Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

Technicality. He resigned before they brought down the ruling to disbar him.

Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

Dumbfuck... You said he was disbarred.

He wasn’t. Your own link said so.

Deal with it. :mm:

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!

Read your own link, ya dumbfuck. It says he wasn’t disbarred.

You mean, “technically,” he wasn’t disbarred.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Aiding a foreign adversary in desiminating information from stolen e mails to help elected an idiot....we have an illegitimate so called POS president.
He is just talking tough and playing tough so that his buddy will pardon him.

Probably not a bad legal strategy. If you’re caught red handed, your best bet is to go to trial. Federal prosecutors—not just the SC—almost always win in court. If you plead guilty, you are certain to lose. So it’s better to go to court and hope for a miracle than to plead guilty at this juncture. Hoping for a pardon from Trump is like hoping you win on slot machines but at least there is the chance you’ll win.

Whatever legal means Mr. Corsi has at his disposal…he should avail himself to all of them. However if you’re sitting across the table from the Feds, you are on thin ice already.
No…not so much. But you keep thinking that.
I don't have to - unlike Mueller, I provide evidence to back up my claims. :p


Asking people to tell the truth is a “perjury trap”? Wow.
Are you this stupid or are, as usual, your just trying to play the standard snowflake 'stupid game'?

I am betting 'all of the above'.
No…not so much. But you keep thinking that.
I don't have to - unlike Mueller, I provide evidence to back up my claims. :p


Asking people to tell the truth is a “perjury trap”? Wow.
Are you this stupid or are, as usual, your just trying to play the standard snowflake 'stupid game'?

I am betting 'all of the above'.

trump is a slug.....bottom line...
Claudette is pretty much the poster child for Trump supporter and embodies the battered wife syndrome.
Trump lies to her face, she forgives him and begs for more.
She has zero self-respect and is probably legitimately living in squalor with the unfortunate thought that she dare not ask for more because, in her mind, she doesn’t think she deserves better.

Mental illness like hers is no crime as the mentally ill are not at fault for their condition.

Being proud of the clear intellectual and self-esteem shortcomings are, however, of her own making. That is what makes her so repugnant both to the Board as a whole but more importantly to herself.

Oh I support Trump all right and if its found he's done something wrong I'll acknowledge it.

Oh and you have no idea how I live. I have plenty of self respect.

Squalor?? Not hardly. And the only mentally ill person I've seen is you.

I have plenty of self esteem and you have lied in your whole post Miss I don't tell lies.

Oh and I'm LMAO at your ridiculous self serving post. What an idiot you are.

Carry on douchebag.

Laughing so much, you’re here responding….

Look, You were told Mexico is going to pay for the wall. It has been pointed out time and again that they are not. Your response is that you do not care.

Hence, you like being lied to. There is no ambiguity about this.

I’m not making it up. Those who don’t mind being lied to either don’t care (which you do) or rationalize the lies like a good little bitch. Since it’s not the former, it’s the latter. Sorry. By definition, you have either no or very little self esteem.

And the blob has done this to you again on his taxes. He said he would release them. He didn’t. And you’re supporting him…taking in the lie once more.

The FISA documents, the supposed tax cut before the election, the acceptance of the murder of the spouse of an American citizen… How much more do you plan on taking? It’s a rhetorical question as the answer is that there is no limit to what you’d allow from your master. Like a good little bitch that you are.

Nope. I don't care who pays for the wall. We the tax payer or someone else. Just so long as it gets built.

To you everything Trump says is a lie.

No hope for you at all.

Oh and I'm nobodies bitch but you sure seem to be some ones good little bitch.

Carry on bitch. LOL

Cute rationalization. It’s the excuse battered wives make to validate their lack of self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. When Trump lies to you next time…you’ll take it; just like you always have done.

Oh and when what he does do works you'll ignore it just as you have always done.

Ah yes, the rationalization continues. “He did _______ so I look the other way when he lies to me.” Its a false choice.
Aiding a foreign adversary in desiminating information from stolen e mails to help elected an idiot....we have an illegitimate so called POS president.
1. Mueller has no evidence that President Trump ever colluded with the Russians...or that any illegal collusion ever occurred.

2. Using foreign-provided information that was paid for in a US election is a crime. Evidence exists that Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies working for Obama's FBI and Russians.

The harder you try to manufacture a case / evidence against the President the dumber you look.....
No…not so much. But you keep thinking that.
I don't have to - unlike Mueller, I provide evidence to back up my claims. :p


Asking people to tell the truth is a “perjury trap”? Wow.
Are you this stupid or are, as usual, your just trying to play the standard snowflake 'stupid game'?

I am betting 'all of the above'.

Asking for the truth isn’t a “perjury trap”… Trump’s inability to be truthful may prevent him from telling the truth as he has lied thousands of times since taking office as we all know…but that isn’t the fault of Captain Mueller.
trump is a slug.....bottom line...
...and I thought you could not possibly look any dumber or politically biased / butt-hurt.


