Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics


Glad to see the INDEPENDENT journalists fighting back. The Journalistic establishment, dominated by the Fake News CNN, looks to try and isolate and blackball independent voices like Dr. Corsi, Operation Veritas and others who aren't part of the club.

Is this the same Corsi who's on another thread who the Op says is begging for a deal with Mueller??

Kinda funny that doncha know.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump. Good to see another pigeon about to get plucked though.

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump.

How so?

Most of his indictments/convictions have been against nobodies for things before Trump started his run

Trump’s campaign manager was not a “nobody”. His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place. Trump’s personal attorney is not a “nobody”. Both are now cooperating with the Special Counsel.

Anyway, as Special Counsel, he’s batting 1.000. If Mr. Corsi wishes to take him on, I’m sure the evidence that the SC accumulated will be formidable. But we’ll see how it goes. The rule of law shall prevail.
His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place.

The thing is, there would be no problem if trump tells the truth. The fact that you and other conservatives are afraid of a "perjury trap" says you know that trump can't tell the truth and will lie to investigators.


The FACT is that Mueller and the Democrats have been unable to come up with any legitimate evidence to support their false accusations, leaving them no option but to lay / rely on PERJURY TRAPS that have nothing to do with non-existent illegal collusion with the Russians.

OBAMA is the only one who learned about the Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing to stop it, allowed it to go on for 2 years....

HILLARY was the only one to take over $140 Million from the Russians....

HILLARY was the only one who illegally colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their help / for a Russian-authored document that was illegally used during the election by Obama's CIA, NIA, DOJ, and FBI....


'Nuff said...

That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics


Glad to see the INDEPENDENT journalists fighting back. The Journalistic establishment, dominated by the Fake News CNN, looks to try and isolate and blackball independent voices like Dr. Corsi, Operation Veritas and others who aren't part of the club.

Is this the same Corsi who's on another thread who the Op says is begging for a deal with Mueller??

Kinda funny that doncha know.

That's what we call "fake news". Our liberal friends write stories with the hope that they will come true if they repeat them often enough.
I thought we were talking about perjury for non-criminal acts?

You mean like a consensual beeg in the Oval Office?

And non-insider trading. Yup.
So you're admitting that the Clinton thing in the 90s was a Republican political witch hunt?

Well thanks. Woulda been nice if the admission was a little more timely..but at least we understand how Republicans work...

Perjury is a crime.....don't do it.

I'm happy to admit that Clinton was impeached, disbarred and paid nearly $1 million as
a consequence of sexually harassing Paula Jones.

Glad to help.

Clinton wasn't disbarred. Stop lying.

His law license was suspended for 5 years in Arkansas.

Yes he was impeached. The problem you have is that he was found NOT GUILTY by the republican controlled senate. So conservatives wasted millions of dollars and put the nation through that hell for absolutely nothing.

The good side of it, republicans lost seats in congress because of it.


FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
I thought we were talking about perjury for non-criminal acts?

You mean like a consensual beeg in the Oval Office?

And non-insider trading. Yup.
So you're admitting that the Clinton thing in the 90s was a Republican political witch hunt?

Well thanks. Woulda been nice if the admission was a little more timely..but at least we understand how Republicans work...

Perjury is a crime.....don't do it.

I'm happy to admit that Clinton was impeached, disbarred and paid nearly $1 million as
a consequence of sexually harassing Paula Jones.

Glad to help.

Clinton wasn't disbarred. Stop lying.

His law license was suspended for 5 years in Arkansas.

Yes he was impeached. The problem you have is that he was found NOT GUILTY by the republican controlled senate. So conservatives wasted millions of dollars and put the nation through that hell for absolutely nothing.

The good side of it, republicans lost seats in congress because of it.


Bill Clinton was disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas and was also disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court over the Lewinsky incident.

While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred, and while Clinton did face the possibility of being barred from arguing in front the U.S. Supreme Court, he resigned before the ruling was handed down.

Rather confusing but seems truthful.

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Oh and Corsi told Mueller to shove it up his ass.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump. Good to see another pigeon about to get plucked though.

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump.

How so?

Most of his indictments/convictions have been against nobodies for things before Trump started his run

Trump’s campaign manager was not a “nobody”. His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place. Trump’s personal attorney is not a “nobody”. Both are now cooperating with the Special Counsel.

