Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

Dumbfuck, your own link points out Clinton was not disbarred.

You can't fire me.....I quit.


Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

Dumbfuck... You said he was disbarred.

He wasn’t. Your own link said so.

Deal with it. :mm:

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!
Yeah, for 40 days.
You can't fire me.....I quit.


Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Pretty good article on it but its rather confusing.

First it says he was disbarred then it said he was suspended.

Open to interpretation.
No, ya flaming moron. It doesn’t say he was disbarred nor is it confusing. But since you’re a brain-dead con, watch as this Liberal explains it for you...

This is Snopes. What Snopes does is confirms or repudiates rumors. So first, Snopes posts the rumor that was circulating among rightards like you and Toddsterpatriot ...

Bill Clinton was disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas and was also disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court over the Lewinsky incident.

... then Snopes presents their evaluation of such a rumor ...

While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred, and while Clinton did face the possibility of being barred from arguing in front the U.S. Supreme Court, he resigned before the ruling was handed down.


Aww fuck off you lefty loon idiot.
Please shut your idiot mouth. You have right near zero knowledge of the case, which is a bit less than everyone else not on Mueller's team.
Sorry, I have re-presented SOME of the many FACTS in this case. I am sorry hearing the truth - the fact that Mueller has nothing - ZERO evidence regarding non-existent Russian collusion involving Trump and has to rely on PERJURY TRAPS that have nothing to do with the Russians - distresses and triggers you so much.

The fact that Mueller's entire Witch Hunt is going to come down to a 'scathing' political letter predictably criticizing President Trump and attempting to paint a picture of criminal acts that is not supported by any evidence tells anyone and everyone all they need to know about the Democrats' treasonous soft coup crusade they have been waging.
You can't fire me.....I quit.


Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

Dumbfuck... You said he was disbarred.

He wasn’t. Your own link said so.

Deal with it. :mm:

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!

Yup that's just what the article said.

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
No, you conservative dolt, what the article actually said was that he wasn’t disbarred. :eusa_doh:

What part of, ”it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas,” don’t you understand??
Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!
Bill Clinton was stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas for a period of time; yet, the fact remains, for his unethical behavior under oath he was stripped of his license to practice law.
FINALLY someone to actually stand up to that NAZI MUELLER.... An inspiration to all othets... find a set of BALLS and stand up for your rights!!!!

Also CNN chimes in: ..... Jerome Corsi, an associate of Roger Stone, says he is refusing to sign a plea deal offered by special counsel Robert Mueller

Read more at ...

“They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie.”


According to The Atlantic staff writer, Natasha Bertrand, Corsi told her he would not accept Mueller’s plea deal on one count of perjury because it would require him to sign a statement saying he willfully lied, which he denies.
Dumbfuck, your own link points out Clinton was not disbarred.

You can't fire me.....I quit.


Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

Dumbfuck... You said he was disbarred.

He wasn’t. Your own link said so.

Deal with it. :mm:

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!

Read your own link, ya dumbfuck. It says he wasn’t disbarred.

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!
Bill Clinton was stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas for a period of time; yet, the fact remains, for his unethical behavior under oath he was stripped of his license to practice law.
He was “stripped of his license to practice law” for 5 years. That’s a suspension, not a disbarment. :eusa_doh:
FINALLY someone to actually stand up to that NAZI MUELLER.... An inspiration to all othets... find a set of BALLS and stand up for your rights!!!!

Also CNN chimes in: ..... Jerome Corsi, an associate of Roger Stone, says he is refusing to sign a plea deal offered by special counsel Robert Mueller

Read more at ...

“They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie.”


