Jeff found dead

The man was on 24hr suicide watch list, no shoes and a bunch of other precautions
How does a man who was in solitary confinement found hanging in another cell?
This has "corruption" written all over it
Jeffrey was already giving names, one of them was bill Clinton
Epstein is dead but i personally believe he has information on hard drive and computers that is about to get leaked soon
Too many very wealthy men had too much to lose if Epstein talked. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain if he gave names of those other child molesters for a more lenient sentence. Who wouldn't want to spend their life sentence in a Federal Prison with all the amenities, and not life at the Maximum Security Prison in Colorado (ADX Florence)?

Someone did him, and got a great payday for doing so.
Does nobody find this outrageous? Heads should roll.

Does anyone find it surprising? He had ties to the world's elites...hell the Clinton's were some of the less powerful people tied to him.
The Clintons are above the law obviously… They have left a wake of dead people

Yes they did, but they no longer hold any power so they are not what they used to be.
They are getting long in tooth, But make me no mistake there is no lower life forms on the planet then career politicians like the Clintons... fact

Hopefully the Clinton legacy is dead. Although they still care about their reputations, and how they will be remembered in history, plus Chelsea may run for something at some point. So, nothing good could have come from Bill relationship with Epstein, nor his many trips to Pedo Island.

I am glad Epstein is dead, and hope he rots in Hell, but I wish he would have been allowed to spill his guts to implicate people like Bill Clinton. We all knew that would NOT be allowed to happen.
Wow. I don't know how one takes this news in. Just what knowledge did he take with him?

We are living in an age in which all that has been hidden is revealed. This scares a lot of people who have something to hide.
He was on suicide watch.

Jeffrey Epstein on suicide watch after accused sex trafficker is found injured in New York jail

Side note - some saying that the marks on his neck were boot marks.

I bet you we will find out that he was taken off the watch sometime after that was written.
I believe once you are put on suicide watch in prison you stay there.

That is certainly possible, I will admit I do not have much experience in prison.

I see some "paperwork" snafu being blamed, he was taken off by accident and and before they could fix it...boom. Some poor schmuck will be the fall guy and his life will be ruined to cover up the real actions.
He was on 24/7 camera!

Either we have a 3 minute video gap or they have video of him killing himself.

Bob the guard went to take a shit and Epstein knew he wasn’t being watched?

What the fuck?

Wow.....Epstein joined Seth Rich.
Wow. I don't know how one takes this news in. Just what knowledge did he take with him?

We are living in an age in which all that has been hidden is revealed. This scares a lot of people who have something to hide.
...and Career politicians/deep state are the root of all evil in this country
In . a prison its easy to kill someone
That is primarily a true statement. However, this was in a high security area and recording is mandated. the officers watch no more than 9 inmates/officer and hourly checks are the maximum length between physical line of sight checks.

My husband worked prisons trust me it can be done easier than the average sheep realizes .. LALA land thinks there is protection for do ppl THEY USE SUICIDE TO COVER THEIR ASSES DUMBASSES! ( NOT YOU BILL)
I guess they think a country dumb enough to elect Trump is stupid enough to believe Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide. Or not.

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