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Jesus Was A Capitalist

I guess my pastor has a much different take on the Bible as he speaks to the evils of greed found in America among other things.
“For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius. And on receiving it they grumbled at the master of the house, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ So the last will be first, and the first last.”

~ Matthew 20:1-16​

According to Jesus, we're free to do with our wealth as we please.

yeah, that is what that parable was all about! It was about wealth!

That parable is about the kingdom, as all the parables are.

Would you like to enlighten us further on it?

which means it has nothing to do with worldly wealth.

Glad we straightened that out
What does the parable mean, then?

Please, again, enlighten us.

The wages are not actual daily wages, but forgiveness and salvation for believers. Jesus is showing that it matters not if you were a follower all your life or if you choose Jesus on your deathbed, your salvation was the same for both.

It is not a difficult passage to understand at all.

The kingdom is not the world, however. We can't forget that.

All those who accept the Lord’s invitation to the vineyard start at the same place there; they start as equals, no matter their stations in the work-a-day world. Out in that world, a Christian millionaire CEO lives in his own mansion. Also out there is a Christian who flips hamburgers for a living and rents a studio apartment. In the kingdom, these two are equals. In the kingdom, no one exerts control or authority over another. Tenure and seniority count for nothing. In fact, rather than complain that a newcomer in the kingdom has all the advantages from God that a veteran has, the veteran rejoices that the newcomer has even entered in the first place. That is the spirit of brotherhood and equality that permeates the holy household.

Anything Jesus said about camels or anything else does not apply in the real world. He never advocated for the redistribution of wealth.
Leftists need besmirch capitalism as the opposite of what the Bible instituted....freedom, liberty, and success......all that went into the greatness of Western Civilization.

Control by the....socialists/Democrats....of the schools and the media resulted in the lack of understanding evinced by the opposition in this thread.

8.” Many people believe that free market capitalism is selfish, even immoral. They say it's about greed, about a hunger for money and power; that it helps the rich and hurts the poor. They're wrong. The free market is not only economically superior, it is morally superior to any other way of organizing economic behavior. Here's why.

The free market calls for voluntary actions between individuals. There's no coercion.

People accuse the free market of not being moral because they say it's a zero-sum game, like poker, where if you win, it means that I have to lose. But the free market is not a zero-sum game. It's a positive sum game. You do something good for me, such as give me that steak and I'll do something good for you -- give you twenty dollars. I'm better off because I valued the steak more than I valued the $20 and the grocer is better off because he valued the $20 more than he valued the steak. We both win.

Ironically, it's the government, not the free market, that creates zero-sum games in our economy. If you use the government to get a food stamp, a farm subsidy or a business bail out, you will benefit -- but at the expense of your fellow citizens.

That's the America that our Founding Fathers envisioned -- a limited government that has only a few specifically mentioned -- or enumerated -- powers that are listed in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. It's this brilliant, limited-government notion that produced the wealthiest nation in history. In a free market, the ambition and the voluntary effort of citizens, not the government, drives the economy. That is: people, to the best of their ability, shaping their own destiny.”
Is Capitalism Moral?

And, of course, it was because our Founders were followers of the Bible.

The kingdom is not the world, however. We can't forget that.

All those who accept the Lord’s invitation to the vineyard start at the same place there; they start as equals, no matter their stations in the work-a-day world. Out in that world, a Christian millionaire CEO lives in his own mansion. Also out there is a Christian who flips hamburgers for a living and rents a studio apartment. In the kingdom, these two are equals. In the kingdom, no one exerts control or authority over another. Tenure and seniority count for nothing. In fact, rather than complain that a newcomer in the kingdom has all the advantages from God that a veteran has, the veteran rejoices that the newcomer has even entered in the first place. That is the spirit of brotherhood and equality that permeates the holy household.

Anything Jesus said about camels or anything else does not apply in the real world. He never advocated for the redistribution of wealth.

He never advocated for the forced redistribution of wealth, that I agree with. But to say he was a capitalist is a joke
I guess my pastor has a much different take on the Bible as he speaks to the evils of greed found in America among other things.

