Jeb Bush: "People need to Work Longer Hours!"

American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.
Here it is, she will sell out Americans per-usual:

I think I saw this before. It is a bit old.

Like that guy said, "we don't have to go over old scandals". That is true. Read the paper, you probably have a Clinton scandal right there!
Good News American Workers! The fat greedy white Republican dudes are on the way to help ya out! Here's what they're promising ya...

They promise to pay you the shittiest wages possible, Outsource your job whenever possible, and replace you with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Helluva Platform no? Why wouldn't an American Worker support the Republican Party?

SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.

As their theory says it should.

This is not about some Evul People that need to be fought, but about an Ideal that is not working and needs to be discredited.

Because, oddly, the Free Traders have won the Contest of Ideas. Free Trade has become the Bi-partisan consensus.

As demonstrated by Clinton signing Nafta.

ON the other hand, there are plenty of Left Wing ideologues who are equally resistant to information undermining their theories on such topics as immigration.
SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.


30 years ago the average American family had a 4,000 sq ft house with flat screen TV in every room, air conditioning, half dozen cars, cell phones for the kiddies.

Today the average family is in a 800 sq foot house with a single shared bathroom, air conditioning is for rich people - if they are lucky they have a family car. The 12" black and white TV in the living room took 6 months pay, but is a badge of pride.

Oh wait....
Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.

To them, labor is just another business resource to be gotten at the lowest cost possible.

Hence the change of the name of the department that handles employees from Personnel Department to Human Resources.

The Republican Party is run by angry greedy white dudes. They don't care about anyone but themselves. They offer American Workers nothing but misery. They're dangerously close to losing the American Worker Vote forever.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.
That's simply untrue. Both Rubio and Paul Ryan have floated tax cuts aimed at the middle class. Not that I'm all giddy over Rubio. But, spare me the compassion crap. It's a capitalist market, unless you're of the socialist's camp. Imo, Walker is dangerous for America. But, we'll have to wait for Hillary to explain her plans.

If caring = Socialist, so be it. Better than the greedy fat white Republican dude alternative.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.

You really think the hate filled Communists are going to "help" American workers? Maybe Bernie Sanders will mandate that "whites are not eligible for jobs," eh? Maybe Hillary will mandate "Spanish only" in all American work places?

These would please you, right Comrade? Look, you leftists are at war to end America, I get it - but what you seek will crush American workers, you have no intention of helping anyone other than party over-lords.

Still, the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering much worse. Let's see, paying folks the shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Yeah, just not very American Worker-friendly. You guys are giving workers no choice but to support the Democrats. Your hate & greed is catching up with ya. It's gonna cost ya.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.
Here it is, she will sell out Americans per-usual:

Republicans fully support Outsourcing American Jobs and replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor. So, looks like you guys should be in the Hillary Camp this Election.
It's going to be a long campaign season while the tax exempt left wing propaganda network that never sleeps, Media Matters, takes words and sentences and paragraphs out of context and feeds it to their cartoon characters and useful idiots for the dose of outrage they feed on.
American Workers better not count on angry greedy white Republican dudes to help em out. It just ain't gonna happen. If it comes down to choosing between Democrat/Republican on this issue, go with the Democrats.

The Democrats represent a more compassionate approach. Angry greedy white Republican dudes just don't give a shite about American Workers. It is what it is.
I haven't seen Hillary's plan.

Democrats seem to have a more compassionate just approach. The Republicans offer nothing but misery. No American Worker should support them.

Paying Americans shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing jobs whenever possible, replacing Americans with Illegals for Slave Labor? Not a very American Worker-friendly agenda.
That's simply untrue. Both Rubio and Paul Ryan have floated tax cuts aimed at the middle class. Not that I'm all giddy over Rubio. But, spare me the compassion crap. It's a capitalist market, unless you're of the socialist's camp. Imo, Walker is dangerous for America. But, we'll have to wait for Hillary to explain her plans.

