Jesuit Bukkake Bomb


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2014

Schizophrenia's a hoot sometimes, innit?

Here some more info on her, in case anyone's curious.

Gabrielle Chana - Encyclopedia Dramatica

Schizophrenia's a hoot sometimes, innit?

Here some more info on her, in case anyone's curious.

Gabrielle Chana - Encyclopedia Dramatica

Judge Jenkins must just love her for the favor of giving out his information to ever internet weirdo in existence. LOL! Is this lady serious or is this just a parody or something? I really can't tell, especially after the phone call. Either way . . . :cuckoo:

I only listened to the little of the second one. I've heard enough of this woman's insane nonsense. :lol: It's funny, but if she really believes that, she should probably be getting some therapy and psychiatric medications.
Judge Jenkins must just love her for the favor of giving out his information to ever internet weirdo in existence. LOL! Is this lady serious or is this just a parody or something? I really can't tell, especially after the phone call. Either way . . .

I only listened to the little of the second one. I've heard enough of this woman's insane nonsense. It's funny, but if she really believes that, she should probably be getting some therapy and psychiatric medications.

Yea, it sounds like this woman's taken her poorly written erotic slash-fiction fantasies just a tad too far.

She apparently thinks that she's "telepathically married" to Gerard Butler, Vladimir Putin, that Jenkins guy, and a whole bunch of other male celebrities, but that the Jesuits are covering it up by having secret agents pose as their "fake" wives and girlfriends. She also thinks that she is destined to become the "Empress of the World."

Unsurprisingly, she works at Walmart, and believes many of her managers to be undercover Jesuits as well.
Yea, it sounds like this woman's taken her poorly written erotic slash-fiction fantasies just a tad too far.

She apparently thinks that she's "telepathically married" to Gerard Butler, Vladimir Putin, that Jenkins guy, and a whole bunch of other male celebrities, but that the Jesuits are covering it up by having secret agents pose as their "fake" wives and girlfriends. She also thinks that she is destined to become the "Empress of the World."

Unsurprisingly, she works at Walmart, and believes many of her managers to be undercover Jesuits as well.

Well, there will never be a shortage of internet weirdos. Lol! :biggrin:
:iagree: Where is her family/friends? Jeez!

Supposedly, she's divorced, and thinks her ex-husband was a Jesuit spy who was sent to keep her from reaching her "full potential." That might explain at least some of the neglect. lol

I find it hard to imagine that she could keep a job though.

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