Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

thanks for that news and article on 'noel bush' , I'll have to spread that around . Now I just need to find some dirt on young 'jorge p'. Didn't the wife try smuggling something through customs years ago ?? Me , I'll never vote for any 'bush' . Only voted for 'gw' once at his first run fer president . Let 'hilary' or 'pocohontos' have it rather than a 'bush' .

Ummm...Yeah you'd no doubt vote for those whack jobs anyways. You're the very definition of dumbed down voter :uhoh3:
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Many of these comments sound like campaigning for head cheerleader in high school. If you base your vote on "charisma" or "excitement," maybe you shouldn't vote. Some these candidates might be good VP choices, but being Governor of a large State is the only valid preparation for becoming a President.
Rousing voters enough to follow you is a huge part of being a leader. Ben Carson (or Ben Stein, for that matter), may be brilliant people, but they do not have the charismatic personalities need to become a president.
[funny] hey 'jroc' I'm 65 I always voted repub until , wot , 2008 when old pirate mccain ran and I certainly would never vote for that 'rino' under any circumstances . Before that and concerning 'gwb' I didn't vote for him on his second run because of his push for amnesty and I never liked his ' compassionate conservatism ' anyway . So I just sat out 2008 and 'mrobama' got it over the pirate mccain. In 2012 I voted fer 'romney' because I figured that Romney could be nowhere near as bad as mrobama and I especially detest obamacare and its mandate . So , the above is just a little history . Anyway , in the future I'll never vote for a rino bush ever again , my man is Cruz and then Carson and a Cruz - Carson team might be best . So , with the above being said here is a little more news on the 'bush' crime family !! --- Why Jeb Bush might not run for president Daily Mail Online --- P.S. jroc , the only thing I detest more than a dem , liberal or a progressive is a mealy mouthed moderate republican ' rino ' so I'll never support a 'bush' ever again !!
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Many of these comments sound like campaigning for head cheerleader in high school. If you base your vote on "charisma" or "excitement," maybe you shouldn't vote. Some these candidates might be good VP choices, but being Governor of a large State is the only valid preparation for becoming a President.

Basing votes on charisma and excitement says more about the voters than the candidates. We have some major dumbed down electorate.


Can you list (in order of importance) what the top 5 qualities are you look for in a candidate
didn't like the old man 'bush' too much either 'jroc' . I think that he was the conservative but was actually a 'rino' . I think that old man bush was the guy that saw a thousand points of light or some silly thing like that and he also never stopped illegals at the southern border . Old man bush did good in the first Gulf War though [92 i think] as he made a nice ' Highway of Death' on that retreating Iraqi army but then he raised taxes so he got tossed because he lied as he did say , NO NEW TAXES !!. And this new bush , jeb , well , he considers that illegals that invade the USA do so as an act of love !! So yeah , no 'bushs' fer me 'jroc' .
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Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, what is the difference? The direction of the country won't change. Big money interests will still take priority over the taxpayers. We'll continue to push an empirical foreign policy with endless wars. Lobbyists will still get rich off the D.C. trough.

"empirical foreign policy" eh?


Imperial. My bad. :splat:
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Jeb would have a lock on the Hispanic vote. His son, George P. Bush just won his own election in Texas. If the handsome and Spanish speaking George campaigned on behalf of his dad, it would be devastating to democrats.
where in Texas?.....and who cares if he is handsome? you think the Mexican men are going to care?...
Mexican men will listen to a good looking young mexican speaking spanish rather than an old white hag.

If Jeb runs he gets the hispanic vote. There's just no getting around that. It's like imagining that obama wouldn't get the black vote.
if you say so Katz.....after all you know so much about Mexicans and how they think....your racial posts about them are all the proof anyone needs........
Jeb Bush signed the infamous Statement of Principles on June 3, 1997:

see: of principles.pdf

Look who else signed it:

Elliott Abrams
Gary Bauer
William J. Bennett
Jeb Bush
Dick Cheney
Eliot A. Cohen
Midge Decter
Paula Dobriansky
Steve Forbes
Aaron Friedberg
Francis Fukuyama
Frank Gaffney
Fred C. Ikle
Donald Kagan
Zalmay Khalilzad
I. Lewis Libby
Norman Podhoretz
Dan Quayle
Peter W. Rodman
Stephen P. Rosen
Henry S. Rowen
Donald Rumsfeld
Vin Weber
George Weigel
Paul Wolfowitz
Many of these comments sound like campaigning for head cheerleader in high school. If you base your vote on "charisma" or "excitement," maybe you shouldn't vote. Some these candidates might be good VP choices, but being Governor of a large State is the only valid preparation for becoming a President.

Basing votes on charisma and excitement says more about the voters than the candidates. We have some major dumbed down electorate.


Can you list (in order of importance) what the top 5 qualities are you look for in a candidate

My top five qualities for a candidate:

1. Personal integrity (hasn't sold his soul to get elected)
2. Demonstrated relevant competence (e.g., as Governor of a large state)
3. Humility (doesn't think he's smarter than everybody else)
4. Practical problem solving ability (results, not theory)
5. Long range thinking (instead of polls/news cycle driven)

How about your list?
personal integrity , bush is an open borders type guy and his marriage and family ties is a way to buy votes from Hispanics 'jwoodie' .
long range thinking , yep , that's the why to his marriage and family .
[funny] hey 'jroc' I'm 65 I always voted repub until , wot , 2008 when old pirate mccain ran and I certainly would never vote for that 'rino' under any circumstances . Before that and concerning 'gwb' I didn't vote for him on his second run because of his push for amnesty and I never liked his ' compassionate conservatism ' anyway . So I just sat out 2008 and 'mrobama' got it over the pirate mccain. In 2012 I voted fer 'romney' because I figured that Romney could be nowhere near as bad as mrobama and I especially detest obamacare and its mandate . So , the above is just a little history . Anyway , in the future I'll never vote for a rino bush ever again , my man is Cruz and then Carson and a Cruz - Carson team might be best . So , with the above being said here is a little more news on the 'bush' crime family !! --- Why Jeb Bush might not run for president Daily Mail Online --- P.S. jroc , the only thing I detest more than a dem , liberal or a progressive is a mealy mouthed moderate republican ' rino ' so I'll never support a 'bush' ever again !!

Cruz is a moron and Carson is wholly unqualified to be POTUS.

I would humbly petition you to sit out 2016 as well.
naw . actually I'd probably vote fer 'boshes' opponent 'ave bear' , it'd be hard but my goal would be to mess up moderates and rinos by getting another enemy of theirs into the Whitehouse !! No matter what , I have a plan 'ave bear' . Like I said before , moderate rinos are worse than dems , libs and progressives in my opinion . Hilary or Pochohontis would really mess up rinos and moderates .
as far as competence as a governor , j boosh has been out of the governorship for a while and the state that he governed is still there under a different governor . Its not like the state or country would disappear without a bush .
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Nobody is threatened by Jeb Bush. He will have to prove himself and run against Hillary. She is a tough task master..
as far as Cruz or Carson being inexperienced 'ave bear' , well mrobama was inexperienced and the USA still exists . Cruz is inexperienced perhaps but he is a Conservative Constitutionalist and he is smart and honest . He opposes obamacare and illegal immigration and open borders . Cruz sounds good to me !! Carson , well Carson is smart , honest and can learn on the job and it'd be better than what we now have .

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