Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

Now the issue is "hacked Wikileaks"? What happened to collusion?
Those wikileaks docs were stolen by Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 is the Russian military intelligence.

They were given to Assange and weaponized.Assange was in contact with various members of the Trump campaign and they "somehow" knew in advance what new wikileaks docs were about to be exposed


Say thank you
....what you just said is very different from denying that there are in fact Russians (directly named and indicted) deeply involved in this story,....


This story, however, is another case of Democrats accusing others of doing what THEY have done:

In 2012, when he thought he was off-mike, Obama told Medvedev to pass on that he, Obama, would be 'more flexible' after he, Obama, won his re-election.

Two years later, in 2014, Obama became extremely flexible for Putin. In 2014, Obama:

- Helped Russia acquire Uranium One and 20% of the US uranium supply while covering up Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire it and minimizing Hillary having taken $145+ million from the Russian leading the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

- Broke the US promise to Ukraine to help defend its sovereign borders, allowing Putin to militarily to annex Crimea without doing anything, even drawing one of his infamous 'Red Lines' in the proverbial sand.

- Learned how Russia was attempting to hack senior US officials' servers and e-mail accounts, knew about Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET+ server, and failed / refused to force her to shut it down for national security sake or at least warn her what the Russians were doing - he basically facilitated the espionage committed by 6 foreign entities, to include Russia and China, who stole TOP SECRET data off of Hilary's server, thereby compromising national security.

- Learned in 2014 the Russians were trying to hack our Electrical Grid, was successfully running a Counter-Intelligence operation in the US using Social media, one that had already gotten easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes to organize and march for them here in the US, and were paying willing racist/anti-American/Anti-Trump Liberal groups (Antifa, BLM, the Black Fist) to spread racial hatred and violence throughout the US (Ferguson, Baltimore, etc...) ... AND OBAMA DID NOTHING ABOUT IT, ALLOWING IT TO CONTINUE FOR 2 MORE YEARS!

HILLARY illegally colluded with and PAID foreign spies (who were working for Obama's/Comey's FBI and with Mueller before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel in an investigation that had not been opened yet) and Russians for their HELP in her trying to win the 2016 Presidential election.
-- The RUSSIAN-AUTHORED document she bought was 1 of 2 (TWO) Dossiers Clinton and her supporters delivered to the FBI - the FBI said one of them was so insanely unbelievable that they rejected it immediately.

The RUSSIAN-AUTHORED Dossier, however, was shared with Obama's NIA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI - all of whom used the document to illegally write Intel Community Assessments and Intel Community Reports (documents that are supposed to be based off REAL INTEL, NOT RUSSIAN-AUTHORED PROPAGANDA), to illegally lie to / con Congress into opening up an investigation, to con Congress into appointing already co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel, and to lie to the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election (Watergate on Treasonous Steroids).

So, YEAH - existing evidence already shows Russians were involved in all of this....except it was Obama, Hillary, Obama's CIA / NIA / DOJ / FBI, Mueller, and Foreign Spies working for the FBI who were working with the Russians, NOT TRUMP!

He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
Why lie unless you are involved in bad shit?

Ask Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.
Bill never went to jail and what the fuck does Martha Sterwart have to do with any thing other than deflection.

I thought we were talking about perjury for non-criminal acts?
Wrong, turd. Mueller has been hunting for anything under the sun to use in his witch hunt. None of the indictments he has issued have anything to do with "collusion."

Poopyface, kinda exactly like Kenneth Starr. Whitewater, blowjob, you know exactly alike.
Not similar in any way.

You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!
I thought we were talking about perjury for non-criminal acts?
A PERJURY TRAP is a trap to catch someone in the crime of 'Lying' during an interview in an investigation. The Perjury, in itself a crime, has nothing to do with the actual issue being investigated.

THIS is the sum of Mueller's entire investigation results, except for one crime committed by both Trump's and Hillary's campaign managers decades ago before Obama was even elected President, a crime Manafort was indicted for and Podesta was protected from.

ZERO evidence of criminal illegal Collusion between President Trump and the Russians.
ZERO evidence of a crime of Illegal collusion between President Trump and the Russians ever occurring.
Poopyface, kinda exactly like Kenneth Starr. Whitewater, blowjob, you know exactly alike.
Not similar in any way.

You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes dummy, SOME taxes paid, which would be almost NO taxes paid if Trump's tax plan was in effect.
Not similar in any way.

