexico, these companies realize that is only going to be a temporary thing, but the free trade agreements are there for the long haul. We are in a global economy, and if we want to compete globally, we cannot become an isolationist country.

As opposed to Obamacare putting a cost strain on the healthcare industry and forcing companies to outsource to India, the Philippines and Mexico of course.

If you don't want American companies providing health insurance, then you should support a single payer system that allows for supplemental insurance. Most big companies provided health insurance long before Obamacare and costs had been out of control long before Obamacare. If anything, Obamacare has stabilized costs somewhat.

my insurance for my employees is going up 9% next year the highest rate hike in the past 5 years

21% at my husband's firm. For the first time ever associates will be forced to help pay for their insurance, the firm is sick about it but the costs are out of control
Isn't that the truth, then when businesses and corporations cut hours to avoid doing the right and moral thing, its suddenly the other peoples fault. They have no guilt at all. They bow continually to the masters of money and power.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)

First instinct for hateful white Republican dudes, is to blame the Worker. It's their standard knee-jerk response. Anything that goes wrong with a business just has to be the Workers' fault. It's so hateful and pathetic. But that's how the mind of a greedy hateful white Republican dude works. It is what it is.

YOur racism is blinding you.

Fat greedy white Republican dudes are usually hateful bigots. So to hell with em.

"Fat" is a problem that cuts across all groups in America. YOu are talking nonsense.

"Greedy" is certainly found in all groups in America. YOu are talking nonsense.

"White"? Whites are mostly republicans, but not by a large margin. You are insulting quite a lot of your fellow travelers. Try to be less racist.

"Hateful bigots"? Lots of hateful bigots on this site from the left. YOu certainly seem a hateful bigot yourself, with hate flowing at whites and the rich.

Your racism is blinding you.
That Americans need to work more hours is a new talking point it seems. Of course it's not new, George W. said it was "so American" to a woman working 3 jobs.

Standard long running disconnect between Free Trade and reality.

Are you only upset about it when republicans say it? Bill Clinton signed Nafta.

Obama has had two terms to fix it. Has he?
I think Americans would like to see the Bush brothers work at all! They don't know what work is, their daddy gave them everything.

What a brainless taint.

Standard class envy.

You ever know any rich people?

You people have these canned responses because you don't have coherent critical thinking.

Bush wants working people to work more hours, when he has never worked a day in his life.

Doesn't sound American to me, sounds more like the South, circa 1859.

You?! Accusing me or anyone of "canned responses?

NOw, that is rich.

PUn intended.

Bush didn't make this statement based on being rich. I have pointed out that he made it based on Ideology.

I have pointed out that this Ideology has won the contest of ideas and become bi-partisan policy.

All you people want to do is bash the rich.

Some of the rich of course.

Not the Kennedys, not the Clintons, not the Obamas.

I asked you if you knew any rich people.

You, of course ignored my question.

I am not rich. I have known several rich people. None of them were "Evul" as you libs seem to think they are. Some of them were very nice.

Hell, none of the rich people I ever knew left a woman to die is a submerged car.

Partisan hackery.

Bush said what he said, Fish Dimbaugh said 'words mean things'. Except, apparently, when a con says it.

NOthing in your response shows any indication that you read or understood anything in my post.

YOu seem to be doing nothing but spouting partisan hackery and canned responses.

Yeah, great publicity job there Jeb, keep it up...

Jeb Bush People Need to Work Longer Hours - ABC News
“My aspiration for the country and I believe we can achieve it, is 4 percent growth as far as the eye can see. Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows. It means that people need to work longer hours” and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families. That's the only way we're going to get out of this rut that we're in.”

BTW - His earlier point goes against people working longer hours....people working longer hours means the company needs to hire less people, thus reducing employment numbers and lowering the workforce participation.
Donald Trump just let us all know that wild Jeb was governor of Florida he had five sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants. How can any Republican vote for Jeb bush now?
Jeb Bush is stuck in the Free Trade Ideology, and has not noticed that the theory is not working in practice, for whatever reason.

It is not so much that the rich are not "Sharing" as our manufacturing sector can't seem to compete.

Either we are all incompetent morons, or the playing field is not level.

Auto manufacturers are moving their plants to Mexico because Mexico has free trade agreements with the most countries throughout the world. This is saving them billion in export fees. While labor costs are currently cheaper in Mexico, these companies realize that is only going to be a temporary thing, but the free trade agreements are there for the long haul. We are in a global economy, and if we want to compete globally, we cannot become an isolationist country.

As opposed to Obamacare putting a cost strain on the healthcare industry and forcing companies to outsource to India, the Philippines and Mexico of course.

If you don't want American companies providing health insurance, then you should support a single payer system that allows for supplemental insurance. Most big companies provided health insurance long before Obamacare and costs had been out of control long before Obamacare. If anything, Obamacare has stabilized costs somewhat.

my insurance for my employees is going up 9% next year the highest rate hike in the past 5 years

21% at my husband's firm. For the first time ever associates will be forced to help pay for their insurance, the firm is sick about it but the costs are out of control

So for the past five years rate increases have been fairly low. Remember how much the rate increases were from 2000 to 2008? They doubled in those eight years, and that is a fact. Look it up if you don't believe me. I don't need to look it up because I remember how they doubled as I have always had to pay for all of my health insurance as I am self-employed.

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