Jennifer Lawrence Blasts Kim Davis. A Kentucky shoot-out..

She is the same actress who whined about how much less the democrats who made her movies paid her compared to the male actors.....and she supports democrats.....quite the dipstick...


"Don't even say her name in this house."

There's one thing about Jennifer Lawrence's home state of Kentucky that thoroughly embarrasses her: Kim Davis.

In a revealing interview with Vogue, the 25-year-old actress declares Davis a shameful representative of her old Kentucky home. She referred to her as the "lady" who makes her "embarrassed to be from Kentucky."

Davis, a Kentucky county clerk, made headlines earlier this year when she disobeyed federal court orders by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Lawrence's disapproval of Davis' actions runs so deep that she can't bear to hear the sound of the county clerk's name.

"Don't even say her name in this house," she told Vogue. "All those people holding their crucifixes, which may as well be pitchforks, thinking they’re fighting the good fight. I grew up in Kentucky. I know how they are.”

More: Kim Davis Makes Jennifer Lawrence 'Embarrassed To Be From Kentucky'

Amen Jennifer! I couldn't agree more!
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She is the same actress who whined about how much less the democrats who made her movies paid her compared to the male actors.....and she supports democrats.....quite the dipstick...

Read an article on that.

Seems she didn't hold out for bigger money as long as her costars did.
Jennifer Lawrence probably believes what she told the mag but even if she didn't she wouldn't say so. Hollywood liberals have zero tolerance for Republicans and conservatives. If she wants to stay on top or just keep working she has no choice but to spew liberal propaganda at every opportunity.
Jennifer Lawrence is hotttttttttttt. Thank you for the pic, it makes your thread a winner!
As usual, your opinion doesn't count.
Fuck you, gay ass faggot punk ass bitch.

:wink: Just joshin' man I knew you weren't talking to me because you said J Law is hot so you're talking to the dumb ass gramps.
Only a gay ass motherfucker would say J Law isn't hot. Damn.

There are some of us who put more value things other than physical appearance.

No physical appearabce can overcome being opinionated, over-educated, or not knowing her place. Besides, blondes do nothing for me.

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