Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election

And yet more women vote democrat than republican.

Huh. I guess that's a mystery the world will never be able to crack.

Not my women, scumbag --

Democrats Have a White Women Problem Colorlines

Exit polls released by CNN show that white women's votes went to the Republicans by a margin of 13 percent. Fifty-six percent of white women voted Republican while only 43 percent voted Democrat.

And the proportion of white women continues to decline. With the majority of women voting for democrats. With most women, a full 54% considering themselves prochoice. And those numbers surging.

But hey, you keep telling women "You're a receptacle, bitches. An ambulatory fetus Condo."

I'm sure that'll work for you.

You're a receptacle and an ambulatory fetus condo.

And that's the kind of sentiment that has sent more and more women to the Democrats. As its a choice each woman makes for herself.

And you never make for her. See how that works? You get no say. And each women gets all the say. As its her body. ANd democrats respect that.

While from the GOP, this message is much more typical: "You're a receptacle, bitches. An ambulatory fetus Condo."
Lying douche:

What s Up with White Women They Voted for Romney Too - The New Yorker

You don’t believe me? Here are some figures from this year’s exit poll, which the Edison Research company conducts for a consortium of media companies, and from previous ones. In 2004, Bush got fifty-five per cent of the white female vote, and Kerry got forty-four per cent—a “reverse gender gap” (one working in the G.O.P.’s favor) of eleven points. In 2008, McCain got fifty-three per cent of the white female vote, and Obama got forty-six per cent—a gap of seven points. Compared to four years earlier, the reverse gender gap in this demographic had decreased by four points, indicating that the Democrats were making progress in attracting the votes of white women. But this year, that trend turned around again. Far from narrowing further, the reverse gender gap among white women widened to fourteen points. Romney got fifty-six per cent of the white female vote; Obama got just forty-two per cent.

dimocraps are lying scum

Yeah, more and more.

Lying douche:

What s Up with White Women They Voted for Romney Too - The New Yorker

You don’t believe me? Here are some figures from this year’s exit poll, which the Edison Research company conducts for a consortium of media companies, and from previous ones. In 2004, Bush got fifty-five per cent of the white female vote, and Kerry got forty-four per cent—a “reverse gender gap” (one working in the G.O.P.’s favor) of eleven points. In 2008, McCain got fifty-three per cent of the white female vote, and Obama got forty-six per cent—a gap of seven points. Compared to four years earlier, the reverse gender gap in this demographic had decreased by four points, indicating that the Democrats were making progress in attracting the votes of white women. But this year, that trend turned around again. Far from narrowing further, the reverse gender gap among white women widened to fourteen points. Romney got fifty-six per cent of the white female vote; Obama got just forty-two per cent.

dimocraps are lying scum

The proportion of white women continue to decline. They make of up less and less of our nation. You're doubling down on a shrinking demographic.

While women in general support democrats. Women in general see their numbers growing at part of the electorate. Women in general voted for Obama by a 12 point margin in 2012. With women outpacing their self identification as 'pro-choice' by about 8 points over men.

But keep calling women 'bitches'. Keep telling them they're just receptacles. Keep telling them what they think. I'm sure you'll turn those numbers around.
Lying douche:

What s Up with White Women They Voted for Romney Too - The New Yorker

You don’t believe me? Here are some figures from this year’s exit poll, which the Edison Research company conducts for a consortium of media companies, and from previous ones. In 2004, Bush got fifty-five per cent of the white female vote, and Kerry got forty-four per cent—a “reverse gender gap” (one working in the G.O.P.’s favor) of eleven points. In 2008, McCain got fifty-three per cent of the white female vote, and Obama got forty-six per cent—a gap of seven points. Compared to four years earlier, the reverse gender gap in this demographic had decreased by four points, indicating that the Democrats were making progress in attracting the votes of white women. But this year, that trend turned around again. Far from narrowing further, the reverse gender gap among white women widened to fourteen points. Romney got fifty-six per cent of the white female vote; Obama got just forty-two per cent.

dimocraps are lying scum

Yeah, more and more.

Moron do realize that you just replied to yourself, right slick?

Rage is making you kinda silly. You might want to dial that back.
The con bible says that Jesus hates the poor, and the sick, and the elderly. And Heaven is for the 1%ers.
Harry Potter and the Easter Bunny will be voting Green Party.

Santa Claus has declared for American Socialist Party.

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