Jesus is Michael

I just read John 10:34--Jesus doesnt say he is God anywhere in that passage. God is not speaking at Psalm 82--Jesus is, verse 8 proves it-Jesus asks God to rise up and judge the earth. If it were God speaking he would be saying-hey me rise up and judge the earth. So i cant understand why you keep harping on something that is not there in either spot?
Jesus wasn't alive in 1000 BC. Again, completely delusional. How can God be speaking to someone not yet born? He had to be speaking to Jehovah because that's who is speaking to David. Jesus is a grand-grand-grand way forward grandson of David. Such lies. Why? What good in the long run does it do you? You pollute the scriptures with wild claims about "I AM" to hide your lies about who Jesus and Jehovah are. There are many others as well. But, you are raking in lots of money I'm sure with your nonsense. Jesus is Jehovah.
Jesus wasn't alive in 1000 BC. Again, completely delusional. How can God be speaking to someone not yet born? He had to be speaking to Jehovah because that's who is speaking to David. Jesus is a grand-grand-grand way forward grandson of David. Such lies. Why? What good in the long run does it do you? You pollute the scriptures with wild claims about "I AM" to hide your lies about who Jesus and Jehovah are. There are many others as well. But, you are raking in lots of money I'm sure with your nonsense. Jesus is Jehovah.
The being who became Jesus as a mortal was alive. Michael is that being. Its fact about I am. The Hebrews know the language better than any trinitarian.
The being who became Jesus as a mortal was alive. Michael is that being. Its fact about I am. The Hebrews know the language better than any trinitarian.
So, there you go. Michael is not Jehovah. But, it was Jehovah that Jesus was referring to in Psalms 82:6 not verse 8. So, your assumption that Jesus is Michael is erroneous and false doctrine. Jesus is Jehovah. Michael is Adam. From a true prophet, In the scriptures known as The Doctrine and Covenants Section 107:54, The Lord was speaking to Adam and his posterity 3 years prior to Adam's death and said, "And the Lord appeared unto them, and they rose up and blessed Adam, and called him Michael, the prince, the archangel."

You keep saying the "Hebrews?" You don't have a clue who are the Hebrews, do you? The Hebrews are those who came from Eber which includes all of Abraham's downline including all 12 sons of Israel, Ishmael and the Gentiles and Heathen. And, the fact is, it's been the Christian Scholars that have worked with the Jews of today on the translations of Hebrew. You just want to say that only JW Scholars have translated Hebrew and Greek texts properly. Again, using circular reasoning with no revelation from God. Just man's poor ability of translation and reasoning. I'll take the revelations of a true Prophet of God before any of your nonsense. The Book of Mormon is true, the actual Stick (book) of Ephraim through Joseph. It was given to Joseph Smith by God to translate through pure revelation. Thus, Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God when he revealed through the same revelation process that Michael became Adam, not Jesus. The Bible confirms this with several scriptures that Jesus is Jehovah. And, that there are 3 personages that make up God or the Godhead.

I'm not going to take the information from your prophets who claimed the end of the world 5 times and were dead wrong. Satan had them fooled and deceived. And you also.
So, there you go. Michael is not Jehovah. But, it was Jehovah that Jesus was referring to in Psalms 82:6 not verse 8. So, your assumption that Jesus is Michael is erroneous and false doctrine. Jesus is Jehovah. Michael is Adam. From a true prophet, In the scriptures known as The Doctrine and Covenants Section 107:54, The Lord was speaking to Adam and his posterity 3 years prior to Adam's death and said, "And the Lord appeared unto them, and they rose up and blessed Adam, and called him Michael, the prince, the archangel."

