Jeff Flake going to try to unseat Trump?

In NH, Sen. Jeff Flake says he hopes Trump faces primary challenger

I get the feeling this is personal for him and he may be setting himself up for the ultimate humiliation.

Flake would have a better chance in the Democratic Primary than the GOP I believe.
No one will primary against President Trump in the next election from the Republican Party.

Flake could never run as a Democratic Party member, because most all of his positions are right wing conservative...he is way way way too conservative to be a Democratic candidate....regardless of his position against Trump.

He would be better off running as an independent.

The fact remains --- the Republican Party doesn't need to re-nominate Rump. Even if he wants it, even if he wins primaries. Ultimately it's up to the party who gets the nod.

It's amply conceivable that the RP will have had enough of the divisive bullshit, the sucking up to Russia and Nazis, the abuse of veterans, women and football players, the international humiliation, etc etc and tell Rump to fuck off. Rump with his massive ego thing might then pull a Teddy Roosevelt and run as the Orangutan Party, thereby ensuring that a weak Democrat squeaks through the election with 41% of the popular vote.
Trump has something on the Republican's the only thing that explains their complete turn around on conservatism, their loyalty to him, over nation and their complete dereliction of duty to be a "Check" on the executive branch.... and are suppose to follow the constitution.....

I've never in my life seen anything like it..... :(
He has something over can't just be they have sold their soul to Satan just to get his supporters to vote for them.... that is bad enough.....

but simply my gut, is telling me there is more to it.....

something we will probably find out 10 or 20 years from now.... :dunno:

I don't see it that way. Rump isn't clever enough for that. I think this was all completely a marketing thing. The PTB saw that there was energy being generated, and even if it was negative energy it meant votes, and votes meant power, and they sold their collective soul for it, simple as that.

Now my scenario outlined above depends on that same party having the stones to rebalance those corrupt ethics on principle, which is admittedly a long shot, but it is ameliorated by Rump's historically abysmal approval numbers, so that practicality may hold sway.

I think it'll be real interesting to see a primary challenger or even noise about it, and let's see if the Gullibles fall for the same con job twice.
As an Arizona citizen, I consider Jeff Flake about as credible a candidate as a goat in high heels and a dress. He can't get elected here for anything here again.

trumptards aren't very good at understanding how you're viewed by most of the country.

If your insinuating I am a Trump suporter, your wrong. If you liberals had a brain, you wouldn't instantly make assumptions and put people in your opposition, it will only make people close their ears and become equally as confrontational.
While I have agreed with several of trumps actions, i havnt been impressed by others.
For your information, if my candidate had won, you would be "resisting" President Donald Edward Duck III.thats right you would be suffering from "duck derangment syndrome".

if you are not a trumptard, than your inability to understand why Flake might be appealing to normal real conservatives is shocking.
As an Arizona citizen, I consider Jeff Flake about as credible a candidate as a goat in high heels and a dress. He can't get elected here for anything here again.

trumptards aren't very good at understanding how you're viewed by most of the country.

If your insinuating I am a Trump suporter, your wrong. If you liberals had a brain, you wouldn't instantly make assumptions and put people in your opposition, it will only make people close their ears and become equally as confrontational.
While I have agreed with several of trumps actions, i havnt been impressed by others.
For your information, if my candidate had won, you would be "resisting" President Donald Edward Duck III.thats right you would be suffering from "duck derangment syndrome".

if you are not a trumptard, than your inability to understand why Flake might be appealing to normal real conservatives is shocking.
Its because I live in his home area, and know the history of the man and his family. It has nothing to do with anything else. He should have stayed in the restaurant business, Flake's Steakhouse" in Snowflake was not only fantastic, it was historic.
Flakey Jeff is irrelevant.
I think he's relevant in showing us the difference between conservatism and fascism.
Jeff Flake was the tea party before the tea party was cool.
Its important to look back and see how tea party values have been pushed to the wayside these days. Because now we have something totally different.

Sorry, but Flakey Jeff is not a conservative. He is a "Neo-conservative". Club for Growth is a NEOCON PAC.

NeoCons pretend to be "conservatives" but actually favor big government, global interventionism, war, and the welfare state.

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