Anyway, as Special Counsel, he’s batting 1.000. If Mr. Corsi wishes to take him on, I’m sure the evidence that the SC accumulated will be formidable. But we’ll see how it goes. The rule of law shall prevail.
His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place.

That the blob regularly hires tax cheats and felons comes as no surprise to most of us. Your tantrum is cute and very funny. More please.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump. Good to see another pigeon about to get plucked though.

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump.

How so?

Most of his indictments/convictions have been against nobodies for things before Trump started his run

Trump’s campaign manager was not a “nobody”. His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place. Trump’s personal attorney is not a “nobody”. Both are now cooperating with the Special Counsel.

Anyway, as Special Counsel, he’s batting 1.000. If Mr. Corsi wishes to take him on, I’m sure the evidence that the SC accumulated will be formidable. But we’ll see how it goes. The rule of law shall prevail.
His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place.

That the blob regularly hires tax cheats and felons comes as no surprise to most of us. Your tantrum is cute and very funny. More please.

Your tantrum is cute and very funny.

So is yours.

BTW, when was it found out they were tax cheats?

Before, or after they met Trump?
Trump has employed the best tax lawyers in the world for decades.
He's known since he was a young man that everyday someone somewhere was out to get him.
The LAST thing Trump would EVER DO is cheat on his taxes.
Remember Madcow waving Trump's tax report around. She was wetting her pants with delight!
It turned out that Trump paid every dime he was supposed to by law.
It made Madcow look like a fucking idiot!

No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit. You know, the stuff presidential nominees release, but Trump could not because there is an indefinite audit going on :rolleyes:

Those with nothing to hide….

Hide nothing. Says a lot about the blob who hides what he can and lies about the rest.
He wasn't charged with that though was he? He was charged about lying about a legal consensual beeg.
THAT was a perjury trap.
'Perjury Trap'?


Clinton was dragged to court for illegally dropping his pants in front of a woman and insisting she suck his wee willy. During that trial the Judge called a halt to it and charged President Clinton with Contempt of Court for UNETICAL CONDUCT / TESTIMONY - WILLINGLY attempting to deceive the judge and jury in the case, thereby violating his oath of office by attempting to strip his accuser of a right to a FAIR trial.

The case was never a CRIMINAL trial to begin with, idiot, so of course he was never found 'Guilty' of sexual assault / harassment. Jones sought monetary payment for his acts, not Clinton's imprisonment. After the Judge called the case a mistrial due to the President's unethical testimony / behavior President Clinton PAID JONES A LARGE SUM OF MONEY TO JUST GO AWAY so there would not be a very public 2nd trial.

There was mistrial. Jones’s case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

You left out that part. You cultists are a riot. :lol:
Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump. Good to see another pigeon about to get plucked though.

Mueller is batting 1.000 against Trump.

How so?

Most of his indictments/convictions have been against nobodies for things before Trump started his run

Trump’s campaign manager was not a “nobody”. His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place. Trump’s personal attorney is not a “nobody”. Both are now cooperating with the Special Counsel.

Anyway, as Special Counsel, he’s batting 1.000. If Mr. Corsi wishes to take him on, I’m sure the evidence that the SC accumulated will be formidable. But we’ll see how it goes. The rule of law shall prevail.
His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place.

That the blob regularly hires tax cheats and felons comes as no surprise to most of us. Your tantrum is cute and very funny. More please.

Your tantrum is cute and very funny.

So is yours.

BTW, when was it found out they were tax cheats?

Before, or after they met Trump?

A good employer checks out the people he hires. Is Trump a good employer? Yes? Then he should have known. No? What does that say about your blob?

Your move
Yes dummy, SOME taxes paid, which would be almost NO taxes paid if Trump's tax plan was in effect.
Trump's tax plan has not only produced:
The strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest minority unemployment EVER in US history
The most number of Americans working at one time in US history

Trump's tax-cut must've been secretely passed in 2009


Dream on, snowflake.

Dummy, you can't reply "dream on" to facts.

Job growth and unemployment trend has been more or less the same for 6-7 years now. Tax-cuts do have near term upsides (and defict downside), but it's not really directly observable in the employment data trend.
No dummy , that DID NOT turn out.

The only thing that turned up was what Trump leaked - a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Does that disprove that Trump didn't pay any taxes for a decade as Clinton accused him and he never denied? Nope.

Does it disprove deep financial entaglements with foreign interests? Nope.