There's the butt-hurt Witch Hunt in a nut shell. I could not have said it any better. Thanks, Jim. :p
Aiding a foreign adversary in desiminating information from stolen e mails to help elected an idiot....we have an illegitimate so called POS president.
1. Mueller has no evidence that President Trump ever colluded with the Russians...or that any illegal collusion ever occurred.

2. Using foreign-provided information that was paid for in a US election is a crime. Evidence exists that Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies working for Obama's FBI and Russians.

The harder you try to manufacture a case / evidence against the President the dumber you look.....

If Mueller had any evidence, we would all know about it by now. Instead, an unpaid campaign volunteer is spending 14 days in jail for a process crime.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?

Corsi must have had a sex change and now he she makes mulled wine? :dunno:
Danny's into the hooch mighty early today.
with auto correct making most people look stupid on mobile devices, i can't say that right off anymore. :)
There's no such word as Mullier.

Mull -- Mullier -- Mulliest.

"No one is Mullier than Martin Mull, he's the Mulliest".

That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?
Heir Mueller.


"Heir Mueller"?

So Mueller inherited Googly Images? Uh, thanks, that's ..... elucidating.
That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?

Corsi must have had a sex change and now he she makes mulled wine? :dunno:
Danny's into the hooch mighty early today.
with auto correct making most people look stupid on mobile devices, i can't say that right off anymore. :)

So what yer saying is, "proofreading is a lost art".
I hope after this "investigation" is done Trump's DOJ goes after Mueller and everyone on his team.

What Corsi is accusing Mueller and his team of is what they were found guilty of during the ENRON investigation/trial

The DOJ investigating the DOJ….

Only highlights that the GOP can and should never be trusted with the government again. Ever.

So if specific DOJ prosecutors break the law like Mueller and his team are then they are above the law and nothing can happen to them?
Oh? What law(s) did Mueller break?

Subornation of perjury.
Good luck proving that.

They proved misconduct in the ENRON investigation
Asking for the truth isn’t a “perjury trap”…
You continue to try to spin, proving again that you are either truly this stupid or are playing the 'stupid game'. Again, I am going with 'all of the above'.

Again, a criminal co-conspirator well-known for intentionally manufacturing and/or withholding evidence to send known innocent people to jail creating PERJURY TRAPS for Trump associates to indict them for 'lying' about things that have nothing to do with what he has been appointed to investigate is criminally unethical at the very least.

You skipped the part, also where some of Mueller's 'Perjury Trap' victims have been potentially illegally railroaded into indictment / pressured into un-necessary plea deals regarding crimes never actually committed.

Take Flynn, for example - Mueller indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI, but FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that his agents stated they believe Flynn never lied during his interviews.

You also skipped the part where the US IG reported that the FBI was caught changing witness testimony AFTER THE INTERVIEW WAS COMPLETE.

If this does not set off alarm bells in your tiny little snowflake head it is because there was never anything up there to begin with.

That's right Corsi just told Her Mullier to shove his plea deal up his ass!
When this sick witch hunt is over the people who are going to spend years in prison are going to be DEMs.
Roger Stone associate says he won't agree to plea deal - CNNPolitics
Her Mullier?
Heir Mueller.

OMG. It's Herr. Heir is that lucky state of affairs when someone leaves you money when they die.
It's shit like that the Dems use to totally ignore the truth. Spelling errors.
Hey, you gotta admit, Her Mullier is pretty damned out there. I'm not ignoring anything, I'm just not speculating. There is no "truth" yet. I'm waiting for the report like everyone else should.
How ironic.......all of the Russian Collusion accusations are nothing but speculation.
Oher also testified about Mueller/Comey's/Strzok's planned Counter-Intelligence 'Information Leak Strategy' ... a desperate move from a witch hunt that has nothing but is still trying to take down a President.
How ironic.......all of the Russian Collusion accusations are nothing but speculation.
...well, except for the one where Hillary colludes with / Pays foreign spies - working FOR the FBI and WITH the DOJ and Mueller - and the Russians for their help / a Russian-authored piece of propaganda illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NUIA, CIA, and FBI....
The DOJ investigating the DOJ….

Only highlights that the GOP can and should never be trusted with the government again. Ever.

So if specific DOJ prosecutors break the law like Mueller and his team are then they are above the law and nothing can happen to them?
Oh? What law(s) did Mueller break?

Subornation of perjury.
Good luck proving that.

They proved misconduct in the ENRON investigation
This isn’t the Enron investigation.
You can't fire me.....I quit.


Dumbfuck, despite your idiotic claim that Clinton was disbarred, your own link says he wasn’t. You just don’t possess even the minimal integrity to admit you’re wrong. I can live with that.

Hey, Bill, you're going to be disbarred...….did they say that?

Dumbfuck... You said he was disbarred.

He wasn’t. Your own link said so.

Deal with it. :mm:

Did they say he couldn't practice in front of the Supreme Court? DERP!
Yeah, for 40 days.

Read the link, that's not what they said.

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