Jesus died for our sins......

The concept that God can be 3 persons is not something easily understood or accepted, even for Christians.

How is it even possible to believe in something that cannot be rationally explained or understood?

The belief contradicts the entire OT. It cannot be easily understood or accepted by anyone who knows the difference between one and three.

It takes a special kind of phony.

It takes a lot of prayer, relationship with God and also research (study of the Bible, translations etc.) - the term is called hermeneutics......

God can reveal his meaning in His words to those that earnestly seek Him however....

Please stop it. The term is called brainwashing.

One doesn't even need to know how to read to recognize bullshit when they smell it.

Can't you smell that smell?
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That doesn't make sense to me. We make our own "sins", we have to take responsibility for them. We can't expect someone else to purify them.

How much sense does it make that one man died over two thousand years ago from crucifixion and somehow that purifies anyone's sin now?

Surely, crucifixion is a tortorous way to die, AND many more people have died worse ways than crucifixion since then.

Are we to believe that Hitler was saved?

The entire story is incoherent.

God made mankind imperfect and inherently vulnerable to sin. Living a sinless life is impossible, so hell becomes unavoidable. That is, God creates people knowing for certain that they’re going to deserve eternity in hell when they die. Why create people that he knew would be destined for eternal torment?

But don’t worry—God sacrificed Jesus, one of the persons of God (whatever that means), so mankind could go to heaven instead.

So God sacrificed himself to himself so we could bypass a rule that God made himself and that God deliberately designed us to never be able to meet? I can’t even understand that; I certainly feel no need to praise God for something so nonsensical.

Recent doc about Wicca made an interesting point about how in their faith if you do something bad it comes back to you 3 or 7 times. Whereas other religions give you a no-fault sorta excuse to sins. Thus only making sins more likely if you get a Mulligan (my terms not the doc hehe.) And can sin as much a syou like being excused every time.
He must be annoyed that he died for our sins, and we keep sinning, and worse all the time. Rolling in his grave.
No, he's happy, like the guy who holds an open bar, he expects everyone to get sloshed.

He's happy because....

oh, yeah, because Christianity is the religion of "i'll do anything and then Christianity will tell me I'm okay, and everyone's happy".

It's kind of lame.
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.

If the majority of this country believed in leprechauns, you can bet we'd be right here to point out your silliness.

Ah, so this is all about influencing a majority to join in your disbelief? Have you ever asked why that is so important to you? More importantly, you understand that you are failing miserably, right? :dunno:
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.
Oh Brutha! Now he believes in god. Ok chump, prove god. :popcorn:

I didn't claim I could prove God. I also never claimed I didn't believe in God.

I think there is profound evidence of human spirituality and you can't dismiss it. That is why you spend so much time trying to reject it.
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.
Oh Brutha! Now he believes in god. Ok chump, prove god. :popcorn:

I didn't claim I could prove God. I also never claimed I didn't believe in God.

I think there is profound evidence of human spirituality and you can't dismiss it. That is why you spend so much time trying to reject it.
So what happened to your spirituality is a fact. So that is, but god isn't?
How does that work: can't prove A = it's a fact, can't prove B = it's not a fact?
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's real.

The concept that God can be 3 persons is not something easily understood or accepted, even for Christians.

Just remember, you are not the smartest person in the state, the US, the planet or the universe.
There are things you will NEVER understand.
And there are things only God can empower you with.
It's what I've said all along. :D

And also like I said before, if only god can empower me, well, I'm waiting... and waiting... waiting...
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's real.

The concept that God can be 3 persons is not something easily understood or accepted, even for Christians.

Just remember, you are not the smartest person in the state, the US, the planet or the universe.
There are things you will NEVER understand.
And there are things only God can empower you with.
It's what I've said all along. :D

And also like I said before, if only god can empower me, well, I'm waiting... and waiting... waiting...

Not every gets saved or God speaks to them on THEIR time. It's in HIS time......
That doesn't make sense to me. We make our own "sins", we have to take responsibility for them. We can't expect someone else to purify them.

How much sense does it make that one man died over two thousand years ago from crucifixion and somehow that purifies anyone's sin now?

Surely, crucifixion is a tortorous way to die, AND many more people have died worse ways than crucifixion since then.

Are we to believe that Hitler was saved?

The entire story is incoherent.

God made mankind imperfect and inherently vulnerable to sin. Living a sinless life is impossible, so hell becomes unavoidable. That is, God creates people knowing for certain that they’re going to deserve eternity in hell when they die. Why create people that he knew would be destined for eternal torment?

But don’t worry—God sacrificed Jesus, one of the persons of God (whatever that means), so mankind could go to heaven instead.

So God sacrificed himself to himself so we could bypass a rule that God made himself and that God deliberately designed us to never be able to meet? I can’t even understand that; I certainly feel no need to praise God for something so nonsensical.

