“Jesus Had a Wife” Gets Coverage on CBS and ABC

It wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculations were all over the place.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:

Uh -- yeah, it did.

Christian belief wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculation and variant versions.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Well the evidence suggests otherwise, and I posted several citations which show as much.

I'm not going to argue it with you. Believe whatever you want. But spare me your theory that the evidence suggests otherwise. You are wrong. Period.

So you're saying only your position is valid huh?

That was easy, thanks for playin' ...

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. :cool: and.... I'm right.

That was easy, thanks for playin'
Oh I don't know... I think if you could conclusively find the tomb of Jesus, and conclusively show the body of Jesus, I think that would qualify as proof Christianity is false.

Number one, why would it prove that? Number two, the question was about Adam and Eve, not Jesus.

Alternatively if the Jews were wiped out, didn't come back to their ancient home land after several thousand years, and still have a distinctive race of people, and a unique language, and all the rest of the prophesies, I think I would find that convincing.

:confused: Can I get that in English?

I thought it was fairly clear. I'll try and spell it out.

The Bible makes numerous specific prophesies about the Jewish people.

Even before Rome destroyed the Temple, the Bible clearly stated that the nation of Israel would be completely wiped out, and it's people spread to the corners of the Earth, where they would remain until a set time.

At that time, the Jews would be regathered to their ancient homeland of Israel, and Israel would be reborn.

This has all happened. Further, the book of Revelations makes it clear that Israel will be the key nation at the end times.

To the point.... if all the Jews were killed and wiped out, instantly the entire Bible is completely proven false.

How does that prove the "entire bible" false?

If I predict today's baseball scores and I get one wrong, that means they're all wrong?

Additionally, the Bible says that Jesus was raised from the Dead. There is no body of Jesus. There is no tomb, with his remains.

This is fundamental to the entire Christian belief. If you can find his body, the Bible is completely proven false.

See above. Why would disproving the Resurrection take everything else with it? Why does this concept of resurrection necessarily involve the physical body? What use is a corpse in heaven?
The Roman Catholics went to war against the Gnostic sect of Christians since they have always known that Jesus Christ was married....
The Roman Catholics had a a chasm from the Eastern Orthodox church because the Eastern Orthodox church stated that the Catholics were worshipping idols as part of their religion...
It wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculations were all over the place.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


I personally think that circular breathing is far more productive than circular reasoning. Just ask Roger Bobo or Toby Hanks. :D
except that there was never anyone named adam and eve.

i'm not quite sure why you keep missing the point.

I would hold that it you who are missing the point.

You can't prove that there was never an Adam or Eve, you can only say that you don't believe there was and that's fine, it's just that YOUR beliefs are no more valid than anyone else's.

That's it, that's the only point being held out there for you to see.

I am not denigrating what you believe, but I am saying that it is patently silly for you are anyone else here to judge anyone else's beliefs.

You choose NOT to believe in Biblical literalism but you cannot prove it isn't a valid belief system.

We can't prove the negative, but then we don't need to; the point is there's no evidence for their existence. The burden of proof is on the asserter; absent such proof, existence is not... proven.

How convenient for you ;)
Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


I personally think that circular breathing is far more productive than circular reasoning. Just ask Roger Bobo or Toby Hanks. :D

HERE IS YOUR PROBLEM FOOL!!!! The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. Psalm 53:1
Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


I personally think that circular breathing is far more productive than circular reasoning. Just ask Roger Bobo or Toby Hanks. :D

Or any digeridoo player. :thup:
It wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculations were all over the place.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

seek help.
"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


I personally think that circular breathing is far more productive than circular reasoning. Just ask Roger Bobo or Toby Hanks. :D

HERE IS YOUR PROBLEM FOOL!!!! The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. Psalm 53:1

You're still stuck in that same traffic circle with no exit.

The Council of Nicaea did not suddenly decide that Jesus was G-d.

Uh -- yeah, it did.

Christian belief wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculation and variant versions.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Well the evidence suggests otherwise, and I posted several citations which show as much.

I'm not going to argue it with you. Believe whatever you want. But spare me your theory that the evidence suggests otherwise. You are wrong. Period.

your "evidence" isn't anything i'd find acceptable. the "evidence" IS that constantine wanted to put together his christians and his pagans.... and control them so constructed a piecemeal gospel while leaving out anything that addressed jesus' humanity or the fact that he was an anti-roman insurrectionist.
Androw, you posted a false equivalency for reasonable belief: step off.

GISMYS, there is no evidence that Jesus was not married: step off
It wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculations were all over the place.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


The problem is, you don't realize that all knowledge is based on ultimate authority, which is circular reasoning.

How do you know Ohm's Law is true?

Well... I was taught it in school. Who taught it? My teacher. Where did my teacher get it? He read it in a book. Who wrote the book? Georg Simon Ohm. Where did he get it? Well he tested it, and it worked. How do you know? Because Georg Simon Ohm said so, and no one has been able to prove it wrong.

