Jeb Bush: "People need to Work Longer Hours!"

Yes, pay Americans shittier wages and force em to work more hours. Fantastic platform you're running on there Republicans. A real winner.

Seriously, do the greedy fat white Republican dudes really think they're gonna win the White House back? Why would American Workers support them at this point?
He didn't say that. If you read the full quote. He said wages won't rise when people are under-employed. And, unless we want to embrace socialism, that is a correct statement.

What does he know? He's a spoiled pampered Globalist Elite Royal. Never had to work a day in his life. So he can go lecture someone else. Fuck em. :)
It's macroeconomics 101. But, hey, so long as we have the Donald on one side and Bernie "wanna a Unicorn" Sanders on the other .... who gives a crap.
Jeb! will hand you a nickel will hand you a dime and ask you with a grin if you are having a good time...
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

You assume that productivity rise is a result in the quality and quantity of labor?

It's technology that has increased productivity NOT the quality or quantity of labor

So who got the money?
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

You assume that productivity rise is a result in the quality and quantity of labor?

It's technology that has increased productivity NOT the quality or quantity of labor

So who got the money?

Have you looked at any technology stocks lately?

People who make it possible for unskilled labor to produce more than skilled labor are the ones making the money.
Yeah, great publicity job there Jeb, keep it up...

Jeb Bush People Need to Work Longer Hours - ABC News
“My aspiration for the country and I believe we can achieve it, is 4 percent growth as far as the eye can see. Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows. It means that people need to work longer hours” and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families. That's the only way we're going to get out of this rut that we're in.”

BTW - His earlier point goes against people working longer hours....people working longer hours means the company needs to hire less people, thus reducing employment numbers and lowering the workforce participation.

I think what he means is that people need full-time jobs... anyway, what's wrong with working hard?
Good News American Workers! The fat greedy white Republican dudes are on the way to help ya out! Here's what they're promising ya...

They promise to pay you the shittiest wages possible, Outsource your job whenever possible, and replace you with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Helluva Platform no? Why wouldn't an American Worker support the Republican Party?
Jeb Bush was born into a period when you could actually find reasonable full-time jobs, university costs weren't through the roof, being a sociopath wasn't a preferred trait for a CEO - and more importantly infrastructure like roads and railroads weren't left to rot.

But having lived in his economic bubble with his brother, actual economic reality is worth less to him than his ideology.

Found Jeb Bush's campaign song:

Privatize every mountain,
Sell high and low,
Bribe every department,
Every dictatorship you know.

Privatize every mountain,
Pollute every stream,
Sully every rainbow,
'Till you crush their dream.

A dream that will need
All the bailouts you can take,
Every paycheck of their life
For as long as they live.

Privatize every mountain,
Pollute every stream,
Sully every rainbow,
Till you crush their dream.

A dream that will need
All the bailouts you can take,
Every paycheck of their life
For as long as they live.

Privatize every mountain,
Pollute every stream,
Sully every rainbow,
Till you crush their dream.
It's Rubio or Walker, imo.

What Jeb said is literally true, but he is tone deaf. Forget about him taking on the Donald over race baiting, he can't even walk and chew gum. He's just been out of the game too long.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Hillary hasn't seen Hillary's plan....:confused:
Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.

To them, labor is just another business resource to be gotten at the lowest cost possible.

Hence the change of the name of the department that handles employees from Personnel Department to Human Resources.
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

Too bad that what Bush was talking about was the need to get American workers off of part time jobs and back to full time employment. It's something that even the big labor unions have been saying for some time.

Once again, Hillary Clinton is deliberately misleading the American people...and people like you are lapping it up, Old Rocks!
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.
That's simply untrue. Both Rubio and Paul Ryan have floated tax cuts aimed at the middle class. Not that I'm all giddy over Rubio. But, spare me the compassion crap. It's a capitalist market, unless you're of the socialist's camp. Imo, Walker is dangerous for America. But, we'll have to wait for Hillary to explain her plans.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.

You really think the hate filled Communists are going to "help" American workers? Maybe Bernie Sanders will mandate that "whites are not eligible for jobs," eh? Maybe Hillary will mandate "Spanish only" in all American work places?

These would please you, right Comrade? Look, you leftists are at war to end America, I get it - but what you seek will crush American workers, you have no intention of helping anyone other than party over-lords.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.
Here it is, she will sell out Americans per-usual:
Well, again Jeb's real failing, other than being so out of touch he makes Hillary look likes "one of the people," is he's still drinking the cut the rich folks' taxes and the rising tide will lift all boats. He says stupid stuff like this that taken out of context sounds objectionable.

Hillary has a small advantage in that if all the gop has is "repeal Obamacare and kick out all the illegals," she'll probably win. But, if the gop actually tackles the cost of education without some bs about letting kids stay in school for another 4 years without necessarily learning an employable skill, and finding way to maintain near universal care without just putting more people on Medicaid ... then we may see something.
Well, again Jeb's real failing, other than being so out of touch he makes Hillary look likes "one of the people," is he's still drinking the cut the rich folks' taxes and the rising tide will lift all boats. He says stupid stuff like this that taken out of context sounds objectionable.

Hillary has a small advantage in that if all the gop has is "repeal Obamacare and kick out all the illegals," she'll probably win. But, if the gop actually tackles the cost of education without some bs about letting kids stay in school for another 4 years without necessarily learning an employable skill, and finding way to maintain near universal care without just putting more people on Medicaid ... then we may see something.

If that is what the dems are hoping for, they have no hope at all.

Walker will most likely be the nominee. He will say very little about fascistcare. While the SCOTUS ruling was the worst from a court since Dred Scott, it does allow the Republicans to duck the issue, which they will. The whole point of Trump is that the GOP is afraid to say anything on the Mexican invasion. Trump will continue to address it for a couple of months, then the issue will be swept aside.

Let's be clear though, this is not about "immigration," or even "illegal immigration," this is a deliberate invasion by the Nation of Mexico for the purpose of occupying and obtaining significant portions of the United States.

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