Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

Sure did, "where ever the investigation takes you." From whitewater to a BJ. Thanks Kenneth Starr.
Nope. The Whitewater mandate didn't say that.

That is where they let it go to though, thus the precedent is set. Loving it now?
No, that isn't "where they let it go to, though." Every conviction in the investigation had something to do with the banking scandal. Lewinsky is the lone exception, and she came to Starr. The later didn't hunt her down like a pig looking for truffles.

And that is where it.led. Much like the current investigation. TH found stuff on Cohen and turned it over to the southern district of NY. If things are found out about tRumps business from Cohen, it will go the same way as IT's investigation. See how that works?
Wrong, turd. Mueller has been hunting for anything under the sun to use in his witch hunt. None of the indictments he has issued have anything to do with "collusion."

Poopyface, kinda exactly like Kenneth Starr. Whitewater, blowjob, you know exactly alike.
Uh, none of this has anything to do with alleged Russian collusion. Why is Mueller even investigating DNC e-mails? If he wants to investigate e-mails, why isn't he investigating Hillary's e-mails and private server?

The investigation is about Russian interference, not Russian collusion.
No, it was supposedly about the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians. Now it's about finding anything they can use against any member of the Trump administration.

It clearly says Russian Interference, not Russian Collusion.
It doesn't say "interference," numskull.

Yes it does.

It says “INTERFERENCE” right in the title.

WTF is wrong with you, Brian?
Nope. The Whitewater mandate didn't say that.

That is where they let it go to though, thus the precedent is set. Loving it now?
No, that isn't "where they let it go to, though." Every conviction in the investigation had something to do with the banking scandal. Lewinsky is the lone exception, and she came to Starr. The later didn't hunt her down like a pig looking for truffles.

And that is where it.led. Much like the current investigation. TH found stuff on Cohen and turned it over to the southern district of NY. If things are found out about tRumps business from Cohen, it will go the same way as IT's investigation. See how that works?
Wrong, turd. Mueller has been hunting for anything under the sun to use in his witch hunt. None of the indictments he has issued have anything to do with "collusion."

Poopyface, kinda exactly like Kenneth Starr. Whitewater, blowjob, you know exactly alike.
Not similar in any way.
Uh, none of this has anything to do with alleged Russian collusion. Why is Mueller even investigating DNC e-mails? If he wants to investigate e-mails, why isn't he investigating Hillary's e-mails and private server?

The investigation is about Russian interference, not Russian collusion.
No, it was supposedly about the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians. Now it's about finding anything they can use against any member of the Trump administration.

It clearly says Russian Interference, not Russian Collusion.
It doesn't say "interference," numskull.

Yes it does.

It says “INTERFERENCE” right in the title.

WTF is wrong with you, Brian?
That's the title. That's not what it instructs Mueller to do.
That is where they let it go to though, thus the precedent is set. Loving it now?
No, that isn't "where they let it go to, though." Every conviction in the investigation had something to do with the banking scandal. Lewinsky is the lone exception, and she came to Starr. The later didn't hunt her down like a pig looking for truffles.

And that is where it.led. Much like the current investigation. TH found stuff on Cohen and turned it over to the southern district of NY. If things are found out about tRumps business from Cohen, it will go the same way as IT's investigation. See how that works?
Wrong, turd. Mueller has been hunting for anything under the sun to use in his witch hunt. None of the indictments he has issued have anything to do with "collusion."

Poopyface, kinda exactly like Kenneth Starr. Whitewater, blowjob, you know exactly alike.
Not similar in any way.

You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post

Saw that. Cool.
Mueller is closing in on Duh Donald, just like he and the FBI have done with other crime families.
Start on the outer rings and work towards the middle where the real scum hides.
All he's doing is persecuting the innocent.
Yeah, that's why they keep pleading "guilty".

And why a jury of his peers found manafort guilty on something like 8 counts.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post
I pray the chickens are coming home to roost on Corsi..and on the matron embedded in my memory from the 2003 RNC Convention wearing the stetson and sporting a band aid with a purple heart on her left face cheek.