If caring = Socialist, so be it. Better than the greedy fat white Republican dude alternative.
It's interesting. We may actually be seeing the emergence of a debate. I still question whether Jeb will be the nominee, but he seems to be taking aim at the notion Obamacare is causing underemployment (although I don't think there's any empirical data showing that) and the new overtime rules are counterproductive .... although I'd rather see guys making 15bucks and hour get overtime for working 60 than see them work 40 and have an employer hire a part timer with no benefits to work 20 hours for 10bucks.
Good News American Workers! The fat greedy white Republican dudes are on the way to help ya out! Here's what they're promising ya...

They promise to pay you the shittiest wages possible, Outsource your job whenever possible, and replace you with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Helluva Platform no? Why wouldn't an American Worker support the Republican Party?

SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.

As their theory says it should.

This is not about some Evul People that need to be fought, but about an Ideal that is not working and needs to be discredited.

Because, oddly, the Free Traders have won the Contest of Ideas. Free Trade has become the Bi-partisan consensus.

As demonstrated by Clinton signing Nafta.

ON the other hand, there are plenty of Left Wing ideologues who are equally resistant to information undermining their theories on such topics as immigration.

Oh, it's much more simple than that. Angry greedy fat white dude is the Republican Party. It's all about hate and greed. An American Worker has no reason to support that Party. It is what it is.
Anyone who believes Americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough American workers.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter Anyone who believes Americans aren t working hard enough hasn t met enough American workers. http wyS1p8zcDo

Perhaps if the class of people that Jeb Bush belongs shared the profits with the people that earned those profits for them, the economy would be doing better.

You assume that productivity rise is a result in the quality and quantity of labor?

It's technology that has increased productivity NOT the quality or quantity of labor

So who got the money?

Have you looked at any technology stocks lately?

People who make it possible for unskilled labor to produce more than skilled labor are the ones making the money.

That's not what happens idiot.
SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.


30 years ago the average American family had a 4,000 sq ft house with flat screen TV in every room, air conditioning, half dozen cars, cell phones for the kiddies.

Today the average family is in a 800 sq foot house with a single shared bathroom, air conditioning is for rich people - if they are lucky they have a family car. The 12" black and white TV in the living room took 6 months pay, but is a badge of pride.

Oh wait....

Policy should be crafted to advance the interests of the US citizens.

NOT going backwards is not much of an achievement in my book.

We have seen significant increases in productivity without corresponding increases in wages.
Good News American Workers! The fat greedy white Republican dudes are on the way to help ya out! Here's what they're promising ya...

They promise to pay you the shittiest wages possible, Outsource your job whenever possible, and replace you with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Helluva Platform no? Why wouldn't an American Worker support the Republican Party?

SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.

As their theory says it should.

This is not about some Evul People that need to be fought, but about an Ideal that is not working and needs to be discredited.

Because, oddly, the Free Traders have won the Contest of Ideas. Free Trade has become the Bi-partisan consensus.

As demonstrated by Clinton signing Nafta.

ON the other hand, there are plenty of Left Wing ideologues who are equally resistant to information undermining their theories on such topics as immigration.

Oh, it's much more simple than that. Angry greedy fat white dude is the Republican Party. It's all about hate and greed. An American Worker has no reason to support that Party. It is what it is.

And here is what you are all about.

Division. Racism. Class Warfare. All in the service of the Party.

I have agreed with you on the substance of the problem.

I have pointed out that the opposing view is the conventional wisdom of both parties.

And you ignore that to make a partisan statement.
Still, the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering much worse. Let's see, paying folks the shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Yeah, just not very American Worker-friendly. You guys are giving workers no choice but to support the Democrats. Your hate & greed is catching up with ya. It's gonna cost ya.

Still the mindless populist who thinks that violence and upheaval will line his pockets.

You offer nothing to American workers. Obama hired Jeffery Immelt as his "jobs czar." The first act of Immelt was to move all light bulb manufacturing to China. 30,000 American jobs lost. That's what your Communist heroes give America.
Good News American Workers! The fat greedy white Republican dudes are on the way to help ya out! Here's what they're promising ya...

They promise to pay you the shittiest wages possible, Outsource your job whenever possible, and replace you with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Helluva Platform no? Why wouldn't an American Worker support the Republican Party?

SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.

As their theory says it should.