You know what else turned up? Trump would pay 80% less taxes in that year if Trump's tax-cut was in effect. So you know exactly what hole he talked out of when he claimed that his tax-cut is not good for him personally and rich in general.

a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit. You know, the stuff presidential nominees release, but Trump could not because there is an indefinite audit going on :rolleyes:

Those with nothing to hide….

Hide nothing. Says a lot about the blob who hides what he can and lies about the rest.

LMAO I'd say Trump pays more in taxes than you and your entire neighborhood do.

You're a pretty good liar too. But then you already know that.

Have fun.
You mean like a consensual beeg in the Oval Office?

And non-insider trading. Yup.
So you're admitting that the Clinton thing in the 90s was a Republican political witch hunt?

Well thanks. Woulda been nice if the admission was a little more timely..but at least we understand how Republicans work...

Perjury is a crime.....don't do it.

I'm happy to admit that Clinton was impeached, disbarred and paid nearly $1 million as
a consequence of sexually harassing Paula Jones.

Glad to help.

Clinton wasn't disbarred. Stop lying.

His law license was suspended for 5 years in Arkansas.

Yes he was impeached. The problem you have is that he was found NOT GUILTY by the republican controlled senate. So conservatives wasted millions of dollars and put the nation through that hell for absolutely nothing.

The good side of it, republicans lost seats in congress because of it.

View attachment 230960

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Dumbfuck, your own link points out Clinton was not disbarred.
You mean like a consensual beeg in the Oval Office?

And non-insider trading. Yup.
So you're admitting that the Clinton thing in the 90s was a Republican political witch hunt?

Well thanks. Woulda been nice if the admission was a little more timely..but at least we understand how Republicans work...

Perjury is a crime.....don't do it.

I'm happy to admit that Clinton was impeached, disbarred and paid nearly $1 million as
a consequence of sexually harassing Paula Jones.

Glad to help.

Clinton wasn't disbarred. Stop lying.

His law license was suspended for 5 years in Arkansas.

Yes he was impeached. The problem you have is that he was found NOT GUILTY by the republican controlled senate. So conservatives wasted millions of dollars and put the nation through that hell for absolutely nothing.

The good side of it, republicans lost seats in congress because of it.

View attachment 230960

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

You might want to try an encyclopedia.

This is what the encyclopedia has to say about it.

On January 19, 2001, Clinton's law license was suspended for five years after he acknowledged to an Arkansas circuit court that he had engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in the Jones case.[140][141]

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
He wasn't charged with that though was he? He was charged about lying about a legal consensual beeg.
THAT was a perjury trap.
'Perjury Trap'?


Clinton was dragged to court for illegally dropping his pants in front of a woman and insisting she suck his wee willy. During that trial the Judge called a halt to it and charged President Clinton with Contempt of Court for UNETICAL CONDUCT / TESTIMONY - WILLINGLY attempting to deceive the judge and jury in the case, thereby violating his oath of office by attempting to strip his accuser of a right to a FAIR trial.

The case was never a CRIMINAL trial to begin with, idiot, so of course he was never found 'Guilty' of sexual assault / harassment. Jones sought monetary payment for his acts, not Clinton's imprisonment. After the Judge called the case a mistrial due to the President's unethical testimony / behavior President Clinton PAID JONES A LARGE SUM OF MONEY TO JUST GO AWAY so there would not be a very public 2nd trial.

There was mistrial. Jones’s case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

You left out that part. You cultists are a riot. :lol:

Yup. Clinton settled with her to not file an appeal.
a single page from a single year showing at least some taxes paid.

Some? DERP!

Yes some dumbass, SOME as in NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ALL.

Right, Trump didn't pay ALL TAXES.

Taxes for a decade you dipshit. You know, the stuff presidential nominees release, but Trump could not because there is an indefinite audit going on :rolleyes:

Those with nothing to hide….

Hide nothing. Says a lot about the blob who hides what he can and lies about the rest.

LMAO I'd say Trump pays more in taxes than you and your entire neighborhood do.

You're a pretty good liar too. But then you already know that.

Have fun.

You’d say it but for some reason he won’t show his returns to us.

As for my lying, please quote me. Otherwise fuck off.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?
Heir Mueller.

OMG. It's Herr. Heir is that lucky state of affairs when someone leaves you money when they die.
It's shit like that the Dems use to totally ignore the truth. Spelling errors.

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