Jeb proposes serious tax cuts


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
It's interesting. Read it all before you start yelling.

By Steve Holland Republican Jeb Bush to propose personal, corporate tax cuts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is proposing broad tax cuts for individuals and corporations as part of a plan to trigger stronger U.S. economic growth if he is elected in November 2016.

Bush laid out key elements of his tax overhaul in an opinion article posted on Tuesday for the Wall Street Journal, a day before he gives a speech outlining his plan in North Carolina.

The former Florida governor would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. He would reduce the number of individual tax brackets to three from seven, with a high rate of 28 percent and then down to 25 percent and 10 percent.

In a move to encourage U.S. companies to bring home an estimated $2 trillion in overseas profits, he would assess a one-time tax of 8.75 percent on these profits payable over 10 years.
Great, just what we need, after all, we've been drowning in jobs from tax cuts and trickle down economics.
The self employed get hammered by the current tax code. Yet, it is pretty rare anyone talks about it. As more people move into self employment, I hope the spotlight is shined on those who could really use some relief.
Cutting taxes on the rich is just stupid. We need more revenue if our infrastructure isn't going to fall into rivers, maintaining our science institutions,etc.

Jeb Bush is a loserterian idiot.

And you're an average ignorant progressive liberal... Maybe you and Jed should fuck or something.
Cutting taxes on the rich is just stupid. We need more revenue if our infrastructure isn't going to fall into rivers, maintaining our science institutions,etc.

Jeb Bush is a loserterian idiot.

And you're an average ignorant progressive liberal... Maybe you and Jed should fuck or something.

And you're a loserterian moron that hasn't a clue how a modern society works. Maybe you should go fuck cruz and paul somewhere?
Great, just what we need, after all, we've been drowning in jobs from tax cuts and trickle down economics.

Same old small government with less regulations = a massive crash bs the republicans have been running on for the past 2 decades. Wtf has it done for AMerica? We will look like somalia before they're done.

No worries Matt, yer boy Bernie Sanders in ready for your socialist support and vote.
It's interesting. Read it all before you start yelling.

By Steve Holland Republican Jeb Bush to propose personal, corporate tax cuts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is proposing broad tax cuts for individuals and corporations as part of a plan to trigger stronger U.S. economic growth if he is elected in November 2016.

Bush laid out key elements of his tax overhaul in an opinion article posted on Tuesday for the Wall Street Journal, a day before he gives a speech outlining his plan in North Carolina.

The former Florida governor would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. He would reduce the number of individual tax brackets to three from seven, with a high rate of 28 percent and then down to 25 percent and 10 percent.

In a move to encourage U.S. companies to bring home an estimated $2 trillion in overseas profits, he would assess a one-time tax of 8.75 percent on these profits payable over 10 years.

Non-starter and ZERO chance


It's interesting. Read it all before you start yelling.

By Steve Holland Republican Jeb Bush to propose personal, corporate tax cuts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is proposing broad tax cuts for individuals and corporations as part of a plan to trigger stronger U.S. economic growth if he is elected in November 2016.

Bush laid out key elements of his tax overhaul in an opinion article posted on Tuesday for the Wall Street Journal, a day before he gives a speech outlining his plan in North Carolina.

The former Florida governor would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. He would reduce the number of individual tax brackets to three from seven, with a high rate of 28 percent and then down to 25 percent and 10 percent.

In a move to encourage U.S. companies to bring home an estimated $2 trillion in overseas profits, he would assess a one-time tax of 8.75 percent on these profits payable over 10 years.

Non-starter and ZERO chance



I am starting to agree. The super rich need to be taxed far more and corporate shells like Jeb want to deregulate and tax less. Morons.
Cutting taxes on the rich is just stupid. We need more revenue if our infrastructure isn't going to fall into rivers, maintaining our science institutions,etc.

Jeb Bush is a loserterian idiot.

And you're an average ignorant progressive liberal... Maybe you and Jed should fuck or something.

And you're a loserterian moron that hasn't a clue how a modern society works. Maybe you should go fuck cruz and paul somewhere?

Mmmm, "modern society!" Man, you really know how to sound like yer saying something while not actually saying anything at all!

Funny story is how the more the "modern" a society became the less the citizens were ruled over, thus creating more personal freedom and more individual wealth... The more countries shift backwards to a strong central Government society they always seem to end in impoverished citizens, a bankruptcy for the state/country and or lots of their citizens starving and dying in war.