This is not about some Evul People that need to be fought, but about an Ideal that is not working and needs to be discredited.

Because, oddly, the Free Traders have won the Contest of Ideas. Free Trade has become the Bi-partisan consensus.

As demonstrated by Clinton signing Nafta.

ON the other hand, there are plenty of Left Wing ideologues who are equally resistant to information undermining their theories on such topics as immigration.

Oh, it's much more simple than that. Angry greedy fat white dude is the Republican Party. It's all about hate and greed. An American Worker has no reason to support that Party. It is what it is.

And here is what you are all about.

Division. Racism. Class Warfare. All in the service of the Party.

I have agreed with you on the substance of the problem.

I have pointed out that the opposing view is the conventional wisdom of both parties.

And you ignore that to make a partisan statement.

I'm not being partisan. I despise both Parties. But on this issue, American Workers would be wise to go with the Democrats. That Party has a more compassionate just approach.

The Republican Party is run by angry greedy white dudes who shit on American Workers every chance they get. They actually boast about and celebrate workers making the shittiest wages possible. They're very bad people. I hope their hate & greed comes back to bite em. That would be justice.
Policy should be crafted to advance the interests of the US citizens.

NOT going backwards is not much of an achievement in my book.

We have seen significant increases in productivity without corresponding increases in wages.

Platitudes don't alter the fact that what you posted is utter bullshit. American's live better than any people in history. American's live better every year.

Democrats are dedicated to putting an end to that,
SOmething you need to understand about Free Traders is that they are trying to help..

THey just have not noticed that rising productivity over the last 30 years has NOT resulted in higher wages.


30 years ago the average American family had a 4,000 sq ft house with flat screen TV in every room, air conditioning, half dozen cars, cell phones for the kiddies.

Today the average family is in a 800 sq foot house with a single shared bathroom, air conditioning is for rich people - if they are lucky they have a family car. The 12" black and white TV in the living room took 6 months pay, but is a badge of pride.

Oh wait....

Policy should be crafted to advance the interests of the US citizens.

NOT going backwards is not much of an achievement in my book.

We have seen significant increases in productivity without corresponding increases in wages.
So these people now work harder and more productive then the illegals that pick fruit from Sun up to Sun down? You can kiss my ass that the average American worker productivity went up....

They had billions of dollars invested in machines, computers, cell phones , training in New ideas of Q.C., ISO, Kanban let's say to make their jobs easier and where did that investment come from idiot?

The American worker?
Still, the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering much worse. Let's see, paying folks the shittiest wages possible, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

Yeah, just not very American Worker-friendly. You guys are giving workers no choice but to support the Democrats. Your hate & greed is catching up with ya. It's gonna cost ya.

Still the mindless populist who thinks that violence and upheaval will line his pockets.

You offer nothing to American workers. Obama hired Jeffery Immelt as his "jobs czar." The first act of Immelt was to move all light bulb manufacturing to China. 30,000 American jobs lost. That's what your Communist heroes give America.

Still, what the angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering, is much worse. Boasting about and celebrating workers making the shittiest wages possible, just isn't very endearing to struggling American Workers.

You guys are giving workers no reason to support you. If you're a struggling American Worker, you gotta go Democrat. That Party is presenting a more compassionate just approach.
He's being taken out of context, but who cares?! That fat piece of shit has a lot of nerve entering this race in the first place. Fuck Bush.
I don't think compassion has anything to do with it. There's no debate that middle class wages have stagnated and we have under-employment. The question is what do we do about it. I don't like Obama, and Sanders is a Unicorn. However, I fail to see what is fundamentally detrimental to the economy to use a progressive tax scheme to, basically, make sure every American worker has a healthcare package. (I take issue with Obama expanding Medicaid, and I think ultimately we'll see private insurance that people can't afford to use because they can't pay the deductible. But, the GOP took a real big steaming dump on the issue, so her we are)

Also, I don't see how opposing overtime really helps. I'd rather see fewer guys making more, than increasing part timers The guys making more will consume more, which in turn should create demand and more jobs. That was the classic progressivism that worked quite well from WWII to the oil embargos and resulting inflation .. neither of which are an issue today.

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