According to The Atlantic staff writer, Natasha Bertrand, Corsi told her he would not accept Mueller’s plea deal on one count of perjury because it would require him to sign a statement saying he willfully lied, which he denies.
Ah...negotiation time....he's gonna fold like a cheap suit.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Has it even been confirmed yet that Mueller is looking to charge Corsi with perjury? The only person I’ve seen make that claim is Corsi himself.
he's rejected a plea deal saying he'd rather be in jail for life than to sign a lie. so they're looking for something he's not willing to do.
Says who, other than Corsi? I’ve yet to see proof he’s actually facing perjury charges.
Trump’s campaign manager was not a “nobody”. His crimes did precede his appointment as campaign manager; which makes you wonder why Trump appointed him in the first place. Trump’s personal attorney is not a “nobody”. Both are now cooperating with the Special Counsel.

Anyway, as Special Counsel, he’s batting 1.000. If Mr. Corsi wishes to take him on, I’m sure the evidence that the SC accumulated will be formidable. But we’ll see how it goes. The rule of law shall prevail.

I hope after this "investigation" is done Trump's DOJ goes after Mueller and everyone on his team.

What Corsi is accusing Mueller and his team of is what they were found guilty of during the ENRON investigation/trial

The DOJ investigating the DOJ….

Only highlights that the GOP can and should never be trusted with the government again. Ever.

So if specific DOJ prosecutors break the law like Mueller and his team are then they are above the law and nothing can happen to them?
Oh? What law(s) did Mueller break?

Subornation of perjury.
Good luck proving that.
Soon Trump and his enablers will swear Mueller...
Have you not been paying attention? No one has to smear Mueller or 'spin' the FACT that he is criminally biased in this proven Witch Hunt, that he should NEVER have been named Special Counsel:

2014: Evidence shows that as FBI Director Mueller HID RUSSIAN CRIMES associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One.
-- Sessions had to recuse himself because as a US senator his job required him to legally interact with Russian representatives but Mueller can be the Special Counsel going after the President after colluding with / protecting the Russians from having their crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, and violence against US citizens in an effort to acquire Uranium One and 20% of the US supply of uranium?

DOJ's Oher testified that Mueller was already working with the FBI, the FBI's foreign Spy - Steele, and the DOJ (Oher/Rosenstein) BEFORE THE RUSSIAN INVESTIGATION HAD BEEN OPENED AND BEFORE MUELLER HAD BEEN APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

Mueller, Rosenstein, & Comey are all long-time buds, so this massive Conflict of Interest should have prevented him from being Special Counsel involving a case investigating Obstruction by President Trump from firing Comey.

Mueller has a documented history of manufacturing and hiding evidence in order to knowingly send innocent people to jail.
- The fact that his entire case against Trump is based on PERJURY TRAPS that have nothing to do with non-existent illegal collusion is just a continuation of this history

Mueller's entire team consists of anti-Trump/Trump-hating, DNC/Hillary donors and even one of Hillary's own lawyers.

Mueller is guilty of committing the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas during the investigation...

Wow, you should do something about all of that.

No…not so much. But you keep thinking that. I’m sure you probably are in need of some good news in your miserable life.
Yeah, that’s what I thought fuck stain.
Yeah, no quote. I noticed that too. :mm:

Claudette is pretty much the poster child for Trump supporter and embodies the battered wife syndrome.
Trump lies to her face, she forgives him and begs for more.
She has zero self-respect and is probably legitimately living in squalor with the unfortunate thought that she dare not ask for more because, in her mind, she doesn’t think she deserves better.

Mental illness like hers is no crime as the mentally ill are not at fault for their condition.

Being proud of the clear intellectual and self-esteem shortcomings are, however, of her own making. That is what makes her so repugnant both to the Board as a whole but more importantly to herself.

Oh I support Trump all right and if its found he's done something wrong I'll acknowledge it.

Oh and you have no idea how I live. I have plenty of self respect.

Squalor?? Not hardly. And the only mentally ill person I've seen is you.

I have plenty of self esteem and you have lied in your whole post Miss I don't tell lies.

Oh and I'm LMAO at your ridiculous self serving post. What an idiot you are.

Carry on douchebag.

Laughing so much, you’re here responding….

Look, You were told Mexico is going to pay for the wall. It has been pointed out time and again that they are not. Your response is that you do not care.

