Jeb Bush: "People need to Work Longer Hours!"

What was that you were saying? Healthcare costs are up, people are having to pay for benefits they will never even use. Deductibles and out of pocket have increased substantially.
What happened to an average cost savings of $2500 per year, repeated over and over by Obama and his cronies? It hasn't happened.
Watch Employees in Pennsylvania Company Learn of Increased Health Costs Due to Obamacare The Weekly Standard
Rate Shock In California Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146 - Forbes
Obamacare Increases Large Employers Health Costs - Forbes
Health Care Costs Expected to Rise in 2015 Are You Ready - US News

Auto manufacturers are moving their plants to Mexico because Mexico has free trade agreements with the most countries throughout the world. This is saving them billion in export fees. While labor costs are currently cheaper in Mexico, these companies realize that is only going to be a temporary thing, but the free trade agreements are there for the long haul. We are in a global economy, and if we want to compete globally, we cannot become an isolationist country.

As opposed to Obamacare putting a cost strain on the healthcare industry and forcing companies to outsource to India, the Philippines and Mexico of course.

If you don't want American companies providing health insurance, then you should support a single payer system that allows for supplemental insurance. Most big companies provided health insurance long before Obamacare and costs had been out of control long before Obamacare. If anything, Obamacare has stabilized costs somewhat.

my insurance for my employees is going up 9% next year the highest rate hike in the past 5 years

21% at my husband's firm. For the first time ever associates will be forced to help pay for their insurance, the firm is sick about it but the costs are out of control

So for the past five years rate increases have been fairly low. Remember how much the rate increases were from 2000 to 2008? They doubled in those eight years, and that is a fact. Look it up if you don't believe me. I don't need to look it up because I remember how they doubled as I have always had to pay for all of my health insurance as I am self-employed.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.
That's simply untrue. Both Rubio and Paul Ryan have floated tax cuts aimed at the middle class. Not that I'm all giddy over Rubio. But, spare me the compassion crap. It's a capitalist market, unless you're of the socialist's camp. Imo, Walker is dangerous for America. But, we'll have to wait for Hillary to explain her plans.

Tax cuts aren't a solution for anything except bigger deficits. If that's all that Republican candidates are offering, don't vote for them.

Jeb's solution to low wages is to increase the earned income credit. Yes, make American tax payers responsible for subsidizing wages for the working poor. Another way to increase the deficit.
Yeah, great publicity job there Jeb, keep it up...

Jeb Bush People Need to Work Longer Hours - ABC News
“My aspiration for the country and I believe we can achieve it, is 4 percent growth as far as the eye can see. Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows. It means that people need to work longer hours” and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families. That's the only way we're going to get out of this rut that we're in.”

BTW - His earlier point goes against people working longer hours....people working longer hours means the company needs to hire less people, thus reducing employment numbers and lowering the workforce participation.
Its cheaper to pay overtime than it is to hire a new person to fill those same hours.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.
That's simply untrue. Both Rubio and Paul Ryan have floated tax cuts aimed at the middle class. Not that I'm all giddy over Rubio. But, spare me the compassion crap. It's a capitalist market, unless you're of the socialist's camp. Imo, Walker is dangerous for America. But, we'll have to wait for Hillary to explain her plans.

Tax cuts aren't a solution for anything except bigger deficits. If that's all that Republican candidates are offering, don't vote for them.

Jeb's solution to low wages is to increase the earned income credit. Yes, make American tax payers responsible for subsidizing wages for the working poor. Another way to increase the deficit.

Tax cuts are a solution when taxes are to high. The 70% rate Reagan cut needed to be cut.

Cutting a 39% tax rate is not going to have a similar positive effect.

INcreasing the EIC? THat is nonsense.

Of course, just taxing more isn't going to fix our budgets either.

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