Jeff found dead

How does a man of such notoriety on special suicide watch in a special cell die due to suicide?
Who was guarding him, if anyone... Jose Feliciano and Stevie Wonder?
If enough powerful people want you dead it happens.

The investigation into this amazing death should be real "interesting".
Here’s what I know about the uber-rich: They never drive themselves, they’ve never done a load of laundry, and they have no friggin’ clue how to tie a knot in a noose.
I really wonder how they're gonna "explain" this death. He tried it before (apparently). What did he use? Did he strangle himself? Did a barbell bar fall on his throat? Lots of "accidents" happen to people who are chummy with the Clintons.
How does a man of such notoriety on special suicide watch in a special cell die due to suicide?
Who was guarding him, if anyone... Jose Feliciano and Stevie Wonder?
If enough powerful people want you dead it happens.

The investigation into this amazing death should be real "interesting".
BILLIONS of dollars can get you a lot of help. He was either murdered or he escaped.
I’d really like anyone who thinks Seth Rich’s death was a botched robbery (in which nothing was robbed) but thinks Epstein’s death was a hit to explain their logic. Please be specific.
Well, I don't always listen to conspiracy theories, but this one has something odd written all over it. For him to be on suicide watch and still succeed?

Sound like he was suicided, which means allegations against Princes and powerful people are probably true. I hope the FBI pursues them all.

Oh, and this is getting REAL loud attention from ALL political sides based on twitter. I don't think this is going to go away. From Joe Scarborough, to conservative conspiracy theories, to Judicial Watch saying they are already going to pursue answers.

Of all the efforts to have a distrusting public, this one might surpass them all. Can anyone imagine Hannity on Monday?

To be honest, if this lowlife, dirty animal wanted to send a "f you all" to the other dirty animals who were in on these sick perversions, him killing himself achieved that. There were be MUCH more attention applied to this now. I'm watching MSNBC, CNN also all over this, where before they probably didn't have much to say (I'm sure they will all blame Trump for this somehow).
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Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.
MSNBC is demanding you guys stop with the conspiracy theories! Epstein was robbed in his cell. It was a robbery gone wrong!
He was on suicide watch.

Jeffrey Epstein on suicide watch after accused sex trafficker is found injured in New York jail

Side note - some saying that the marks on his neck were boot marks.

I bet you we will find out that he was taken off the watch sometime after that was written.
I believe once you are put on suicide watch in prison you stay there.

That is certainly possible, I will admit I do not have much experience in prison.

I see some "paperwork" snafu being blamed, he was taken off by accident and and before they could fix it...boom. Some poor schmuck will be the fall guy and his life will be ruined to cover up the real actions.
He was taken office by accident? Well, that's possible after all prisons have early released inmates a few times, but those were when it was mistaken identity. I really find this highly unlikely with has high a profile he was.
Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.

Trump is the top law enforcement official in the country. Should we not blame the person at the top? If I was president there would have been someone sitting outside his cell 24 hours a day.
I bet you we will find out that he was taken off the watch sometime after that was written.

We will be told that you mean

I really wonder if the MSM is going to try to sell the suicide scam with asking any questions, they must realize nobody is buying it.... I hope...

Is anyone shocked this happen? be honest.
Well, I don't always listen to conspiracy theories, but this one has something odd written all over it. For him to be on suicide watch and still succeed?

Sound like he was suicided, which means allegations against Princes and powerful people are probably true. I hope the FBI pursues them all.
Given the mans wealth and who he has outed as pedophiles, nothing would surprise me here. Wouldn't be the first time the US Marshall's faked a death to protect a witness in a much bigger crime or criminal organization investigation.

Your right... It is Odd and doesn't look good at all.

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