Jeb Bush: "People need to Work Longer Hours!"

Another spoiled pampered white Republican dude lecturing about work. Pretty hilarious stuff. How many hours has Jeb Bush worked this year? Bet it ain't much. What do you think?
More than you have, that's for sure.

Ha, doubt that. The Bush's are spoiled pampered Royals. Never had to work a day in their lives. And they haven't.
That comment right there proves to everybody reading this that you have really limited work experience, lol.
I don't see anything wrong with people working

In fact the most successful people I have ever met work longer hours than anyone I have ever known

Gee i wonder if there's a cause and effect here.

Come on, it's the Party of fat, greedy, hateful old white dudes. So is this really all that surprising? But this one is especially hilarious, coming from a spoiled pampered little brat.

The asshole was born into Globalist Elite Royalty. He never had to work a day in his life. So excuse me if i don't give a shit about anything he says. Or allow me to be more blunt... FUCK JEB BUSH!!!! :)
Just count your food stamps and say thank you, yo...

Nice try. But that ain't me. And Jeb Bush is a pampered Globalist Elite asshole. So fuck em.
Another spoiled pampered white Republican dude lecturing about work. Pretty hilarious stuff. How many hours has Jeb Bush worked this year? Bet it ain't much. What do you think?
More than you have, that's for sure.

Ha, doubt that. The Bush's are spoiled pampered Royals. Never had to work a day in their lives. And they haven't.
That comment right there proves to everybody reading this that you have really limited work experience, lol.

How so?
Another spoiled pampered white Republican dude lecturing about work. Pretty hilarious stuff. How many hours has Jeb Bush worked this year? Bet it ain't much. What do you think?
More than you have, that's for sure.

Ha, doubt that. The Bush's are spoiled pampered Royals. Never had to work a day in their lives. And they haven't.
That comment right there proves to everybody reading this that you have really limited work experience, lol.

How so?

Just take my word for it, loser.
Just count your food stamps and say thank you, yo...

Look at your white skin and say "thank you"..yo
How come Barack don't do dat?
Money for nothing...Jeb!
JEB BUSH. In 1987, Miguel Recarey, a longstanding business associate of Tampa Mafia boss Santos Trafficante, fled the U.S. under three indictments for labor racketeering, illegal wiretapping, and Medicare fraud.1 His firm, International Medical Centers (IMC), which was America’s largest health maintenance organization for the elderly and which had received $1 billion in Medicare funds, collapsed.2 Recarey’s HMO left $222 million in unpaid bills,3and was suspected of up to $100 million in Medicare fraud.4 “IMC is the classic case of embezzlement of government funds,”said William Teich, who headed the U.S. Office of Labor Racketeering in Miami. Teich called it a “bust-out operation”where money was “drained out the back door”and disappeared down “a black hole.”5

But in 1985, Recarey had faced a major obstacle to building his Medicare empire: a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulation that restricted an HMO to drawing no more than 50% of its revenue from Medicare.6 Jeb Bush came to the rescue: he called both HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler and a top aide, C. McLain Haddow and successfully convinced them to waive the regulation for Recarey, Haddow testified to Congress.7 Bush’s lobbying of HHS took place during the same period that top-level Republican lobbyists whom Recarey had hired for $1 million were also courting HHS for the waiver.8 Bush said that said he did not recall making any calls to Heckler or Haddow, but confirmed that he made one call on Recarey’s behalf to Haddow’s assistant, to secure Recarey a “fair hearing”within HHS.9

Haddow added in a news interview that in November 1984, Jeb had also called Heckler and Haddow for Recarey about another problem - complaints to HHS from doctors and patients about IMC’smedical care and allegations that Recarey had embezzled funds a few years earlier from another hospital.10 Bush had told Haddow that “contrary to any rumors that were floating around concerning Mr. Recarey, that he was a solid citizen from Mr. Bush’s perspective down there [in Miami], that he was a good community citizen and a good supporter of the Republican Party.”11

1. Wall Street Journal, 8/9/1988, p. A1.

2. Ibid.;Newsday, 10/3/1988, p. 4.

3.Wall Street Journal, 8/9/1988, p. A1.