You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.
You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit. You know, the stuff presidential nominees release, but Trump could not because there is an indefinite audit going on :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

No Idiot, I'm talking about taxes paid in a single year as not being anywhere near complete records running for Presi
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit.
Do you work for the IRS? If not you really just sound like some sort of resentful whiny little snot who believes other peoples labors should be in your pocket too.
Mueller and the Democrats want to investigate Trump's taxes.
- The IRS has Trump's taxes. They have had them for decades. The IRS never once raised any red flag regarding illegal financial activity between Trump and the Russians worthy of investigation...and it is their job to do so.

If Mueller is going to look into the financial dealings of one candidate in the 2016 Presidential election the fact that he refuses to investigate Hillary's illegal dealing s with the Russians in the acquisition of a Russian-authored dossier she paid for that was illegally used by Obama's CIA, NIA, DOJ, and FBI speaks volumes about his criminal partisanship and single-minded mission to 'torpedo' the President.

If Mueller is going to look into the financial dealings of one candidate in the 2016 Presidential election the fact that he refuses to also investigate Hillary's financial dealings with the Russians, to include not only PAYNIG THEM in 2016 for the dossier but also includes the more than $145 Million she was given by the Russian who ultimately led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One and 20% of the US supply of uranium also speaks volumes about his criminal partisanship and single-minded mission to 'torpedo' the President.

The only thing close to 'the 'most transparent administration evuh in US history' that Obama promised is 'the most transparent conspiracy / treasonous coup evuh in US history' carried out by Obama's criminal administration, Democrats, foreign spies, and Russians against President Trump while protecting Hillary from indictment for her crimes.
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit. You know, the stuff presidential nominees release, but Trump could not because there is an indefinite audit going on :rolleyes:

Only $38 million?
No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

No Idiot, I'm talking about taxes paid in a single year as not being anywhere near complete records running for Presi
No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit.
Do you work for the IRS? If not you really just sound like some sort of resentful whiny little snot who believes other peoples labors should be in your pocket too.

You don’t need to work for IRS to know that there is no audit that would prevent Trump from releasing his old tax-returns. Trump is simply full of shit and you are a dupe for believing his rediculous lies.
A PERJURY TRAP is a trap to catch someone in the crime of 'Lying' during an interview in an investigation. The Perjury, in itself a crime, has nothing to do with the actual issue being investigated.

It has to be shown that it is material and that it is intentional.

There is no such thing as a perjury trap. Simply don't lie
Now the issue is "hacked Wikileaks"? What happened to collusion?
Those wikileaks docs were stolen by Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 is the Russian military intelligence.

They were given to Assange and weaponized.Assange was in contact with various members of the Trump campaign and they "somehow" knew in advance what new wikileaks docs were about to be exposed


Say thank you
Kinda blew right past this huh?
Yes dummy, SOME taxes paid, which would be almost NO taxes paid if Trump's tax plan was in effect.
Trump's tax plan has not only produced:
The strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest minority unemployment EVER in US history
The most number of Americans working at one time in US history
Higher salaries, promotions, raises, and bonuses
Manufacturing jobs Obama said were gone forever and would never come back actually coming back
Record Consumer Confidence
Record Stock Market numbers
Millions of Americans no longer being dependent on the Democrats Social programs

It is also responsible for the recently reported RECORD HIGHEST COLLECTED TAX REVENUE.

People who would be otherwise living off the govt social program tax-payer-funded teat are employed and are now PAYING INTO THE SYSTEM instead of suckling off of it.

Thank you President Trump!
So you're admitting that the Clinton thing in the 90s was a Republican political witch hunt?


Bill Clinton was exposed as a criminally deviant life/political-career-long sexual criminal/adulterer who was eventually stripped of his license to practice law for unethically deceiving / lying to the court during the trial of his sexual harassment of a woman ... Hillary was confirmed to be his sexual crime Enabler as she continued to harass, demonize, intimidate, and silence his victims ... a business scam the Clintons were involved in resulted in every one of their business partners - EXCEPT FOT THEM- being prosecuted....

'Right Wing Conspiracy'

...says the criminal bitch who illegally mishandled classified, ran an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET+ server, Obstructed Justice, committed Perjury, committed 'Espionage', compromised national security, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, (not to mention allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, helped give the Russians 20% of the US supply of uranium, took $140+ million from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One, and who protected big foreign Clinton Donating billionaires caught violating US Sanctions against Iran....)

And that is where it.led. Much like the current investigation. TH found stuff on Cohen and turned it over to the southern district of NY. If things are found out about tRumps business from Cohen, it will go the same way as IT's investigation. See how that works?
Wrong, turd. Mueller has been hunting for anything under the sun to use in his witch hunt. None of the indictments he has issued have anything to do with "collusion."

Poopyface, kinda exactly like Kenneth Starr. Whitewater, blowjob, you know exactly alike.
Not similar in any way.

You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

I never said they would for sure get him on taxes, but we will have to wait and see.

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