The bible speaks far more about the dangers of money and greed than it does about homosexuality, yet one is overlooked totally and one is the sin to end all sins.

The church in America has lost it way a long time ago.
Garnering immense wealth is a sin. Rich men may very well not enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is nothing more than another example of the OP trying to talk herself into something, no matter how blatantly absurd (she'll also vigorously claim that racism no longer exists from the Right).

Since she clearly lacks a fundamental empathy for others, she'll just convince herself that she has "proven" whatever "points" she's "making" -- regardless of whether she actually has with anyone -- and she'll derive some sense of accomplishment and comfort from that, at least temporarily.

Always interesting to watch, and always one helluva cautionary tale.

I believe you are requesting another spanking.

My pleasure.

You wrote this:

"Racism is not an act. It's a belief system.

That's the third time I've said that. What's wrong with you?

I wonder if you have any idea how dishonest you are."

Post #92

I pointed out the dictionary definition of 'belief'....

"a habit of mind; an opinion"

. Definition of BELIEF

You fell right into my trap: your belief that racism is a 'thought crime,' to be punished.

When you realized that I caught you, you posted many lie, claiming that you don't believe in thought crimes.....as I used the first amendment to beat you over the head.....but it was too late.

That is why you not refuse to answer this question:

Is a ‘belief’ an action, or a thought?

Don't wipe the egg off your face....it's an improvement.
By the way, this provides another vivid example of the psychological dangers of a hardcore ideology. Note what the OP does here:

I say "Racism is not an act. It's a belief system."

And in her mind, she turns that into "racism is a thought crime that must be punished". Nothing like what I actually said, but that is her perception.

I will take her at her word, that she is being honest. So when she makes this argument that "Jesus was a capitalist", just remember that she almost certainly believes everything she is saying. I don't think she's lying or playing games here.

This is what I mean by "cautionary tale". Don't let yourself become like this.
According to the Bible you’re wrong the Bible said Jesus was created in the image of God which is blonde and blue eyes

God does not have blonde hair nor blue eye and Jesus was not created in the image of God, Jesus is God and was not created.

you prove yourself a moron once again.
Thanks for your opinion

It is not an opinion, the Bible tells us Jesus is God and that he always existed, Jesus was not created if you believe the bible that is.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of churches across America that display the image of God as a white man with blue eyes and blond hair.. go away troll.. anything else?

There are no images of God.
Go to any church in America this is the image you will see. God bless you
According to the Bible you’re wrong the Bible said Jesus was created in the image of God which is blonde and blue eyes
Is this a serious post?
You don’t know
It was a serious question. Please provide a serious answer.
I have
No, you really haven't. So I'll try again.

YOU SAID: "the Bible said Jesus was created in the image of God which is blonde and blue eyes"

Do you really believe that to be true?
I was mistaken when I said this...only a racist or a fucking moron would think so

The fact is one can be both of those things...which you prove daily.

You reacting at the image of Jesus is racist..we forgive you

there are no images of Jesus.

the bible describes jesus as having hair 'white as wool & skin of bronze' . & chances are very low he even had blue eyes.

what passage is that?

revelation 1:14

That is talking about how Jesus will appear at the 2nd coming, not what he looked like prior to His return to Heaven. Unless of course your agreement is that eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass and he walked around with 7 stars in his right hand and a sword in his mouth.

alrighty ... however he sure isn't blonde & blue eyed. nor did he have long hair.
Ha of course he was,, He was created in the image of God and how he saw a real Americans. he was created in the image of God and how he saw a real Americans
God does not have blonde hair nor blue eye and Jesus was not created in the image of God, Jesus is God and was not created.

you prove yourself a moron once again.
Thanks for your opinion

It is not an opinion, the Bible tells us Jesus is God and that he always existed, Jesus was not created if you believe the bible that is.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of churches across America that display the image of God as a white man with blue eyes and blond hair.. go away troll.. anything else?