You keep saying the "Hebrews?" You don't have a clue who are the Hebrews, do you? The Hebrews are those who came from Eber which includes all of Abraham's downline including all 12 sons of Israel, Ishmael and the Gentiles and Heathen. And, the fact is, it's been the Christian Scholars that have worked with the Jews of today on the translations of Hebrew. You just want to say that only JW Scholars have translated Hebrew and Greek texts properly. Again, using circular reasoning with no revelation from God. Just man's poor ability of translation and reasoning. I'll take the revelations of a true Prophet of God before any of your nonsense. The Book of Mormon is true, the actual Stick (book) of Ephraim through Joseph. It was given to Joseph Smith by God to translate through pure revelation. Thus, Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God when he revealed through the same revelation process that Michael became Adam, not Jesus. The Bible confirms this with several scriptures that Jesus is Jehovah. And, that there are 3 personages that make up God or the Godhead.

I'm not going to take the information from your prophets who claimed the end of the world 5 times and were dead wrong. Satan had them fooled and deceived. And you also.
Jehovah was not speaking at Psalm 82-Jesus was. Jehovah is the God Jesus asked to judge the earth. Simple bible milk.
Jehovah was not speaking at Psalm 82-Jesus was. Jehovah is the God Jesus asked to judge the earth. Simple bible milk.
They stopped doing that. in 1889 C.T. Russell said-peace will be taken from the earth in 1914--He was right, the only man alive who knew rev 6 was 1914--he confused it for Armageddon though , it was the war in heaven.
Jehovah was not speaking at Psalm 82-Jesus was. Jehovah is the God Jesus asked to judge the earth. Simple bible milk.
Are you even 8 years old? No, Jesus could not be speaking in Psalms because he hadn't been born yet. He didn't exist. But, Jehovah did and was the God that was speaking to David. Then, in John 10:34, Jesus explained that it was he who told David what was transcribed there. So, Jehovah asked God to judge the earth. He didn't ask Jesus to. Jesus wasn't born. That means there is another personage God that Jehovah was speaking to. Your reading comprehension is pathetic.
Are you even 8 years old? No, Jesus could not be speaking in Psalms because he hadn't been born yet. He didn't exist. But, Jehovah did and was the God that was speaking to David. Then, in John 10:34, Jesus explained that it was he who told David what was transcribed there. So, Jehovah asked God to judge the earth. He didn't ask Jesus to. Jesus wasn't born. That means there is another personage God that Jehovah was speaking to. Your reading comprehension is pathetic.
Jesus was the first being created as Michael, he wasnt Jesus until born a mortal, So yes he was speaking. It wasnt God speaking, that is obvious.
Jesus was the first being created as Michael, he wasnt Jesus until born a mortal, So yes he was speaking. It wasnt God speaking, that is obvious.
Only obvious to you nutcases. Yes, God was speaking to David. Anyone with an ounce of comprehension knows this. Michael is the archangel, not Jehovah or Elohim. Michael entered into Adam's body to become the first man. Adam then became the Ancient of Days or the oldest man.
Only obvious to you nutcases. Yes, God was speaking to David. Anyone with an ounce of comprehension knows this. Michael is the archangel, not Jehovah or Elohim. Michael entered into Adam's body to become the first man. Adam then became the Ancient of Days or the oldest man.
Pure non sense, not taught any where in the bible. Who makes this stuff up? Then in verse 8 did God say--Hey me why not judge the earth. No-A non God being said it.
Pure non sense, not taught any where in the bible. Who makes this stuff up? Then in verse 8 did God say--Hey me why not judge the earth. No-A non God being said it.
Oh, like JW's really care about the bible. No, what your lying false prophets, teachers and scholars care about is tearing up a large portion of the Bible declassifying Jesus as Lord God, our Savior and Redeemer who took upon us the sins of the world. Who was born through a virgin and was able to heel the sick. All your religion does is collect profits instead of prophets.
As for your stupid interpretation of verse 8, after Jesus declared he is the great I AM (Jehovah) who spoke to David, verse 8 simply is only understood if you understand that the Godhead is made up of 3 personages and all carry the title of "God." I testify that the Holy Ghost has told me that this is true, not your understanding of "God."
It’s just like that old childhood song:

“Jesus row the boat ashore
Jesus row that boat ashore
Oh, like JW's really care about the bible. No, what your lying false prophets, teachers and scholars care about is tearing up a large portion of the Bible declassifying Jesus as Lord God, our Savior and Redeemer who took upon us the sins of the world. Who was born through a virgin and was able to heel the sick. All your religion does is collect profits instead of prophets.
As for your stupid interpretation of verse 8, after Jesus declared he is the great I AM (Jehovah) who spoke to David, verse 8 simply is only understood if you understand that the Godhead is made up of 3 personages and all carry the title of "God." I testify that the Holy Ghost has told me that this is true, not your understanding of "God."
Fact--The God of Israel = a single being God- YHWH(Jehovah)-- he doesnt change. Even the catholic encyclopedia says the apostles knew nothing of God being a trinity. because its fact. Its you being duped.
Fact-either catholicism is correct or none of the trinity religions are. The latter is right.
Fact--The God of Israel = a single being God- YHWH(Jehovah)-- he doesnt change. Even the catholic encyclopedia says the apostles knew nothing of God being a trinity. because its fact. Its you being duped.
Fact-either catholicism is correct or none of the trinity religions are. The latter is right.
Once again, blind as a bat. A Single title, not personage. Wake up! God is a title, not a name nor a personage. The God is made of 3 personages all present a Jesus baptism. The Father God, The Son God, The Holy Ghost God.

Catholicism is not correct on most things. They lost the simplicity of the Gospel truths long ago along with many of the ordinances of the Priesthood and the proper authority and methods of the ordinances. And, the last I looked (I taught math at a Catholic high school for 16 years) Catholics believe in the trinity as stated in their Nicene Creed: "I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son], who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Note "true God (Jehovah) from true God (The Father). Not even their creed says the trinity are all one personage. But, they do recognize Jehovah descended from His throne from on high on the right hand of the Father and became Jesus Christ. Not Michael.
Fact--The God of Israel = a single being God- YHWH(Jehovah)-- he doesnt change. Even the catholic encyclopedia says the apostles knew nothing of God being a trinity. because its fact. Its you being duped.
Fact-either catholicism is correct or none of the trinity religions are. The latter is right.
Awe...couldn't answer the tough questions so time to fold and whimper away. You finally met your match and I was able to convince you that God is really a Godhead of three, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Find a couple of missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and they can help you with your faith, repentance and finally baptism into the Lord's Church with His True Doctrine :hyper:
Let us( YHWH and his master worker) create man in our image)--(Proverbs 8 = Gods master worker. He tells you he was created, It says-God grew especially fond of me. And he advises all to listen to him. The only one deserving the title-master worker is the one whom God created all other things through. This is the being YHWH sent to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal)
Daniel 12:1 teaches it is Michael who stands up for the sons of Daniel( Israel) And he did that when he came to earth for them as Jesus. 1Thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel) it is his voice. Michael rides the white horse in the war of heaven, Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon, its the same ride it does not end until this point-1Corinthians 15: 24-28) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself.--- Fact--God does not have a God-Jesus does(John 20:17, Rev 3:12) Fact-- God is in subjection to none ever. Proving 100% no trinity god exists.
You are mistaken Jesus' aura was pure white, almost a blinding white. Michael's was what people now call " electric " blue .
You are mistaken Jesus' aura was pure white, almost a blinding white. Michael's was what people now call " electric " blue .
She’s just repeating what here false prophets have taught. The JWs I meet are just parrots and when speaking the truth like you just did, they can’t shake the fear of being booted from their church. The errors they make with nothing to back themselves up with is astounding.
Awe...couldn't answer the tough questions so time to fold and whimper away. You finally met your match and I was able to convince you that God is really a Godhead of three, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Find a couple of missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and they can help you with your faith, repentance and finally baptism into the Lord's Church with His True Doctrine :hyper:
Try believing Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12, John 4:22-24-- God told all they should.

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