Jeff found dead

"A global sex trafficker who could implicate some of the richest and most powerful people on Earth as pedophiles died in his jail cell while under suicide watch in federal prison on the very night that his case files were unsealed. I am officially a conspiracy theorist on this one" - Rep Matt Gaetz

If the whole camera malfunction story is true it wouldnt surprise me if the powers that be whisked him off to a secret location.
I know if I was Epstein I'd have a kill a switch....anything happens to me and it all comes out.
Reminds me of a news story I read, many years ago. A man's body was found in a parking lot, dead from numerous bullet wounds to the chest. Beside him was a bolt-action, .22 caliber rifle, along with seven spent bullet casings. Police investigators declared it an obvious suicide. ;)

I once heard a stand-up comic tell a similar story about the area where he lived. He said it was true, and that truth was stranger than fiction. The victim was found in the middle of a crossroads 20 miles from any town, with no car, shot through the chest, like you said 7 times with a .22 cal bolt-action single shot rifle.

That meant he had to shoot himself in the chest, open the bolt, load another bullet, turn the rifle around, shoot himself again and repeat the process five more times. It was ruled a suicide.
Bill Clinton before Epstines untimely death

Bill Clinton after the news release

those pics remind me of clinton when ron brown was killed in an alleged plane crash.

the people who keep defending Clintons corruption and his history of murdering people who know too much of his crimes like these stupid fuck trolls penelope and golfing gator who both have proven on this thread they cant stand toe to toe in a debate and evade facts, here is the PROOF these two trolls and the rest of the clinton worshippers CANNOT get around that clinton is a murderer.

Remember when he was at Ron Browns funeral and he came out of the funeral with a couple of people laughing his head off having a jolly old good time? "He was laughing knowing he got away with killing Brown."

He was laughing coming out of the funeral and then all of a sudden he notices there is a camera focused on him and then within SECONDS,he all of a sudden stops laughing and then pretends to start crying. He has been trained very well to act,i can say that much for him.

take that you fucking clinton worshippers.

Since you mentioned that video of Mr. Slick laughing at Ron Brown's funeral, I just happen to have that on my YouTube channel. From laughing to wiping away a crocodile tear, in less than 3 seconds.

I knew it had to be out there somewhere. :2up:

You notice how tthe clinton trolls golfing gater,penelope and real idiot and the rest of the clinton lovers have all gone into silent mode since i brought that fact up which proves he was putting on an ACTING job that day about Browns murder?:abgg2q.jpg: the million dollar question is will the clinton lovers that i mentioend EVER come out of hiding mode now on this thread now that you brought that video proof up.:2up: my guess is NO.Look at how long they have been in hiding mode since i mentioned that fact of his ACTING job of Ron Brown,:lmao::laughing0301:

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” he said when he was just a real estate developer in New York City and not president.

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life,” he said.


I mean, I no you're pulling your shit from a Soros hate site, but maybe they put up a source? No?

I didn’t put up a source because it was from your link. Didn’t you read your own article?

So, a quote from 1992 then, when Trump was a major Democrat and celebrity? And Trump banned the bastard in 1999.

Well gee, lie much?
Bill Clinton before Epstines untimely death

Bill Clinton after the news release

those pics remind me of clinton when ron brown was killed in an alleged plane crash.

the people who keep defending Clintons corruption and his history of murdering people who know too much of his crimes like these stupid fuck trolls penelope and golfing gator who both have proven on this thread they cant stand toe to toe in a debate and evade facts, here is the PROOF these two trolls and the rest of the clinton worshippers CANNOT get around that clinton is a murderer.

Remember when he was at Ron Browns funeral and he came out of the funeral with a couple of people laughing his head off having a jolly old good time? "He was laughing knowing he got away with killing Brown."

He was laughing coming out of the funeral and then all of a sudden he notices there is a camera focused on him and then within SECONDS,he all of a sudden stops laughing and then pretends to start crying. He has been trained very well to act,i can say that much for him.

take that you fucking clinton worshippers.

Since you mentioned that video of Mr. Slick laughing at Ron Brown's funeral, I just happen to have that on my YouTube channel. From laughing to wiping away a crocodile tear, in less than 3 seconds.

I knew it had to be out there somewhere. :2up:

You notice how tthe clinton trolls golfing gater,penelope and real idiot and the rest of the clinton lovers have all gone into silent mode since i brought that fact up which proves he was putting on an ACTING job that day about Browns murder?:abgg2q.jpg: the million dollar question is will the clinton lovers that i mentioend EVER come out of hiding mode now on this thread now that you brought that video proof up.:2up: my guess is NO.Look at how long they have been in hiding mode since i mentioned that fact of his ACTING job of Ron Brown,:lmao::laughing0301:

Heheh. Yeah, I guess they had to regroup. Btw, my clip was blurry, I found one that is much more clear, and in slow motion.

Dead men tell no secrets but, it looks like Barr is going to investigate. The description of his death by "law enforcement sources" contains precious little information other than "cardiac arrest." Lots of questions to be answered here.
Wonder what they're smirking about?
You’re confused, you’re thinking of the Clintons
You're the one that's confused, if you think that's Clinton in the picture.
View attachment 273739
The girls are where? If you were making a case for homoerotic behavior, maybe you'd have a point. On the other hand, considering what Epstein has been involved in, I ask again about the photo I posted, what are they smirking about?

That photo is closing in on it's 30th birthday, dumbass!
Epstien is talking with Vince Foster on how they should have been more careful picking their friends. He was murdered. Can someone prove it? I hope so.

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” he said when he was just a real estate developer in New York City and not president.

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life,” he said.

Then he found out the truth about him and banned him from all of his properties. I guess all of your friends won't let you in their house either!
Dead men tell no secrets but, it looks like Barr is going to investigate.

Oh man. Shit just got real. Now we'll get to the bottom of this for sure!
Sarcasm? I was just going to post...even if there is an 'investigation', the actual truth is not going to come out. It never does.

One day the whole truth will come out though, and there is such a thing as real justice, but that's another topic entirely.
You’re confused, you’re thinking of the Clintons
You're the one that's confused, if you think that's Clinton in the picture.
View attachment 273739
The girls are where? If you were making a case for homoerotic behavior, maybe you'd have a point. On the other hand, considering what Epstein has been involved in, I ask again about the photo I posted, what are they smirking about?
Probably bragging about the underage girls they banged.
I agree. Trump and Epstein seem to be proud of something sordid.

They were laughing about accidentally seeing your screen test for that gay porno you shot!
Lol well there you go. You found one hahah
Let’s put it on the scale let’s see what weighs more

I pointed out Hastert but this problem affects all races, ages, politics or whatever else you want to come up with.
It’s not even on the same playing field,, pizza gate.. John podesta has naked paintings of kids in in a pool dead..
Opreah was partying with Weinstein when everyone knew he knew what he was doing to little girls..

I don't try to make excuses for that and have condemned the very same people without offering up deflections.
Democrats are predators

Dennis Hastert: Ex-House speaker can't be alone with children, judge rules - CNN

I didn't realize that fucker got out of prison ? H e should have had to stay in for the rest of his pathetic life.

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