“Jesus Had a Wife” Gets Coverage on CBS and ABC

It wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculations were all over the place.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

seek help.

oh he is just pissed of he got left behind.......
Uh -- yeah, it did.

Christian belief wasn't consistent at all. That's why the Council was called and all the previous bibles destroyed. Doctrine, and even dogma, varied from one region to the next. Nicea had to settle whether Jesus was the Son o' God. And by a majority (but not unanimity) on a ballot, the Council decided he was. Prior to that, three centuries of speculation and variant versions.

So Jillian's absolutely correct, Nicea was all about establishing political control -- politics and religion being two sides of the same coin in that time.

Well the evidence suggests otherwise, and I posted several citations which show as much.

I'm not going to argue it with you. Believe whatever you want. But spare me your theory that the evidence suggests otherwise. You are wrong. Period.

your "evidence" isn't anything i'd find acceptable. the "evidence" IS that constantine wanted to put together his christians and his pagans.... and control them so constructed a piecemeal gospel while leaving out anything that addressed jesus' humanity or the fact that he was an anti-roman insurrectionist.

you would think that they would want to prove he was married to a woman now....

or you may be able to prove he was gay.
The Frankish kings had some strange explanations of their origins. One proclaimed descent from a giant sea serpent.

So ruling by divine right due to descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene is comparatively hardly far fetched.

Both Southern France and Northern Spain have feasts celebrating the two Marys together. Celebration of a Grandmother and Mother would be an appropriate religious activity.

Not coincidentally, in the correct geographical region, as well.

As a former Catholic, I find that it is an interesting and neglected practice by pious people.

Regards from Rosie

But ignore the skeptics. Wonder why?

Read more @ CBS, ABC Tout Document Claiming Jesus Had a 'Wife' But Ignore the Skeptics | NewsBusters

And these say it's not a forgery @ Scientists: 'Jesus's Wife' Papyrus Fragment No Forgery

Jesus' "wife" is the Church.

Ephesians 5:25, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"

Jesus' "wife" is the Church.

Ephesians 5:25, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"

jesus didn't know of any "church". he knew a temple.

try again.
I don't get it. Why is Israel so important? After watching Passion of Christ, was that not Jews who were demanding Jesus to be scourged and crucified...and then the temple was jolted with an earthquake? So what is this fascination with Israel and Jews as the chosen people when they turned their backs on their own and killed him? (IF the bible is to be believed, mind you). No offense meant to Jews. Just confused as usual.

I still just flat don't get it.
I don't get it. Why is Israel so important? After watching Passion of Christ, was that not Jews who were demanding Jesus to be scourged and crucified...and then the temple was jolted with an earthquake? So what is this fascination with Israel and Jews as the chosen people when they turned their backs on their own and killed him? (IF the bible is to be believed, mind you). No offense meant to Jews. Just confused as usual.

I still just flat don't get it.

no... it was not "jews" who demanded anything. it was rome who killed jesus because he preached revolution against rome. the sandhedrin didn't much like him because the high priests were appointed by rome at that time.... which was actually one of the things jesus and every other insurrectionist who called himself messiah preached in those days.

what earthquake in the temple?
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GET OF THIS STUPID POST TOPIC ,YOU SILLY TARDS!!! You are allowing satan to use you as his tool and fool!!! WISE UP!!!
I don't get it. Why is Israel so important? After watching Passion of Christ, was that not Jews who were demanding Jesus to be scourged and crucified...and then the temple was jolted with an earthquake? So what is this fascination with Israel and Jews as the chosen people when they turned their backs on their own and killed him? (IF the bible is to be believed, mind you). No offense meant to Jews. Just confused as usual.

I still just flat don't get it.

no... it was not "jews" who demanded anything. it was rome who killed jesus because he preached revolution against rome. the sandhedrin didn't much like him because the high priests were appointed by rome at that time.... which was actually one of the things jesus and every other insurrectionist who called himself messiah preached in those days.

what earthquake in the temple?

Jesus preached revolution against Rome?
Well, I am no expert and only have passing knowledge of the bible but Jesus said he could tear down their temple and rebuild it in 3 days. So I am presuming the destruction of the temple after he gasped his last was the destroying part...and he rising within 3 days is rebuilding it?
And wasn't the guys screaming for his head, jews? Rome ruled, yes. But the Jews were also denying him as Son Of God.
Do you really think ALMIGHTY GOD would have a problem having only GOD inspired men to choose only GOD INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) books to be included in His Holyword???? THINK!!!

"Holyword"? Interesting -- at first glance it looked like "Hollywood". And eerily appropriate.

Here's your problem, and it's as old as theism itself:


The problem is, you don't realize that all knowledge is based on ultimate authority, which is circular reasoning.

How do you know Ohm's Law is true?

Well... I was taught it in school. Who taught it? My teacher. Where did my teacher get it? He read it in a book. Who wrote the book? Georg Simon Ohm. Where did he get it? Well he tested it, and it worked. How do you know? Because Georg Simon Ohm said so, and no one has been able to prove it wrong.

In all knowledge there is an ultimate authority. When you trace knowledge back to the ultimate authority, you automatically end up with a circular logic scenario.

How do you know Newton's laws of motion, are true? Because Newton tested it, and it was right. How do you know? Because he said so, and no one has proven it wrong yet.

Similarly, I believe in Jesus Christ being G-d, that came to Earth as a human, preached for 3 years, was killed for our sins, came back from the dead, and is now in Heaven awaiting His return.

Where did I get that? From a book. Who wrote the book? A number of people. Where did they get that from? They lived it, and were with him at the time. How do I know? Because they wrote it down, and no one has been able to prove it false yet.

Circular? Yup. But no more circular than people who believe The Code of Hammurabi exists. There is an ultimate authority at some point, for all knowledge.

Pfft. Absolutely clueless.

What circular reasoning is actually expressed right in the image. Let me reduce it to a simple common example:

Q "Who wrote the bible"?
A "'God'" (or those speaking for "God") wrote the bible".
Q "And how do we know "God" exists?"
A "Because it's in the bible".

Rhetorical traffic circle. No exits, goes nowhere.
WHAT SHAME AND GUILT YOU MUST CARRY= to know the GOD of all creation says about you==The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity psalm 53:1
no. that's what you want it to be about because apparently the thought of jesus having a wife upsets you. the rest of us are more interested in jesus' wife

i'm sorry if actual discussion offends you. but most of us seem to be finding this interesting.

I have always believed that Jesus had a wife - AND children! :eusa_angel:

then i stand corrected and misunderstood your comment.


I did too. Longknife, if you think the spouse is credible then.... what's your point with this thread? :confused:

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