Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election

You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

the Republican strategy of using wedge issues to divide the masses people who should never be voting Republican because of economic reasons so they use social issues like God gave guns and racism sucker of the suckers in the voting for them
Nope. Not at all.

Then it's real simple... You're again working to mislead the readers of this board.

Demonstrating that your unworthy of the trust inherent to being a contributor.

If that's what you were going for... Congrats! Home run.
Nope. Not at all.

Then it's real simple... You're again working to mislead the readers of this board.

Demonstrating that your unworthy of the trust inherent to being a contributor.

If that's what you were going for... Congrats! Home run.

Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.
Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution to demonstrate you lack credibility?
and of course poor ignorant greedy selfish stupid people will fall for the Republican bull crap if they will believe an invisible man is watching them and cares what they think and created a heaven for them of course they're stupid enough to vote Republican. I've always said you're either rich or stupid if you vote Republican. either way you're greedy. a greedy mentality not to mention intellectually dishonest not just with us but yourself. and the same stupid s**** think they are God's favorite people.
Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution to demonstrate you lack credibility?

Sillybozo... I exchange my skills and expertise for the value that others have to offer, in order to serve their needs, wants and desires.

Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution, to demonstrate that you lack credibility?
and of course poor ignorant greedy selfish stupid people will fall for the Republican bull crap if they will believe an invisible man is watching them and cares what they think and created a heaven for them of course they're stupid enough to vote Republican. I've always said you're either rich or stupid if you vote Republican. either way you're greedy. a greedy mentality not to mention intellectually dishonest not just with us but yourself. and the same stupid s**** think they are God's favorite people.


Who believes that an invisible man is watching them? And only fools believe that God did not create Heaven for them? I never tire of the foolishness that the limited intellectual means produced by Relativism. But hey... such IS the nature of Evil.

The simple truth is that Jesus IS conservative... because that is what good IS. Can't be good and NOT be conservative.

Truth is a simple thing, but what truth NEVER is, is subjective.
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Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution to demonstrate you lack credibility?

I exchange my skills and expertise for the value that others
Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution to demonstrate you lack credibility?
and of course poor ignorant greedy selfish stupid people will fall for the Republican bull crap if they will believe an invisible man is watching them and cares what they think and created a heaven for them of course they're stupid enough to vote Republican. I've always said you're either rich or stupid if you vote Republican. either way you're greedy. a greedy mentality not to mention intellectually dishonest not just with us but yourself. and the same stupid s**** think they are God's favorite people.


Who believes that an invisible man is watching them? And only fools believe that God did not create Heaven for them? I never tire of the foolishness that the limited intellectual means produced by Relativism. But hey... such IS the nature of Evil.

The simple truth is that Jesus IS conservative... because that is what good IS. Can't be good and NOT be conservative.

Truth is a simple thing, but what truth NEVER is, is subjective.

Yeah, but all that shit you just posted is utterly subjective. I mean, 'you can't be good and not be conservative'? That's more meaningless opinion. And yet you insist that your personal opinion is objective truth, and even defines good and evil.

Ah, my little relativist.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Keep denying climate change and you'll see another 8 year Democrat administration.
Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution to demonstrate you lack credibility?

I exchange my skills and expertise for the value that others
Ah pubes, you don't like my solution? It's very doable.

So vulva, to what problem was your solution to demonstrate you lack credibility?
and of course poor ignorant greedy selfish stupid people will fall for the Republican bull crap if they will believe an invisible man is watching them and cares what they think and created a heaven for them of course they're stupid enough to vote Republican. I've always said you're either rich or stupid if you vote Republican. either way you're greedy. a greedy mentality not to mention intellectually dishonest not just with us but yourself. and the same stupid s**** think they are God's favorite people.


Who believes that an invisible man is watching them? And only fools believe that God did not create Heaven for them? I never tire of the foolishness that the limited intellectual means produced by Relativism. But hey... such IS the nature of Evil.

The simple truth is that Jesus IS conservative... because that is what good IS. Can't be good and NOT be conservative.