These ideas go back to the OT.

Hebrews would sacrifice animals to atone for their sins.

It goes something like this, sin brings death and life is in the blood. So blood is used from another source that dies in your stead.

I know, I know, you still don't believe, but at least you understand a bit better now.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's real.

The concept that God can be 3 persons is not something easily understood or accepted, even for Christians.

Just remember, you are not the smartest person in the state, the US, the planet or the universe.
There are things you will NEVER understand.
And there are things only God can empower you with.
It's what I've said all along. :D

And also like I said before, if only god can empower me, well, I'm waiting... and waiting... waiting...

Not every gets saved or God speaks to them on THEIR time. It's in HIS time......
So god has decided that he doesn't want to speak to me yet? If at all?
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.
Oh Brutha! Now he believes in god. Ok chump, prove god. :popcorn:

I didn't claim I could prove God. I also never claimed I didn't believe in God.

I think there is profound evidence of human spirituality and you can't dismiss it. That is why you spend so much time trying to reject it.
So what happened to your spirituality is a fact. So that is, but god isn't?
How does that work: can't prove A = it's a fact, can't prove B = it's not a fact?

Because A cannot be proven, doesn't mean B is not a fact.

Human spirituality is indisputable. Whatever humans are spiritually connecting to is debatable.

Reality is indisputable. What reality actually IS, is debatable.
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.
Oh Brutha! Now he believes in god. Ok chump, prove god. :popcorn:

I didn't claim I could prove God. I also never claimed I didn't believe in God.

I think there is profound evidence of human spirituality and you can't dismiss it. That is why you spend so much time trying to reject it.
So what happened to your spirituality is a fact. So that is, but god isn't?
How does that work: can't prove A = it's a fact, can't prove B = it's not a fact?

Because A cannot be proven, doesn't mean B is not a fact.

Human spirituality is indisputable. Whatever humans are spiritually connecting to is debatable.

Reality is indisputable. What reality actually IS, is debatable.
You have proven nothing of spirituality. I proved that already.
The belief is irrational and contradicts the entire OT. It cannot be easily understood or accepted by anyone who knows the difference between one and three.

It takes a special kind of phony.

It takes an expanded kind of thinking. Here are two examples often given:

Picture heating a small block of ice on the stove. You can see the ice, the steam, and water. Three in one.

When we be physically present, we send a note--our words. We say, "I'll be with you in spirit." Our words and spirit are part of who we are, and so it is, but in animated form, with God.

give it up. Your sorcery has absolutely no effect on me.

If scripture is true then God alone is God. He is incorporeal, has no physical shape or material form, and there is no other god either above or below him making it impossible that he is three of anything or ever became a human being.
hob: give it up. Your sorcery has absolutely no effect on me ... and there is no other god either above or below him making it impossible ......

there is no other "God" - - there I corrected that for you,

- and challenging the Almighty is no different a sport than an attempt without cause as would be the case among those that survive Admission to the Everlasting - sorcerer.

... as the Sun god beckons but knows better.

The concept that God is three persons isn't a problem for me. The concept that he is a person with a personality is a problem for me. The fact that he is a conceptual experience is a problem for me.
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.

If the majority of this country believed in leprechauns, you can bet we'd be right here to point out your silliness.

Ah, so this is all about influencing a majority to join in your disbelief? Have you ever asked why that is so important to you? More importantly, you understand that you are failing miserably, right? :dunno:

Have I ever tried to change your beliefs? Do you think I care what you believe? The answer to both questions is no.

You seem to forget that most atheists were raised in Christian homes. I certainly was. I considered myself to be a Christian until I hit 40. It didn't happen overnight either. Problems started to arise when I started reading the Bible.

The truth is, our modern morality is much more loving and humane than what's in the Bible. And if you're looking for family values from Jezus, you can forget about it.

Most of the people I know say I'm agnostic, because I do not know if there is a Gawd or not. But I don't consider myself an agnostic, because I don't live my life under the assumption that there is a Gawd. And I don't necessarily like the word "atheist" because that puts me on religious terms. I think "naturalist" is probably the most appropriate word to describe me.

So see, this topic is of interest to us non believers, because, for many of us, religion has played a big part of our lives.
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.

If the majority of this country believed in leprechauns, you can bet we'd be right here to point out your silliness.

Ah, so this is all about influencing a majority to join in your disbelief? Have you ever asked why that is so important to you? More importantly, you understand that you are failing miserably, right? :dunno:

Have I ever tried to change your beliefs? Do you think I care what you believe? The answer to both questions is no.

You seem to forget that most atheists were raised in Christian homes. I certainly was. I considered myself to be a Christian until I hit 40. It didn't happen overnight either. Problems started to arise when I started reading the Bible.

The truth is, our modern morality is much more loving and humane than what's in the Bible. And if you're looking for family values from Jezus, you can forget about it.