4.Austin American- Statesman, 5/17/92, p. G1.

5.Wall Street Journal, 8/9/1988, p. A1.

6.Wall Street Journal, 8/9/1988, p. A1;Newsday, 10/3/1988, p. 4.



9.Wall Street Journal, 8/9/1988, p. A1;Newsday, 10/3/1988, p. 4.

10.Newsday, 10/3/1988, p. 4

And due to pundates trying to imply otherwise, he how now clarified he meant workers forced to work part time due to Obamacare constraints.
Yeah, great publicity job there Jeb, keep it up...

Jeb Bush People Need to Work Longer Hours - ABC News
“My aspiration for the country and I believe we can achieve it, is 4 percent growth as far as the eye can see. Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows. It means that people need to work longer hours” and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families. That's the only way we're going to get out of this rut that we're in.”

BTW - His earlier point goes against people working longer hours....people working longer hours means the company needs to hire less people, thus reducing employment numbers and lowering the workforce participation.

Honestly, I think you are taking what he said out of context. I do not believe that he is insinuating that full-time workers need to start working 60 hours per week. I think he is talking about the many people who are only working 25 to 30 hours working a full 40 to 45 hours per week.

Obamacare has had little to do with this. The reality is that almost all companies account for 35 or 36 hours per week being full-time, so companies that did not want to pay for employees health insurance only gave those employees 32 to 34 hours per week to begin with. The loss in hours therefore was minimal and it really only affected a very small percentage of employees. What it did that was positive was to allow those employees who already were not receiving health insurance to now purchase health insurance off of the exchange with subsidies in most cases. Most people in this situation just got a second job if they wanted it. What you need to remember is that most people who are or were affected by this were not in high paying jobs to begin with. Most are at or near minimum wage workers. That's just being honest.
Yes, pay Americans shittier wages and force em to work more hours. Fantastic platform you're running on there Republicans. A real winner.

Seriously, do the greedy fat white Republican dudes really think they're gonna win the White House back? Why would American Workers support them at this point?
Yes, pay Americans shittier wages and force em to work more hours. Fantastic platform you're running on there Republicans. A real winner.

Seriously, do the greedy fat white Republican dudes really think they're gonna win the White House back? Why would American Workers support them at this point?
Says the greedy fat democratic welfare recipient.
Yes, pay Americans shittier wages and force em to work more hours. Fantastic platform you're running on there Republicans. A real winner.

Seriously, do the greedy fat white Republican dudes really think they're gonna win the White House back? Why would American Workers support them at this point?
Says the greedy fat democratic welfare recipient.

You angry fat white Republican dudes don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to American Workers' well-being. You've done nothing but hurt them for decades. You've given them no reason to support your Party. And that's gonna come back to bite ya in the next Election.
Yes, pay Americans shittier wages and force em to work more hours. Fantastic platform you're running on there Republicans. A real winner.

Seriously, do the greedy fat white Republican dudes really think they're gonna win the White House back? Why would American Workers support them at this point?
He didn't say that. If you read the full quote. He said wages won't rise when people are under-employed. And, unless we want to embrace socialism, that is a correct statement.
Yes, pay Americans shittier wages and force em to work more hours. Fantastic platform you're running on there Republicans. A real winner.

Seriously, do the greedy fat white Republican dudes really think they're gonna win the White House back? Why would American Workers support them at this point?
He didn't say that. If you read the full quote. He said wages won't rise when people are under-employed. And, unless we want to embrace socialism, that is a correct statement.

What does he know? He's a spoiled pampered Globalist Elite Royal. Never had to work a day in his life. So he can go lecture someone else. Fuck em. :)

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