Hence, you like being lied to. There is no ambiguity about this.

I’m not making it up. Those who don’t mind being lied to either don’t care (which you do) or rationalize the lies like a good little bitch. Since it’s not the former, it’s the latter. Sorry. By definition, you have either no or very little self esteem.

And the blob has done this to you again on his taxes. He said he would release them. He didn’t. And you’re supporting him…taking in the lie once more.

The FISA documents, the supposed tax cut before the election, the acceptance of the murder of the spouse of an American citizen… How much more do you plan on taking? It’s a rhetorical question as the answer is that there is no limit to what you’d allow from your master. Like a good little bitch that you are.

Nope. I don't care who pays for the wall. We the tax payer or someone else. Just so long as it gets built.

To you everything Trump says is a lie.

No hope for you at all.

Oh and I'm nobodies bitch but you sure seem to be some ones good little bitch.

Carry on bitch. LOL

Cute rationalization. It’s the excuse battered wives make to validate their lack of self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. When Trump lies to you next time…you’ll take it; just like you always have done.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post

So the scum bucket lied....Mueller knows it and can prove it. Let him rot in prison....
Technicality. He resigned before they brought down the ruling to disbar him.
You can't fire me.....I quit.


Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

Dumbfuck... You said he was disbarred.

He wasn’t. Your own link said so.

Deal with it. :mm:

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!

Read your own link, ya dumbfuck. It says he wasn’t disbarred.

Yeah, that’s why he got a 14 day sentence...
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post

So the scum bucket lied....Mueller knows it and can prove it. Let him rot in prison....
Yeah, no quote. I noticed that too. :mm:

Claudette is pretty much the poster child for Trump supporter and embodies the battered wife syndrome.
Trump lies to her face, she forgives him and begs for more.
She has zero self-respect and is probably legitimately living in squalor with the unfortunate thought that she dare not ask for more because, in her mind, she doesn’t think she deserves better.

Mental illness like hers is no crime as the mentally ill are not at fault for their condition.

Being proud of the clear intellectual and self-esteem shortcomings are, however, of her own making. That is what makes her so repugnant both to the Board as a whole but more importantly to herself.

Oh I support Trump all right and if its found he's done something wrong I'll acknowledge it.

Oh and you have no idea how I live. I have plenty of self respect.

Squalor?? Not hardly. And the only mentally ill person I've seen is you.

I have plenty of self esteem and you have lied in your whole post Miss I don't tell lies.

Oh and I'm LMAO at your ridiculous self serving post. What an idiot you are.

Carry on douchebag.

Laughing so much, you’re here responding….

Look, You were told Mexico is going to pay for the wall. It has been pointed out time and again that they are not. Your response is that you do not care.

Hence, you like being lied to. There is no ambiguity about this.

I’m not making it up. Those who don’t mind being lied to either don’t care (which you do) or rationalize the lies like a good little bitch. Since it’s not the former, it’s the latter. Sorry. By definition, you have either no or very little self esteem.

And the blob has done this to you again on his taxes. He said he would release them. He didn’t. And you’re supporting him…taking in the lie once more.

The FISA documents, the supposed tax cut before the election, the acceptance of the murder of the spouse of an American citizen… How much more do you plan on taking? It’s a rhetorical question as the answer is that there is no limit to what you’d allow from your master. Like a good little bitch that you are.

Nope. I don't care who pays for the wall. We the tax payer or someone else. Just so long as it gets built.

To you everything Trump says is a lie.

No hope for you at all.

Oh and I'm nobodies bitch but you sure seem to be some ones good little bitch.

Carry on bitch. LOL

Cute rationalization. It’s the excuse battered wives make to validate their lack of self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. When Trump lies to you next time…you’ll take it; just like you always have done.

Oh and when what he does do works you'll ignore it just as you have always done.

You sure sound like you have low self esteem and feelings or worthlessness.

Are you a battered wife?? You sure sound like one and I've seen plenty of them in my job.

Hope you have the brains to escape your situation.

Good luck.

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