Most of the people I know say I'm agnostic, because I do not know if there is a Gawd or not. But I don't consider myself an agnostic, because I don't live my life under the assumption that there is a Gawd. And I don't necessarily like the word "atheist" because that puts me on religious terms. I think "naturalist" is probably the most appropriate word to describe me.

So see, this topic is of interest to us non believers, because, for many of us, religion has played a big part of our lives.
Perhaps, the label "non-theist" is more accurate for you.
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.

If the majority of this country believed in leprechauns, you can bet we'd be right here to point out your silliness.

Ah, so this is all about influencing a majority to join in your disbelief? Have you ever asked why that is so important to you? More importantly, you understand that you are failing miserably, right? :dunno:

Have I ever tried to change your beliefs? Do you think I care what you believe? The answer to both questions is no.

You seem to forget that most atheists were raised in Christian homes. I certainly was. I considered myself to be a Christian until I hit 40. It didn't happen overnight either. Problems started to arise when I started reading the Bible.

The truth is, our modern morality is much more loving and humane than what's in the Bible. And if you're looking for family values from Jezus, you can forget about it.

Most of the people I know say I'm agnostic, because I do not know if there is a Gawd or not. But I don't consider myself an agnostic, because I don't live my life under the assumption that there is a Gawd. And I don't necessarily like the word "atheist" because that puts me on religious terms. I think "naturalist" is probably the most appropriate word to describe me.

So see, this topic is of interest to us non believers, because, for many of us, religion has played a big part of our lives.
Perhaps, the label "non-theist" is more accurate for you.

I can live with that. You can call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner. lol
j'ever wonder why we never see Atheists fighting against leprechauns or unicorns? Isn't that odd? They spend their whole life immersed in this never-ending fight against something they claim to not believe in.... but not leprechauns or unicorns. Where are the Atheists anti-alien posts or anti-fairy posts? Billions of kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, but not one single post do the Atheists devote to those characters. Why is that?

I'll tell you why...
It's because every Atheist has a God-given conscience and they KNOW that God is real.

If the majority of this country believed in leprechauns, you can bet we'd be right here to point out your silliness.

Ah, so this is all about influencing a majority to join in your disbelief? Have you ever asked why that is so important to you? More importantly, you understand that you are failing miserably, right? :dunno:

Have I ever tried to change your beliefs? Do you think I care what you believe? The answer to both questions is no.

You seem to forget that most atheists were raised in Christian homes. I certainly was. I considered myself to be a Christian until I hit 40. It didn't happen overnight either. Problems started to arise when I started reading the Bible.

The truth is, our modern morality is much more loving and humane than what's in the Bible. And if you're looking for family values from Jezus, you can forget about it.

Most of the people I know say I'm agnostic, because I do not know if there is a Gawd or not. But I don't consider myself an agnostic, because I don't live my life under the assumption that there is a Gawd. And I don't necessarily like the word "atheist" because that puts me on religious terms. I think "naturalist" is probably the most appropriate word to describe me.

So see, this topic is of interest to us non believers, because, for many of us, religion has played a big part of our lives.
Perhaps, the label "non-theist" is more accurate for you.

I can live with that. You can call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner. lol
I call myself a non-theist. I was raised in the Catholic Church, but it never made sense to me.
If the majority of this country believed in leprechauns, you can bet we'd be right here to point out your silliness.

Ah, so this is all about influencing a majority to join in your disbelief? Have you ever asked why that is so important to you? More importantly, you understand that you are failing miserably, right? :dunno:

Have I ever tried to change your beliefs? Do you think I care what you believe? The answer to both questions is no.

You seem to forget that most atheists were raised in Christian homes. I certainly was. I considered myself to be a Christian until I hit 40. It didn't happen overnight either. Problems started to arise when I started reading the Bible.

The truth is, our modern morality is much more loving and humane than what's in the Bible. And if you're looking for family values from Jezus, you can forget about it.

Most of the people I know say I'm agnostic, because I do not know if there is a Gawd or not. But I don't consider myself an agnostic, because I don't live my life under the assumption that there is a Gawd. And I don't necessarily like the word "atheist" because that puts me on religious terms. I think "naturalist" is probably the most appropriate word to describe me.

So see, this topic is of interest to us non believers, because, for many of us, religion has played a big part of our lives.
Perhaps, the label "non-theist" is more accurate for you.

I can live with that. You can call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner. lol
I call myself a non-theist. I was raised in the Catholic Church, but it never made sense to me.

I used to be jealous of Catholic's because they got to drink real wine, and I only got grape juice. Or at least that's what I was told from the Catholic kids who lived down the street. :)

Have you ever seen Julia Sweeney's "Letting Go of God?" She was raised Catholic, and her story is very interesting. If not, I did find it on audio.


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