Jesus' birthday is coming up, so.......................

Oh look, another blasphemous thread from a libtard. What took you so long?

Blasphemous? Really? Can you cite in the Bible by chapter and verse where my post is "blasphemous"?
I appreciate whatever moves a human being to be kind and generous to others. That Christmas does that for you is wonderful.

Actually, I try to do it all year 'round, which is why I find it kinda interesting that during the month of December, it's all peace and light and kindness towards your fellow human being, but for the other 11 months, most people think it's everyone for themselves.
WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.
WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.

You are an Atheist. What's the reason why you try to tell us what we have to do at Christmas? We Christians are not Atheists and I don't see how the belief in Atheism could be able to help poor people.

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Jesus' birthday is coming up soon, and everyone is going to be celebrating by giving gifts and eating way too much.

Now, I understand the festivities, but a question about the holiday. It's JESUS' birthday, not yours, so why is everyone giving everybody BUT Jesus a gift? When it's YOUR birthday, does everyone else in the house get a gift but you?

And...................what would be an appropriate gift for Him? Well, since He's the Prince of Peace, as well as the fact that He wants all of us to take care of each other, wouldn't a much better gift be grabbing some poor bum on the street, and taking them out to dinner with you? I've done it before, and sometimes it's one of the best times you could have.

I think that buying and sharing a meal with someone less fortunate would be a very appropriate gift. Much better than stressing about buying crap for someone you know, but also know they don't really need.

Most Christians try to do something nice for others whenever they can whether it's Jesus' birthday or not. They just don't brag about it.
I don't think he was bragging. He was just saying what he had done and got something for it in return. Good company from a stranger that happened to be hungry.

If I went out to dinner or lunch, I would give it a go. Unfortunately, the only bums I see in this neck of the woods are two brothers. Both junkies. One stands at the back of the grocery store begging for money...not food...and the other brother (they are twins) stands in the front. Nobody gives them jack shit because it just goes in their arm.
Jesus' birthday is coming up soon, and everyone is going to be celebrating by giving gifts and eating way too much.

Now, I understand the festivities, but a question about the holiday. It's JESUS' birthday, not yours, so why is everyone giving everybody BUT Jesus a gift? When it's YOUR birthday, does everyone else in the house get a gift but you?

And...................what would be an appropriate gift for Him? Well, since He's the Prince of Peace, as well as the fact that He wants all of us to take care of each other, wouldn't a much better gift be grabbing some poor bum on the street, and taking them out to dinner with you? I've done it before, and sometimes it's one of the best times you could have.

I think that buying and sharing a meal with someone less fortunate would be a very appropriate gift. Much better than stressing about buying crap for someone you know, but also know they don't really need.

Most Christians try to do something nice for others whenever they can whether it's Jesus' birthday or not. They just don't brag about it.
I don't think he was bragging. He was just saying what he had done and got something for it in return. Good company from a stranger that happened to be hungry.

If I went out to dinner or lunch, I would give it a go. Unfortunately, the only bums I see in this neck of the woods are two brothers. Both junkies. One stands at the back of the grocery store begging for money...not food...and the other brother (they are twins) stands in the front. Nobody gives them jack shit because it just goes in their arm.
Again, I didn't say he was bragging. I simply said most Christians don't brag about doing something good.

Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
- Matthew 6:2
WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.

You are an Atheist. What's the reason why you try to tell us what we have to do at Christmas? We Christians are not Atheists and I don't see how the belief in Atheism could be able to help poor people.

I'm an agnostic. And your ignorance regarding why human beings help each other is telling of so many who claim to be 'followers' of Christ.

Instead of just saying "yes I agree, let's just help people", which is what you could have done, you instead look to attack other people and see how far you can piss Christ's name.

You aren't Christian. Most people that claim to be are not. You are a fan of Christ's and you may cheer for him from afar, but you are not a follower.
I think the bigger question is:
Why is their god symbolized by "a baby" in the arms of the harlot mother Mary?
WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.
Ya, I agree. Help the poor at xmas and get them off of your conscience for the rest of the year.
WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.
Ya, I agree. Help the poor at xmas and get them off of your conscience for the rest of the year.

Or whatever your brain thinks up to feel good eh.

I give money to every single person that needs it on the street. All. I hear people constantly say "they'll just spend it on blah blah".

Go be broke for a month without a home, and then start the judgement. Let alone years.

Help people, its that simple. And you fake kristians stop bitching about everything. Just go do good works and don't brag about anything. Then you'll start actually living up to the Jesus of the bible.
I agree with you Issac. If I see someone on the street with a sign, I give them a couple of bucks. Who cares if they spend it on a beer or a sandwich, because once I give them the money, it is no longer mine, and I have no say on how they spend it.

Conditional charity isn't charity, it's trying to control someone's life.

If they want a beer because they've had a hard week, and my donation helps them get that, good on them.

I just give because I like to build up good Karma.
I agree with you Issac. If I see someone on the street with a sign, I give them a couple of bucks. Who cares if they spend it on a beer or a sandwich, because once I give them the money, it is no longer mine, and I have no say on how they spend it.