He did great work stopping Lurch.
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today. You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..the party that got SCHLONGED, as my buddy polish prince would say. And you do the same today. Get all choked up about the military, the one Trump calls 'MY military', yet he sends them off on a showtime mission to use gunfire on refugees and slanders generals, Gold Star families, and runs a VA that isn't paying it's vets. 'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served. And you cry a river for the guy that treats our military like his personal set of toy soldiers..which he will shelve if he doesn't feel like playing with them.

He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post
I pray the chickens are coming home to roost on Corsi..and on the matron embedded in my memory from the 2003 RNC Convention wearing the stetson and sporting a band aid with a purple heart on her left face cheek.

He did great work stopping Lurch.
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today. You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..the party that got SCHLONGED, as my buddy polish prince would say. And you do the same today. Get all choked up about the military, the one Trump calls 'MY military', yet he sends them off on a showtime mission to use gunfire on refugees and slanders generals, Gold Star families, and runs a VA that isn't paying it's vets. 'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served. And you cry a river for the guy that treats our military like his personal set of toy soldiers..which he will shelve if he doesn't feel like playing with them.

He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
You mean like the retards who keep saying Mueller is going to indict some Trump official for "collusion" with the Russians? When is that going to happen, stupid?

Well bumbles,I never thought he was going to get tRump for collusion so try again maroon.
That's what all you snowflakes have been repeating like a mantra for two years. Wasn't that supposed to be the reason for this witch hunt in the first place. What is the reason now, getting Trump any way Mueller can? Is that really an appropriate reason to appoint a special counsel?

It's truly sad that you sleazy vermin approve of this brand of "justice."

I believe that the mandate read, "where ever the investigation takes you". Follow the money sweetie!
That's illegal according to the special counsel legislation. Mueller is supposed to be investigating a specific crime, not just anything he can find to get Trump. The later is clearly unconstitutional. What you are condoning is called a witch hunt.

Where did I say I condone anything? Just giving ewe facts, and I know how much tRumptards hate pesky facts!

Wow the stupidity of conservatives just never stops.

The stupid person you're replying to is also lying but not very well,

The written order for this investigation includes the sentences "And any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation." and "Any matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R.600
4 (a)." Here's the order by Rosenstein.



By virtue of the authority vested in me as Acting Attorney General, including 28 U.S.C.§§ 509, 510, and 515, in order to discharge my responsibility to provide supervision and management of the Department of Justice, and to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian govemmenfs efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, I hereby order asfollows:

(a) Robert S. Mueller III is appointed t() serve as Specia] Counsel for the United States

Department of Justice.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBIDirector James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

  1. (i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

  2. (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

  3. (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is

authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.(d) Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are

applicable to the Special Counsel.


Date '

ORDERNO. 3915-2017

It's not illegal to follow the money in any investigation. It's done millions of times a day all over the nation. If it was illegal Woodward and Bernstein would have gone to prison. Along with thousands of other journalists and law enforcement. Including the special counsel.

None of it's unconstitutional.

Finally the definition of the word witch hunt is an investigation into someone or some group but finding nothing illegal and no one being indicted or prosecuted for a crime.

What Mueller is doing isn't even close to a witch hunt.

However, it does describe all the Benghazi and email investigations.
Turns out Corsi was the ''friend'' that Roger Stone was talking about when he said that he had a direct line to Assange...

Corsi fed the wikileaks about to drop, to Stone, who fed them to the Trump campaign... or Trump himself.

yes, it has to do with the stolen emails by the Russians given to wikileaks...

Corsi lied about it, Mueller's grand jury subpoenaed Corsi's emails, and caught the lie... perjury....

now Corsi is cooperating to save his own ass...
None of that is illegal, moron. It isn't perjury unless he lies under oath. Corsi hasn't testified before the Grand Jury, so no perjury. All you've got is baseless speculation.
Why do you choose to stay so IGNORANT?? Why, why, why?

Jerome Corsi, Conspiracy Theorist, Is Subpoenaed in ...
Sep 05, 2018 · Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist and political commentator with connections to the former Trump adviser Roger J. Stone Jr., has been subpoenaed to testify on Friday before the grand jury …

What that stupid person doesn't say or more likely doesn't know, it that corsi was interviewed by the FBI. He lied to the FBI.

Lying to the FBI is a felony level crime.

