Jeff found dead

Suicide by jail guard.

Top wanted man on MAJOR crime charges is under constant suicide watch by guards with everything one can harm oneself with removed from cell, STILL found dead of "apparent" suicide with strange marks around neck.


Arkansacide strikes again.

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Who else do we know where hundreds of close associates to them who had ANYTHING which might incriminate the Clinton Political Career all died under strange circumstances, strange accidents, traffic mishaps, suicide, etc?

Know anyone with even FIVE such cases?

Littler Rock, that sleepy little town where many years ago, after Reagan appointed GHW Bush in charge of his narco squad to go after cocaine shipments coming into Florida found a new place they could safely bring drugs into, and just coincidentally, Willy, brother Roger and Jeff were all close buds and heavy users. Hmmmm. Yep. Nothing to see here Marge! Just move along!
In this case, I agree a lot of people wanted him dead. I don't know why you think it was the Clintons, in particular. Maybe a lot of money changed hands with a prison guard. The folks who want him dead have plenty of money. It's kinda crazy to be guessing who, though.

OK, OL, name us one person with more money and more reason to want Epstein dead than Bill Clinton whose been tied to his drug use, tied heavily to his sex island, is a known sexual predator and whom has a long established pattern of people close to them with potential incriminating evidence all turning up dead? I'm waiting.
Hopefully he had a KILL SWITCH.... he's got a people to realize information dead or nnt.. IF PPL CAN'T SEE THE BODY COUNTS NOW AND HOW GOV COVERS UP THEN CONSIDER YOURSELVES THE DUMBEST MOTHER FKRS LEFT STANDING.... There are bad ppl in nthe GV and u dumb mother fkrs wonn't listen. sry for typos in a hurry
And this is from CNN

...Just weeks ago, Epstein was placed on a suicide watch after he was found July 23 in his Manhattan jail cell with marks on his neck, a law enforcement source and a source familiar with the incident told CNN at the time.

It was not clear to jail officials at the time if the injuries, which were not serious, were self-inflicted or the result of an assault, the sources said. Epstein told authorities he was beaten up and called a child predator, they said.


How come none of the MSM propagandists ask the obvious question, how does someone on suicide watch commit suicide?
He was on "SUicide Watch" and a camera is on its cell 24/7. If there is a sudden lapse in the operation of that camera, that would be interesting.
That wouldn't be just interesting. Besides, we won't see any such tape. If this would have happened 6 months from now the press would not have even covered it.

That is a fake news site. The link is which is not abcnews even though they use their logo. The site is The prefix abcnews is just a ruse.

On the other hand I'm glad Epstein is alive. He tried suicide but failed. That means he is hurting. So let him live and hurt 'til he dies of old age, the bastard..

are you smoking crack?
He was on "SUicide Watch" and a camera is on its cell 24/7. If there is a sudden lapse in the operation of that camera, that would be interesting.

Guarantee inside job someone as rich as his as , are to to cowardly . cowards can't kill themselves..
Dead people don't talk.

The Clintons take care of another one.

Tramp takes care of all his buddies.

Except he was Bill’s butt buddy.

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Tramps butt buddy. See how this works!!

Donnie is king. Bow to your king, troll.

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Like you do, no way.
It seems any genuine suicide watch, especially with such a high profile prisoner, would include 24/7 video surveillance (you know, like fast food chains have so minimum wage employees don't steal a taco). I don't wanna go all "Mind Wars" on this - but it's kinda hard to buy.
Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in his jail cell despite being on 24/7 suicide watch, potentially protecting the “powerful men” for whom he procured girls from their complicity in Epstein’s crimes being revealed.

3 tiers of suicide watch

Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead in Jail Cell Despite Being on 24/7 Suicide Watch

we know ppl who work inn prisons..... and if this is a bs we / they will know .

someone killed his ass..



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