Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

Perjury is a crime.....don't do it.

SOUNDS simple...but it's not.

Mueller intimidated, indicted, and got a conviction of Kelly for 'Lying to the FBI'...except FBI Director James Comey testified to Congress that his investigators all stated they did not believe Kelly ever lied during his investigation....except that the US IG reported that he had found the FBI had ALTERED TESTIMONY AFTER IT HAD BEEN GIVEN...that the FBI had abandoned its standard procedures and processes during this investigation, choosing to instead 'wing it'....which resulted in Hillary aides Abedin and Mills being protected from the same indictment / charges of 'Lying to the FBI' used to indict Kelly.

They aren't called Perjury TRAPS for nothing.

If you are asked a question, you respond truthfully, and the ones asking the questions find even ONE person who will testify to something differently you can be charged with 'Perjury'...if you are a Conservative / Republican.

Former CIA Director Brennan lied to Congress - committed Perjury - by declaring under oath he and his CIA had NOT illegally spied on the US Senate. Evidence came out proving that not only did they commit the crime of Illegally spying on the US Senate but that Brennan had Perjured himself. The Democrats and Republicans then cut an ILLEGAL DEAL to prevent Brennan from being perp-walked, indicted, and sentenced to jail - HE HAD TO STAND BEFORE CONGRESS AND ADMIT HE HAD PERJURED HIMSELF AND THAT HE HAD ILLEGALLY SPIED ON THE US SENATE. That was it.


The difference between Democrats and Republicans regarding Perjury is this:

Democrats have to set PERJURY TRAPS for Republicans.....Republicans just let democrats commit Perjury ... and they do so FREQUENTLY....

US AG Holder
NIA Director Clapper
CIA Director Brennan
Deputy US AG Rosenstein
Sect of Stae/1st Lady Clinton
FBI Director Comey
FBI Agent Strzok
IRS Director Koskinen...
Obama's $9.3 trillion in added debt was too small?
How much more debt did you want him to add?
Be specific.

You ADMIT that Republican austerity and "debt scolding" (which they have now abandoned) impacted the Recovery...and then whine about how slow that Recovery was. are a conservative

Hey, maybe if Obama had added even MORE regulations, his recovery wouldn't have been so weak, eh?

So, $12 trillion in added debt? $15 trillion? How much were you hoping for?
Obama did set a new US Presidential record for government controlling business-choking regulations...
Corsi may be all bluster...whio knows.

We'll see.

But if he's gonna stick to this he'll be sharing a jail cell with Manafort

He wants to avail himself of the legal system, that’s his right. But when you see what Manafort did and what Manafort is now doing, you may want to think twice about going down that same path.
Corsi may be all bluster...whio knows.

We'll see.

But if he's gonna stick to this he'll be sharing a jail cell with Manafort

He wants to avail himself of the legal system, that’s his right. But when you see what Manafort did and what Manafort is now doing, you may want to think twice about going down that same path.

Especially when he knows better than anyone that Roger Stone is even more sleazy than the blob and he will sell you out in a second to save his ass.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?

Corsi must have had a sex change and now he she makes mulled wine? :dunno:
Danny's into the hooch mighty early today.
with auto correct making most people look stupid on mobile devices, i can't say that right off anymore. :)
He wasn't charged with that though was he? He was charged about lying about a legal consensual beeg.
THAT was a perjury trap.
'Perjury Trap'?


Clinton was dragged to court for illegally dropping his pants in front of a woman and insisting she suck his wee willy. During that trial the Judge called a halt to it and charged President Clinton with Contempt of Court for UNETICAL CONDUCT / TESTIMONY - WILLINGLY attempting to deceive the judge and jury in the case, thereby violating his oath of office by attempting to strip his accuser of a right to a FAIR trial.

The case was never a CRIMINAL trial to begin with, idiot, so of course he was never found 'Guilty' of sexual assault / harassment. Jones sought monetary payment for his acts, not Clinton's imprisonment. After the Judge called the case a mistrial due to the President's unethical testimony / behavior President Clinton PAID JONES A LARGE SUM OF MONEY TO JUST GO AWAY so there would not be a very public 2nd trial.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump. Good to see another pigeon about to get plucked though.

