Jennifer Lawrence Blasts Kim Davis. A Kentucky shoot-out..

Well, Jennifer Lawrence proves that not all Kentuckians are ignorant inbred Deliverance hillbillies.


I wonder how she'd feel about your overgeneralizations of Kentucky back when Davis was getting her inglorious moment in the sun ?

Seems you pretty much depicted all Kentuckyites as morons.

You are such an opportunistic hypocrite.
That's what they all say.

I've generally found the more conventionally attractive a woman is (especially Western women) the less they tend to have the appropriate non-physical attributes to be a proper woman.
So you like homely, quiet, mouse like women. That's okay. I prefer women hot, opionated, confident.
Opinions are like assholes everyone has one.
But J Law's smells like lilacs.
I wouldn't know I have no interest in having my nose that close to anyones ass considering what it's main function is.
As usual, your opinion doesn't count.

As usual, you think yours does. The only people to whom yours matter don't count for shit which mean your opinions don't count for shit.

If my opinion didn't count, you wouldn't be so upset.

Don't flatter yourself. Don't think my response meant I thought your opinion mattered. Just trying to educate another Liberal moron that apparently is beyond learning. I guess the statement stupid if forever is proven by you alone.

Wanna check that sentence structure and try again?

Did I not use enough ebonics for you boy?
Um ... no, dumb ass.

I'm not saying Kaitlyn personally, but let's break this down....

You want an attractive woman. Definitely an appropriate female trait.

You also want opinionated and confident, which are Male traits.

So you want a woman who doesn't know if she's female or Male.
Well, Jennifer Lawrence proves that not all Kentuckians are ignorant inbred Deliverance hillbillies.


I wonder how she'd feel about your overgeneralizations of Kentucky back when Davis was getting her inglorious moment in the sun ?

Seems you pretty much depicted all Kentuckyites as morons.

You are such an opportunistic hypocrite.

Not all Kentuckyites, just the inbred Deliverance Hillbillies.
Well, Jennifer Lawrence proves that not all Kentuckians are ignorant inbred Deliverance hillbillies.


I wonder how she'd feel about your overgeneralizations of Kentucky back when Davis was getting her inglorious moment in the sun ?

Seems you pretty much depicted all Kentuckyites as morons.

You are such an opportunistic hypocrite.
Only Kentuckians who supported Davis, if I remember right. You, on the other hand, do not reflect the sterling quality of most of Sun Devil nation.


"Don't even say her name in this house."

There's one thing about Jennifer Lawrence's home state of Kentucky that thoroughly embarrasses her: Kim Davis.

In a revealing interview with Vogue, the 25-year-old actress declares Davis a shameful representative of her old Kentucky home. She referred to her as the "lady" who makes her "embarrassed to be from Kentucky."

Davis, a Kentucky county clerk, made headlines earlier this year when she disobeyed federal court orders by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Lawrence's disapproval of Davis' actions runs so deep that she can't bear to hear the sound of the county clerk's name.

"Don't even say her name in this house," she told Vogue. "All those people holding their crucifixes, which may as well be pitchforks, thinking they’re fighting the good fight. I grew up in Kentucky. I know how they are.”

More: Kim Davis Makes Jennifer Lawrence 'Embarrassed To Be From Kentucky'

Amen Jennifer! I couldn't agree more!
Jennifer Lawrence should just go fuck Chris Martin and shut up.
She is good looking...very good looking.

I thought her comment about crucifixes was telling. I don't mean that in a negative way. She said she saw them at work.

On that point, I have to agree.

I love religion and my religion. I just don't know how people can utilize it to really be so crappy to others.

There are things I don't agree with in society that I will state. But in the end, I'll abide the law and hope that even if I disagree with someone on their choices we can still get along.
Well, Jennifer Lawrence proves that not all Kentuckians are ignorant inbred Deliverance hillbillies.


I wonder how she'd feel about your overgeneralizations of Kentucky back when Davis was getting her inglorious moment in the sun ?

Seems you pretty much depicted all Kentuckyites as morons.

You are such an opportunistic hypocrite.

Not all Kentuckyites, just the inbred Deliverance Hillbillies.
Sun Devil is a Deliverance kind of hill billy.
Evidently she can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

And the Academy Award for clumsiest actress ever goes to Jennifer Lawrence.

The Hunger Games star (once again) took a tumble. This time, she was walking the red carpet in Madrid at The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 premiere.

Well, Jennifer Lawrence proves that not all Kentuckians are ignorant inbred Deliverance hillbillies.


I wonder how she'd feel about your overgeneralizations of Kentucky back when Davis was getting her inglorious moment in the sun ?

Seems you pretty much depicted all Kentuckyites as morons.

You are such an opportunistic hypocrite.

Not all Kentuckyites, just the inbred Deliverance Hillbillies.

Actually, most of you were not discriminating in your accusations.

All you backpedal.

It's amazing how the narrative shifts to keep you thinking you really are worth the air you breath.

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