Matt, I have no doubt that spending more in bailouts/stimulus would create jobs... I have no doubt that building fuck tons of useless infrastructure for the sake of building "stuff" to give everyone a job no matter how unqualified or unwilling to perform these "employee's will be" will artificially bump the economy... In fact, that's what it did for years here in America, and now we're 18 trillion in debt and can't afford to keep that infrastructure going unless we feel like adding even more unsustainable debt.

Your solution has been tried many time in the history of the world Matt and every single time it has failed. Even today countries are doing this and when you look at how they achieve it you find how scary their situation really is, Norway for instance depends on their Government owning oil sales, it makes up a third of their economy.... Can you imagine what will happen when their finite supply of oil runs out, or if an alternate renewable energy is made?

Not to mention it helps when you basically only allow rich people to become citizens of your country and have no illegal immigration issue.
It's interesting. Read it all before you start yelling.

By Steve Holland Republican Jeb Bush to propose personal, corporate tax cuts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is proposing broad tax cuts for individuals and corporations as part of a plan to trigger stronger U.S. economic growth if he is elected in November 2016.

Bush laid out key elements of his tax overhaul in an opinion article posted on Tuesday for the Wall Street Journal, a day before he gives a speech outlining his plan in North Carolina.

The former Florida governor would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. He would reduce the number of individual tax brackets to three from seven, with a high rate of 28 percent and then down to 25 percent and 10 percent.

In a move to encourage U.S. companies to bring home an estimated $2 trillion in overseas profits, he would assess a one-time tax of 8.75 percent on these profits payable over 10 years.

Non-starter and ZERO chance



I am starting to agree. The super rich need to be taxed far more and corporate shells like Jeb want to deregulate and tax less. Morons.

Do you fully comprehend how much in debt we are?

We could take every penny from the entire top 10% and still not put a good dent in our debt.
We don't have a tax problem.
We have a spending problem

Trump surge forces Jeb Bush to switch from optimist with 'joy' to one with bite!

AP US News and World Report ^ | 9/8/15 | THOMAS BEAUMONT
Jeb Bush wanted to run for president as a joyful front-runner, above the fray of the pack. Instead, he heads into the fall campaign as a fighter with a foil: Donald Trump. There's a new urgency in Bush's tone as a candidate. It's moved from frustration and annoyance with Trump's constant needling to a willingness to confront the brash billionaire and call him out for his antics. And though he still relies on the policy-driven arguments that suit his wonkish style, the son and brother of former presidents is also acknowledging what's powered Trump's rise: outrage with the political class...

Watch out!!!!! Jeb is going to bite!!!!!

Great, just what we need, after all, we've been drowning in jobs from tax cuts and trickle down economics.

Same old small government with less regulations = a massive crash bs the republicans have been running on for the past 2 decades. Wtf has it done for AMerica? We will look like somalia before they're done.

We will look like somalia before they're done.

Yeah, with the Federal government set to spend about $3.8 trillion this year, and with regulations costing our economy another $2 trillion, our problem is the government is too small. Idiot.
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Jeb is on the same old GOP script.

Cut taxes, increase defense spending, and make crazy feel good promises to magically balance the budget.
I have an idea!!!

Lets get rid of ALLL military spending and Pretend that there will be no loss in jobs or hit to the economy so that we can resell people the idea that we'll "invest" that money into INFRASTRUCTURE!!!!!

We can tell these lemming fucks that magically cutting military will balance the deficit!

Bu because our supporters are mentally fucking retarded we don't have to mention re-directing that money to "other" projects means you never actually stopped spending and thus never actually balanced the budget!!!

Not that cutting even all of military spending would close the deficit spending we do, not to mention we would not have 0 defense of any kind whatsoever!!!

Great news, when anyone decides to take us over in any fashion they see fit, they will have 37 lane freeways to march their military our our country!

Matt for President!!!!!

Or wait, does Matt not want to cut military spending, and just add new trillions to the deficit spending every year????

Totally sustainable Matt, bravo!!! Yer a genius!!! No one ever thought of this before you!!!! Even the people that caused famous wars like, WWII =)
Jeb is right on the same old GOP script.

Cut taxes, increase defense spending, and make crazy feel good promises to magically balance the budget.

So you mean, like how Obama ran the country?

Do you want me to pull the video of him early in his first term bragging how many tax credits were in his bailout/stimulus? Then he kept us in Iraq, and later took us back after Republicans got us out, GWB got us out btw.... I can pull video of Obama saying so on that too if you like?

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