There are no images of God.
View attachment 309631 Go to any church in America this is the image you will see. God bless you

No, you will not see that in most churches, just the Aryan nation churches you belong to. I belonged to churches all over this great nation and never once say that stupid ass picture.
According to the Bible you’re wrong the Bible said Jesus was created in the image of God which is blonde and blue eyes
Is this a serious post?
You don’t know
It was a serious question. Please provide a serious answer.
I have
No, you really haven't. So I'll try again.

YOU SAID: "the Bible said Jesus was created in the image of God which is blonde and blue eyes"

Do you really believe that to be true?
From the baby in the manger, to full adult hood Jesus has always had blue eyes and blond hair
Thanks for your opinion

It is not an opinion, the Bible tells us Jesus is God and that he always existed, Jesus was not created if you believe the bible that is.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of churches across America that display the image of God as a white man with blue eyes and blond hair.. go away troll.. anything else?

There are no images of God.
View attachment 309631 Go to any church in America this is the image you will see. God bless you

No, you will not see that in most churches, just the Aryan nation churches you belong to. I belonged to churches all over this great nation and never once say that stupid ass picture.
Of course you have lol
Matthew 22

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
I know this stuff is kinda funny, but it's also NOT so funny.

It is not funny at all, he truly believes it. Remember, this is the same guy that said just this week that James Byrd deserved to be beaten and drug behind a truck just because he was black
Garnering immense wealth is a sin. Rich men may very well not enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is nothing more than another example of the OP trying to talk herself into something, no matter how blatantly absurd (she'll also vigorously claim that racism no longer exists from the Right).

Since she clearly lacks a fundamental empathy for others, she'll just convince herself that she has "proven" whatever "points" she's "making" -- regardless of whether she actually has with anyone -- and she'll derive some sense of accomplishment and comfort from that, at least temporarily.

Always interesting to watch, and always one helluva cautionary tale.

I believe you are requesting another spanking.

My pleasure.

You wrote this:

"Racism is not an act. It's a belief system.

That's the third time I've said that. What's wrong with you?

I wonder if you have any idea how dishonest you are."

Post #92

I pointed out the dictionary definition of 'belief'....

"a habit of mind; an opinion"

. Definition of BELIEF

You fell right into my trap: your belief that racism is a 'thought crime,' to be punished.

When you realized that I caught you, you posted many lie, claiming that you don't believe in thought crimes.....as I used the first amendment to beat you over the head.....but it was too late.

That is why you not refuse to answer this question:

Is a ‘belief’ an action, or a thought?

Don't wipe the egg off your face....it's an improvement.
By the way, this provides another vivid example of the psychological dangers of a hardcore ideology. Note what the OP does here:

I say "Racism is not an act. It's a belief system."

And in her mind, she turns that into "racism is a thought crime that must be punished". Nothing like what I actually said, but that is her perception.

I will take her at her word, that she is being honest. So when she makes this argument that "Jesus was a capitalist", just remember that she almost certainly believes everything she is saying. I don't think she's lying or playing games here.

This is what I mean by "cautionary tale". Don't let yourself become like this.

So your latest attempt to dig yourself out of the hole is to claim a belief is not a thought?

Just admit you're a liar and a fool.
Mark 10:25

It is easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
While Jesus taught about labor and work he also taught about the fallacy of being wealthy and how desiring to be wealthy was a sinful thing.

Wrong....he is just stating the truth. Back then, when you had money you had real power, the power of life or death over others and back then it was incredibly easy to use that power for evil ends........the mistake that people see when they read that quote is he is only talking about the rich at that point, at the same time, if asked, he would have said the same thing about being poor, since it is easy for those who are poor to also resort to crime.

People both rich and poor can fall into evil if they are not paying attention to what Jesus is teaching......look at his other stories......they address the rich and the poor......the one that comes to mind is the Master and his servants and the coins....where the one who was praised was the servant who took the money and invested it..the one who invested it and lost money was encouraged, while the servant who simply buried it was told he made a mistake.....

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