In all knowledge there is an ultimate authority. When you trace knowledge back to the ultimate authority, you automatically end up with a circular logic scenario.

How do you know Newton's laws of motion, are true? Because Newton tested it, and it was right. How do you know? Because he said so, and no one has proven it wrong yet.

Similarly, I believe in Jesus Christ being G-d, that came to Earth as a human, preached for 3 years, was killed for our sins, came back from the dead, and is now in Heaven awaiting His return.

Where did I get that? From a book. Who wrote the book? A number of people. Where did they get that from? They lived it, and were with him at the time. How do I know? Because they wrote it down, and no one has been able to prove it false yet.

Circular? Yup. But no more circular than people who believe The Code of Hammurabi exists. There is an ultimate authority at some point, for all knowledge.
Uh -- yeah, it did.

Christian belief wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculation and variant versions.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Well the evidence suggests otherwise, and I posted several citations which show as much.

I'm not going to argue it with you. Believe whatever you want. But spare me your theory that the evidence suggests otherwise. You are wrong. Period.

your "evidence" isn't anything i'd find acceptable. the "evidence" IS that constantine wanted to put together his christians and his pagans.... and control them so constructed a piecemeal gospel while leaving out anything that addressed jesus' humanity or the fact that he was an anti-roman insurrectionist.

There were no pagans that I am aware of at the Council of Nicaea.

As for what evidence you do, or do not find acceptable.... I'm not sure G-d cares. I sure don't. You can believe whatever you want. It's ok with me. :)
Number one, why would it prove that? Number two, the question was about Adam and Eve, not Jesus.

:confused: Can I get that in English?

I thought it was fairly clear. I'll try and spell it out.

The Bible makes numerous specific prophesies about the Jewish people.

Even before Rome destroyed the Temple, the Bible clearly stated that the nation of Israel would be completely wiped out, and it's people spread to the corners of the Earth, where they would remain until a set time.

At that time, the Jews would be regathered to their ancient homeland of Israel, and Israel would be reborn.

This has all happened. Further, the book of Revelations makes it clear that Israel will be the key nation at the end times.

To the point.... if all the Jews were killed and wiped out, instantly the entire Bible is completely proven false.

How does that prove the "entire bible" false?

If I predict today's baseball scores and I get one wrong, that means they're all wrong?

Additionally, the Bible says that Jesus was raised from the Dead. There is no body of Jesus. There is no tomb, with his remains.

This is fundamental to the entire Christian belief. If you can find his body, the Bible is completely proven false.

See above. Why would disproving the Resurrection take everything else with it? Why does this concept of resurrection necessarily involve the physical body? What use is a corpse in heaven?

Not a corpse. He came back to alive. He's alive in Heaven. Not dead.

The whole old testament is pointing forward to a coming savior. Dead people can't save anything. Without a savior, the old testament is meaningless.

1 Corinthians 15:29
Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized for them? And as for us, why do we endanger ourselves every hour? I face death every day—yes, just as surely as I boast about you in Christ Jesus our Lord. If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus with no more than human hopes, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised,

“Let us eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die.”

If Jesus is not raised from the dead, then we're all doomed to this meaningless life. That's sad.

Way back in Genesis, G-d made promises to Abraham, about his people, and the land.

If the Jews were killed off, that would make G-d a liar. If G-d is a lair, how can we trust anything in the Bible at all?

Well of course we can't. If we can't trust it all, we can't really trust any of it.

I find that odd that you would question this. If your spouse was screwing a someone in your own bed, and you found out.... what level of trust would you continue to place in everything else she says? Wouldn't that destroy pretty much.... everything else?
The OP had very little to do with all this fascinating discussion of rabbis and old church customs.


Can we perhaps get back to talking about that?

no. that's what you want it to be about because apparently the thought of jesus having a wife upsets you. the rest of us are more interested in jesus' wife

i'm sorry if actual discussion offends you. but most of us seem to be finding this interesting.

I have always believed that Jesus had a wife - AND children! :eusa_angel:
"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


I personally think that circular breathing is far more productive than circular reasoning. Just ask Roger Bobo or Toby Hanks. :D

HERE IS YOUR PROBLEM FOOL!!!! The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. Psalm 53:1

I think your little gizmo thingy is kaputt: it keeps saying the same stuff over and over and over...
The OP had very little to do with all this fascinating discussion of rabbis and old church customs.


Can we perhaps get back to talking about that?

no. that's what you want it to be about because apparently the thought of jesus having a wife upsets you. the rest of us are more interested in jesus' wife

i'm sorry if actual discussion offends you. but most of us seem to be finding this interesting.

I have always believed that Jesus had a wife - AND children! :eusa_angel:

then i stand corrected and misunderstood your comment.


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