Conditional charity isn't charity, it's trying to control someone's life.

If they want a beer because they've had a hard week, and my donation helps them get that, good on them.

I just give because I like to build up good Karma.

"Conditional charity isn't charity, it's trying to control someone's life."

Well said.

I pulled off the freeway into Monterey (CA) and stopped at the light recently. There was a homeless guy who was living about 20 feet away from the road, his Australian sheepdog was sitting with him. I motioned him over and gave him a $20 bill. He very thankful, I said "don't forget about your dog". He said "the dog eats first".

They're human beings.
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WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.

You are an Atheist. What's the reason why you try to tell us what we have to do at Christmas? We Christians are not Atheists and I don't see how the belief in Atheism could be able to help poor people.

Atheists are people too. Peace on earth good will to all. (including atheists)
WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.

You are an Atheist. What's the reason why you try to tell us what we have to do at Christmas? We Christians are not Atheists and I don't see how the belief in Atheism could be able to help poor people.

I'm an agnostic.

I don't have any idea why the english speaking world is so confused. If you are "agnostic" (=not knowing) then you have to do a decision: to believe in god or not to believe in god. You made the decision not to believe in god, so you are an Atheist. To be "an Agnostic" is impossible in a question of belief. You are not able to believe in god and not to believe in god the same time, because this is a contradiction and to believe in a contradiction will lead only to empty phrases without any substance. Agnosticism is not a belief but a philosophy which explains something about the believe in god. That's all.

And your ignorance regarding why human beings help each other is telling of so many who claim to be 'followers' of Christ.

It needs a lot of education before human beings start to help each other.

Instead of just saying "yes I agree,

I don't see any reason why I should agree with anything what an atheist says about my religion.

let's just help people",

Do it. Help other people. But why should you do so? And whatever I am doing or not doing is my own problem and has nothing to do with you. I don't need your allowness for anything what I am doing or not doing.

what you could have done, you instead look to attack other people and see how far you can piss Christ's name.


You aren't Christian. Most people that claim to be are not. You are a fan of Christ's and you may cheer for him from afar, but you are not a follower.

No idea what to answer now on this last sentences. You show a very high level of agressions - that's all what I can see in this words. Christians celebrate Christmas only on reason to remember the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Christmas is not an agressive celebration.

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I think the bigger question is:
Why is their god symbolized by "a baby" in the arms of the harlot mother Mary?

It's a little suicidal to call mother Mary "harlot" . A Jew, a Christian or a Muslim could hear this. Nevertheless it's a very good question. What's your own answer?

WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.
Ya, I agree. Help the poor at xmas and get them off of your conscience for the rest of the year.

Everyone always knows what others should do as long as they don't have to do it on their own.

WTF can't people just say "yes, helping the poor is the proper gift to give to Christ at this time, good idea". And then do it.

Instead its nonstop self worship.

You are an Atheist. What's the reason why you try to tell us what we have to do at Christmas? We Christians are not Atheists and I don't see how the belief in Atheism could be able to help poor people.

I'm an agnostic.

I don't have any idea why the english speaking world is so confused. If you are "agnostic" (=not knowing) then you have to do a decision: to believe in god or not to believe in god. You made the decision not to believe in god, so you are an Atheist. To be "an Agnostic" is impossible in a question of belief. You are not able to believe in god and not to believe in god the same time, because this is a contradiction and to believe in a contradiction will lead only to empty phrases without any substance. Agnosticism is not a belief but a philosophy which explains something about the believe in god. That's all.

And your ignorance regarding why human beings help each other is telling of so many who claim to be 'followers' of Christ.

It needs a lot of education before human beings start to help each other.

Instead of just saying "yes I agree,

I don't see any reason why I should agree with anything what an atheist says about my religion.

let's just help people",

Do it. Help other people. But why should you do so? And whatever I am doing or not doing is my own problem and has nothing to do with you. I don't need your allowness for anything what I am doing or not doing.

what you could have done, you instead look to attack other people and see how far you can piss Christ's name.


You aren't Christian. Most people that claim to be are not. You are a fan of Christ's and you may cheer for him from afar, but you are not a follower.

No idea what to answer now on this last sentences. You show a very high level of agressions - that's all what I can see in this words. Christians celebrate Christmas only on reason to remember the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Christmas is not an agressive celebration.

I am 99.9999% sure there are no gods, let alone the one you may believe in. But I'm not as arrogant as most religious people who are absolutely sure. Believing in any god does not give you some powers beyond other humans to know such things. Its just a belief. If I see verifiable facts supporting a 'god' then I will say there it is. I don't grind an axe either way, but I do rely on evidence. So far there isn't any for any god, let alone a particular god. There is a mountain range of evidence for evolution.

And yes I call out fake Christians all the time. Some of the most hypocritical people I've met, and this includes relatives, call themselves 'christians'. They don't even try to live that life though. But they'll point fingers and judge others on a nonstop basis.

I celebrate Christmas, love the music and the time of year because people tend to treat other with a lot more kindness. I'm all for that.
It is remarkable how often those who smugly declare that they are too smart to believe in God feel compelled to tell those that do believe in God that they are doing it wrong.

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