So it doesn't matter if he testified to a grand jury or not.
I pray the chickens are coming home to roost on Corsi..and on the matron embedded in my memory from the 2003 RNC Convention wearing the stetson and sporting a band aid with a purple heart on her left face cheek.

He did great work stopping Lurch.
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today. You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..the party that got SCHLONGED, as my buddy polish prince would say. And you do the same today. Get all choked up about the military, the one Trump calls 'MY military', yet he sends them off on a showtime mission to use gunfire on refugees and slanders generals, Gold Star families, and runs a VA that isn't paying it's vets. 'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served. And you cry a river for the guy that treats our military like his personal set of toy soldiers..which he will shelve if he doesn't feel like playing with them.

He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
Why lie unless you are involved in bad shit?
You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.

Comrade? You are claiming that the Inquisition was convened to illegally snoop into the taxes of the president? :eek:

I thought Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada was going to torture his victims until one of them implicated the president for colluding with the Russians to run $10,000 worth of Facebook ads, which so totally overwhelmed the $1.2 BILLION that Felonia Milhous Von Pantsuit spent on the campaign....

I mean, even if the object of your festering hatred totally cheated on his taxes, how would that have altered the outcome of the election and made Stumbles McMyturn the really true president as you Marxists claim?
You are correct, if it is found that tRump cheated on his taxes it is far more serious than Bill's BJ. Thanks for playing.

Comrade? You are claiming that the Inquisition was convened to illegally snoop into the taxes of the president? :eek:

I thought Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada was going to torture his victims until one of them implicated the president for colluding with the Russians to run $10,000 worth of Facebook ads, which so totally overwhelmed the $1.2 BILLION that Felonia Milhous Von Pantsuit spent on the campaign....

I mean, even if the object of your festering hatred totally cheated on his taxes, how would that have altered the outcome of the election and made Stumbles McMyturn the really true president as you Marxists claim?

Nope, where ever the investigation takes him. As mandated by The assistant AG. I am sure it bothered you greatly when Starr went from whitewater to BJ, 6 1/2 years later though. Am I correct Fuhrer?
Nope, where ever the investigation takes him. As mandated by The assistant AG. I am sure it bothered you greatly when Starr went from whitewater to BJ, 6 1/2 years later though. Am I correct Fuhrer?

Actually Comrade, that is NOT the mandate, as you have been shown. That Rosenstein is a corrupt little fuck working to overthrow the United States Government is why Sessions had to be replaced. The evil little fuck cannot engage in treason anymore. :(
He did great work stopping Lurch.
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today. You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..the party that got SCHLONGED, as my buddy polish prince would say. And you do the same today. Get all choked up about the military, the one Trump calls 'MY military', yet he sends them off on a showtime mission to use gunfire on refugees and slanders generals, Gold Star families, and runs a VA that isn't paying it's vets. 'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served. And you cry a river for the guy that treats our military like his personal set of toy soldiers..which he will shelve if he doesn't feel like playing with them.

He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
Why lie unless you are involved in bad shit?

Ask Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today. You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..the party that got SCHLONGED, as my buddy polish prince would say. And you do the same today. Get all choked up about the military, the one Trump calls 'MY military', yet he sends them off on a showtime mission to use gunfire on refugees and slanders generals, Gold Star families, and runs a VA that isn't paying it's vets. 'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served. And you cry a river for the guy that treats our military like his personal set of toy soldiers..which he will shelve if he doesn't feel like playing with them.

He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
Why lie unless you are involved in bad shit?

Ask Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart was innocent, Clinton not so much..
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today.

I never swallowed Kerry's smear. Genghis Khan? What a twat.

You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..

Kerry's fellow soldiers told the truth about Kerry's Purple Hearts.

'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served.

He was awesome! Soldiering on through those 3 scratches.
What a guy!!
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
Why lie unless you are involved in bad shit?

Ask Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart was innocent, Clinton not so much..

They both lied about non-criminal acts.
Mean while he and his attorny were worried enough to make a deal. Spin all you want but more and more go to jail.

Yes, lying under oath is a crime.
Why lie unless you are involved in bad shit?

Ask Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart was innocent, Clinton not so much..

They both lied about non-criminal acts.

Threatening witnesses is a VERY criminal act.

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