Truth is a simple thing, but what truth NEVER is, is subjective.

I'm still waiting for one of our dimocrap pals to explain the Big Bang.

Then you have to go through -- How many posts? Before we discover that peyote was talking about bacterial DNA instead of Human DNA in an abortion discussion?

Talk about childish. I mean...... Just fucking stupid.

Abortion is a difficult subject. Especially with the same exact crowd that thinks ALL sex with ANY Man is rape. Any PIV to these scumbags is rape.

Now, where do you find common ground with scumbags like that?

You don't. You call them the scumbags they are and move along. They're just not worth the trouble.

"My Body! My Body! My Body!"

You're a receptacle, bitches. An ambulatory fetus Condo.

Sometimes, I swear to God, I think the Goat Fuckers got it right.

Then I think about the tenderness, the kind and nurturing qualities, the sweetness and giving, the incredible beauty of some women.........

None of which applies to dimocrap scum females. They're just............ dimocraps.

BTW, I don't really have a problem with abortion up to 12 weeks. Well...... I do, just not a huge, gigantic problem.

And here;s the thing.......... In Europe? That's the limit. I can't think of one Country outside the US that allows abortions past 12 weeks. I know there is one or two, but I can't think of them right now.

But dimocrap scum?


You don't reason with dimocrap scum, you destroy them.

NEVER reason with a dimocrap. It's just not worth it
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Voting absentee is he? :)
You're a receptacle, bitches. An ambulatory fetus Condo.

Yeah, that'll win over the female vote.

Trust me, more women feel that way about their younger counterparts than Men do.

Funny, how when women find a Husband and start a family, they tend to find respectability at about the same time........ :dunno:

And yet more women vote democrat than republican.

Huh. I guess that's a mystery the world will never be able to crack.
And yet more women vote democrat than republican.

Huh. I guess that's a mystery the world will never be able to crack.

Not my women, scumbag --

Democrats Have a White Women Problem Colorlines

Exit polls released by CNN show that white women's votes went to the Republicans by a margin of 13 percent. Fifty-six percent of white women voted Republican while only 43 percent voted Democrat.

And the proportion of white women continues to decline. With the majority of women voting for democrats. With most women, a full 54% considering themselves prochoice. And those numbers surging.

But hey, you keep telling women "You're a receptacle, bitches. An ambulatory fetus Condo."

I'm sure that'll work for you.
And yet more women vote democrat than republican.

Huh. I guess that's a mystery the world will never be able to crack.

Not my women, scumbag --

Democrats Have a White Women Problem Colorlines

Exit polls released by CNN show that white women's votes went to the Republicans by a margin of 13 percent. Fifty-six percent of white women voted Republican while only 43 percent voted Democrat.

And the proportion of white women continues to decline. With the majority of women voting for democrats. With most women, a full 54% considering themselves prochoice. And those numbers surging.

But hey, you keep telling women "You're a receptacle, bitches. An ambulatory fetus Condo."

I'm sure that'll work for you.

You're a receptacle and an ambulatory fetus condo.

And a dimocrap scumbag..... Sorry for the redundancy.

You don't want to be thought of that way? Then don't act that way.

I'm sure you've heard that before but it evidently didn't take.

Too bad. You is what you is
Lying douche:

What s Up with White Women They Voted for Romney Too - The New Yorker

You don’t believe me? Here are some figures from this year’s exit poll, which the Edison Research company conducts for a consortium of media companies, and from previous ones. In 2004, Bush got fifty-five per cent of the white female vote, and Kerry got forty-four per cent—a “reverse gender gap” (one working in the G.O.P.’s favor) of eleven points. In 2008, McCain got fifty-three per cent of the white female vote, and Obama got forty-six per cent—a gap of seven points. Compared to four years earlier, the reverse gender gap in this demographic had decreased by four points, indicating that the Democrats were making progress in attracting the votes of white women. But this year, that trend turned around again. Far from narrowing further, the reverse gender gap among white women widened to fourteen points. Romney got fifty-six per cent of the white female vote; Obama got just forty-two per cent.

dimocraps are lying scum

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