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump.

How so?

Most of his indictments/convictions have been against nobodies for things before Trump started his run
Manafort? Cohen? Flynn?Papa? All those Russians?

Not so much
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?

Corsi must have had a sex change and now he she makes mulled wine? :dunno:
Danny's into the hooch mighty early today.
with auto correct making most people look stupid on mobile devices, i can't say that right off anymore. :)
There's no such word as Mullier.
Mueller will be breaking rocks in Levenworth when Trump is finished with him

I’m sure he’s really worried about private shin splints.

Whitey Bulger's last words, "Tell the warden I need to talk to the FBI about some of the things The Mule and I did back in Boston. It will clear up a few missing persons cases and give comfort to the victims families"
Corsi may be all bluster...who knows.

We'll see.

But if he's gonna stick to this he'll be sharing a jail cell with Manafort

you are failing to consider the fact that Corsi may well be as Innocent as a new born babe, and the Mule is just trying to intimidate the good doctor.

BTW, the idea of the leaders of the Deep State persecuting one of the country's top journalists is sickening.

Even when he was personally offended by Dan Rather, Dubya didn't have him arrested.

Can you imagine LBJ having Cronkite pinched for "lying"?
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?

Corsi must have had a sex change and now he she makes mulled wine? :dunno:
Danny's into the hooch mighty early today.
with auto correct making most people look stupid on mobile devices, i can't say that right off anymore. :)
There's no such word as Mullier.
the definition of mulier

best i can do. :)
I thought we were talking about perjury for non-criminal acts?
A PERJURY TRAP is a trap to catch someone in the crime of 'Lying' during an interview in an investigation. The Perjury, in itself a crime, has nothing to do with the actual issue being investigated.

THIS is the sum of Mueller's entire investigation results, except for one crime committed by both Trump's and Hillary's campaign managers decades ago before Obama was even elected President, a crime Manafort was indicted for and Podesta was protected from.

ZERO evidence of criminal illegal Collusion between President Trump and the Russians.
ZERO evidence of a crime of Illegal collusion between President Trump and the Russians ever occurring.

The thing is, there would be no problem if trump tells the truth.

The fact that you and other conservatives are afraid of a "perjury trap" says you know that trump can't tell the truth and will lie to investigators.

If trump didn't lie there would be nothing to worry about.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump. Good to see another pigeon about to get plucked though.

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump.

How so?

Most of his indictments/convictions have been against nobodies for things before Trump started his run

Trump’s campaign manager was not a “nobody”. His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place. Trump’s personal attorney is not a “nobody”. Both are now cooperating with the Special Counsel.

Anyway, as Special Counsel, he’s batting 1.000. If Mr. Corsi wishes to take him on, I’m sure the evidence that the SC accumulated will be formidable. But we’ll see how it goes. The rule of law shall prevail.
Mueller will be breaking rocks in Levenworth when Trump is finished with him

I’m sure he’s really worried about private shin splints.

Whitey Bulger's last words, "Tell the warden I need to talk to the FBI about some of the things The Mule and I did back in Boston. It will clear up a few missing persons cases and give comfort to the victims families"

Ok…that response was particularly lame.
I thought we were talking about perjury for non-criminal acts?

You mean like a consensual beeg in the Oval Office?

And non-insider trading. Yup.
So you're admitting that the Clinton thing in the 90s was a Republican political witch hunt?

Well thanks. Woulda been nice if the admission was a little more timely..but at least we understand how Republicans work...

Perjury is a crime.....don't do it.

I'm happy to admit that Clinton was impeached, disbarred and paid nearly $1 million as
a consequence of sexually harassing Paula Jones.

Glad to help.

Clinton wasn't disbarred. Stop lying.

His law license was suspended for 5 years in Arkansas.

Yes he was impeached. The problem you have is that he was found NOT GUILTY by the republican controlled senate. So conservatives wasted millions of dollars and put the nation through that hell for absolutely nothing.

The good side of it, republicans lost seats in congress because of it.

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