Jeff found dead

That is a fake news site. The link is which is not abcnews even though they use their logo. The site is The prefix abcnews is just a ruse.

On the other hand I'm glad Epstein is alive. He tried suicide but failed. That means he is hurting. So let him live and hurt 'til he dies of old age, the bastard..




What planet are you on?
He was on "SUicide Watch" and a camera is on its cell 24/7. If there is a sudden lapse in the operation of that camera, that would be interesting.
That wouldn't be just interesting. Besides, we won't see any such tape. If this would have happened 6 months from now the press would not have even covered it.

He started leaking names YESTERDAY.

12 hours after naming Gov. Richards, he's dead.
Alleged "camera malfunction" last night at MCC where Jeffrey Epstein was locked up.

Two guards were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled "Maintenance"

Jeffrey Epstein suicide apparently first suicide ever committed at MCC in New York
1. Who ultimately gave the guards that order?
2. Why was maintenance scheduled at 0400 hours during quiet/sleep time?

Both of these reek....
Suicide by jail guard.
One who hit the fucking lottery...

His moment of financial freedom will be short lived.
His new nickname is loose end......

Right? He'll probably have an "accident" soon, as the loose ends always do. Clinton M.O.
What would be really weird is if Hillary and Bill commited suicide.
The press would jump right down Trump's throat.
Bill Clinton before Epstines untimely death

Bill Clinton after the news release

those pics remind me of clinton when ron brown was killed in an alleged plane crash.

the people who keep defending Clintons corruption and his history of murdering people who know too much of his crimes like these stupid fuck trolls penelope and golfing gator who both have proven on this thread they cant stand toe to toe in a debate and evade facts, here is the PROOF these two trolls and the rest of the clinton worshippers CANNOT get around that clinton is a murderer.

Remember when he was at Ron Browns funeral and he came out of the funeral with a couple of people laughing his head off having a jolly old good time? "He was laughing knowing he got away with killing Brown."

He was laughing coming out of the funeral and then all of a sudden he notices there is a camera focused on him and then within SECONDS,he all of a sudden stops laughing and then pretends to start crying. He has been trained very well to act,i can say that much for him.

take that you fucking clinton worshippers.

Since you mentioned that video of Mr. Slick laughing at Ron Brown's funeral, I just happen to have that on my YouTube channel. From laughing to wiping away a crocodile tear, in less than 3 seconds.

Tramps butt buddy. See how this works!!

Donnie is king. Bow to your king, troll.

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Like you do, no way.

Yeah you wont bow to Trump,you just do so with mass murderer,drug smuggler and rapist Hitlery. You have this sad obsession over Trump yet even though this video here is all documented with cold hard facts, we never hear a peep from you over THEIR corruption.:rolleyes:

Why the Clintons Belong in Prison by Melrose Larry Green (2006, Paperback) for sale online | eBay

or a peep from you even though nobody has ever been able to debunk the facts in this video,over Obamas corruption either.o_O

i never ONCE heard you say ONE WORD over the corruption of the Clintons or Obama when they were in office when you were here,Trump gets in office,and all of a sudden its the end of the world for you. how pathetic.

ever wonder WHY you're considered a troll around here?:rolleyes:

Its not because you hate Trump its because of how you blatantly ignore facts of the corruption of the democrats all the time exactly the same as sealybozo does..:rolleyes:


as always,when you are losing a debate and cant counter the facts,you evade the evidence and run off.i rest my case.

This is what’s running for 2020. A bunch of scrubs, looking to get ahead. A bunch of soft punks.

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"A global sex trafficker who could implicate some of the richest and most powerful people on Earth as pedophiles died in his jail cell while under suicide watch in federal prison on the very night that his case files were unsealed. I am officially a conspiracy theorist on this one" - Rep Matt Gaetz
And this is from CNN

...Just weeks ago, Epstein was placed on a suicide watch after he was found July 23 in his Manhattan jail cell with marks on his neck, a law enforcement source and a source familiar with the incident told CNN at the time.

It was not clear to jail officials at the time if the injuries, which were not serious, were self-inflicted or the result of an assault, the sources said. Epstein told authorities he was beaten up and called a child predator, they said.


How come none of the MSM propagandists ask the obvious question, how does someone on suicide watch commit suicide?

He was not on suicide watch, so that is the first answer needed.
You have to laugh. All the Trupettes talking about Bill Clinton.

Donald Trump:
1) is on a video standing with Epstein oogling & discussing young girls.
2) Is on video saying how he & his bud Jerry like young women.
3) Is on video admitting he knew Epstein was a child rapist as he liked young girls.
4) Is accused by a woman of rape when she was 13 at an Epstein party

But hey, that Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton never shoewed any interest in underaged girls. Trump has.
SURE and then you woke up curled up in the fetal position and started sucking your thumb because you realized it was only a dream

He likes em like Monica, just barely legal. Hillary is nauseating, but that’s just wrong. He’s got a history of hanging with freaks like wine stain and dead Jeff. Rest in pieces.

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I'm just saying it's not very plausible.
For what reason, other than not fitting a certain narrative? None.

An (extremely) high-profile prisoner who almost died a few weeks before from a "suicide attempt"? One who was poised to spill the beans on an untold number of wealthy powerful people? Gimme a break. Even the most stalwart government cheerleaders are having trouble swallowing that.

Thanks for trying to bring some common sense to Fort Fun Willfully Blind Indiana.

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” he said when he was just a real estate developer in New York City and not president.

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life,” he said.


I mean, I know you're pulling your shit from a Soros hate site, but maybe they put up a source? No?
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Suicide by jail guard.
One who hit the fucking lottery...

His moment of financial freedom will be short lived.
His new nickname is loose end......

Right? He'll probably have an "accident" soon, as the loose ends always do. Clinton M.O.
What would be really weird is if Hillary and Bill commited suicide.
The press would jump right down Trump's throat.

It'd be worth it to see those fucks dead.
Of course it would likely mean the Clintons are hiding in a country with no extradition treaty.

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” he said when he was just a real estate developer in New York City and not president.

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life,” he said.


I mean, I no you're pulling your shit from a Soros hate site, but maybe they put up a source? No?

I didn’t put up a source because it was from your link. Didn’t you read your own article?

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” he said when he was just a real estate developer in New York City and not president.

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life,” he said.


I mean, I no you're pulling your shit from a Soros hate site, but maybe they put up a source? No?

I didn’t put up a source because it was from your link. Didn’t you read your own article?

Ouch....that’s gonna leave a mark.

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