Jeff found dead


Bill, too.
The entire country (except for you and the staff at the Metropolitan Correctional Center) basically assumed he'd get whacked.
So what? The entire country is full of stupid people.
And a lot of people not smart enough to leave, like you.
You racist old white supremacists will get deported or jailed before i will. Sorry.
I am not a racist, and you saying so shows how lazy and uninformed you are.
The entire country (except for you and the staff at the Metropolitan Correctional Center) basically assumed he'd get whacked.
So what? The entire country is full of stupid people.
And a lot of people not smart enough to leave, like you.
You racist old white supremacists will get deported or jailed before i will. Sorry.
I am not a racist, and you saying so shows how lazy and uninformed you are.
Does nobody find this outrageous? Heads should roll.

Does anyone find it surprising? He had ties to the world's elites...hell the Clinton's were some of the less powerful people tied to him.
The Clintons are above the law obviously… They have left a wake of dead people

Yes they did, but they no longer hold any power so they are not what they used to be.
They are getting long in tooth, But make me no mistake there is no lower life forms on the planet then career politicians like the Clintons... fact

Hopefully the Clinton legacy is dead. Although they still care about their reputations, and how they will be remembered in history, plus Chelsea may run for something at some point. So, nothing good could have come from Bill relationship with Epstein, nor his many trips to Pedo Island.

I am glad Epstein is dead, and hope he rots in Hell, but I wish he would have been allowed to spill his guts to implicate people like Bill Clinton. We all knew that would NOT be allowed to happen.
Maybe he already did.
The entire country (except for you and the staff at the Metropolitan Correctional Center) basically assumed he'd get whacked.
So what? The entire country is full of stupid people.

They may be stupid, but their fears weren't. Many non-Alex-Jones types expressed concern that Epstein wouldn't live to testify. And they were right. Do you really believe the prison staff wasn't aware of all of this? They're either guilty of one of the greatest blunders in the history of the justice system, or they were told to stand down.
Fake News loves to distract us from the billionaire Pedo networks involving Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, former NM Gov. Bill Richardson, and many others, but Epstein’s death has now got the entire country talking about his Pedo crimes. Thankfully, the Feds already executed search warrants on his properties and all that evidence can still be used against other Pedo felons. Plus lots of documents from his past court cases are starting to be unsealed. Let’s see what kicks up
The entire country (except for you and the staff at the Metropolitan Correctional Center) basically assumed he'd get whacked.
So what? The entire country is full of stupid people.
And a lot of people not smart enough to leave, like you.
You racist old white supremacists will get deported or jailed before i will. Sorry.
I guess that's the catch-phrase you dicks are using now.....even the white motherfuckers.....White Supremacists.

Repeat it 50 times a day like little brainwashed parrots.
What a pain it must be to be a Clinton. "Another snitch we have to kill? When will this madness stop?"
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Hopefully he had a KILL SWITCH.... he's got a people to realize information dead or nnt.. IF PPL CAN'T SEE THE BODY COUNTS NOW AND HOW GOV COVERS UP THEN CONSIDER YOURSELVES THE DUMBEST MOTHER FKRS LEFT STANDING.... There are bad ppl in nthe GV and u dumb mother fkrs wonn't listen. sry for typos in a hurry
So you think the government killed him.
I'll believe it if all this shit is swept under the rug just like Democraps and fake news MSM has been doing all day. Right now the gubmint is highly suspect.

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